Title: Weed Out the Tire Kickers
1Weed Out the Tire Kickers
- Speakers
- Mike Spadafore/R. L. Polk Co. leading
international provider of automotive intelligence
and marketing solutions - Jeff Raab/Detroit Trading Company largest
automotive lead exchange for the trade of new car
and auto finance leads - Agenda
- Lead marketplace review
- Leveraging data and analytics
- The advanced exchange model
- A better way forward
3It is a Tangled Web We Weave!
All leads are treated the same!
4Key Automotive Assets
- Internet leads as a competitive asset
- Customers demand quality Internet Conversations
- Need to optimize the number of leads per
5The Power of Analytics
- Prioritization
- Lead Follow Up
- Lead Purchase Optimization
- What is the impact of
- Lead Prioritization
- on Buyers and Sellers
- at the point of purchase?
7What BUYERS want
8What SELLERS want
9It comes down to this
But the current model isnt working very well
10How do BUYERS address QUALITY today?
- Brand Sourcing
- Edmunds, Yahoo!, MSN, AOL, KBB, Cars.com,
AutoTrader - Outcome Data Measurement
- Rate suppliers based on closing
- Adjust lead flow from various lead gen sources
- Pay For Performance
- Increased payout based on lead closing
11So what is the PROBLEM?
- All leads are not of the
- same quality
- even those from the best sources
12Brand Sourcing vs. Lead Scoring
1310s Close 5X Higher than 1s
Outcome Analysis of 73,287 Leads Bought, New or
Used, Any Dealer, 45 Days
14How can we change the model?
Take Advantage of Lead Scoring at Point of
- Use predictive intelligence to buy exactly what
you want - Buy leads based on their score
- Pay a price based on the value of the lead
- Improve operational efficiencies
- 10s close 5X higher than 1s Buy the 10s
- Dynamic, Market-Driven Pricing
- Pricing based on Propensity to Buy
- Increased focus on ROI, less on cost per lead
15Impact on Lead Generators?
- Get paid a premium for your highest quality leads
- Every source has high-value leads
- Let buyers compete for your best leads
- Access to More Buyers
- Lead Scoring vs. Brand Sourcing
- Level playing field in an open market
- Benefit from Market Pricing
- Best Price for your Best Leads