Title: IETF 62 IPCDN WG Update
1IETF 62 - IPCDN WG Update
- Richard Woundy
- Jean-François Mulé
- IETF IPCDN Co-Chairs
- Tuesday March 8, 2005
- Richard_Woundy_at_cable.comcast.com
- jfm_at_cablelabs.com
2Meeting Agenda
- Agenda Bashing
- Administration
- DOCSIS Cable Device MIB v2 draft 07
- DOCSIS RFI MIB draft 13
- Notes on last DOCSIS BPI draft 15 update (fyi
only) - IPCablecom/PacketCable MIB Updates
- Signaling MIB draft 08
- MTA MIB draft 06
- Management Event MIB draft04
- CableHome MIB Modules Withdrawal
- Next Steps
3Note Well Intro
- Registration included materials referring to RFC
3667 and RFC 3668 - As usual, this IPCDN WG meeting and all IETF
contributions are subject to the rules of RFC
3667 and RFC 3668 - Call for
- WG meeting notes takers
- Jabber chat room volunteer(s)ipcdn_at_conference.iet
f.jabber.com - Blue sheets
- These slides can be downloaded athttp//www.ipcd
- IPCDN WG Charter and Updated Milestones
- WG Milestoneshttp//www.ietf.org/html.charters/ip
cdn-charter.html - WG milestones completed
- DOCSIS Subscriber Management RFC Ed Queue
- Almost completed
- DOCSIS Event Notification MIB
- WG Milestones review
- Sept 2004
- Update milestone for DOCSIS Cable Device MIB v2
to June 2005? - Update milestones for PacketCable MIBs to June
2005? - WG items to be abandoned
- All CableHome MIB modules
- Any comments on charter update from WG?
- Draft 12 released in Feb 2005, addressed all IESG
-ietf-ipcdn-qos-mib-12.txt - Status done - in RFC Ed queue
- Draft 15 released in Nov 2004
- http//www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-ipc
dn-bpiplus-mib-15.txt - Status done - in RFC Ed queue
- Event Notification
- Draft 04 considered done as far as WG is
concerned - Draft 06 released in Jan 2005 to address comments
from AD review - http//www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-ipc
dn-docsisevent-mib-06txt - Status AD Follow-up, need to ping Bert when he
7IPCDN DOCSIS Cable Device MIB v2draft-ietf-ipcdn-
- Kevin Marez, Editor
- Kevin.Marez_at_motorola.com
- February 21 2005
8Cable Device MIB draft-07
- Submitted on February 18 2005
- draft-ietf-ipcdn-device-mibv2-draft-07.txt
- New Author
- Kevin Marez, Motorola
- Changes
- Closed issues
- Open issues
- No Change
- Complete enumerated listing of modifications at
corhttp//tools.ietf.org/wg/ipcdn/ - andhttp//tools.ietf.org/wg/ipcdn/draft-ietf
9Closed Issues
- References updated and included new references
- Security Considerations addressed a number of
issues regarding read-write and read-create
objects not being mentioned. - Persistency of values Clarification of some
objects that did not specify persistency across
reboots - Acronyms expanded multiple acronyms on first
usage - Added IMPORT entries for DiffServ
- Error cases included some error cases that were
ambiguous in some Descriptions - Formatting a number of issues were addressing
regarding sections and formatting - Structure added DEFVAL and UNITs clauses to
multiple objects - Added IANA Considerations section
10Open Issues (1)
- Issue Multiple entries in the docsDevGroups
are deprecated - ex docsDevNmAccessGroup, docsDevSoftwareGroup,
etc - Replaced by docsDevGroupsV2
- smilint produces multiple warnings
- Resolution Unknown
11Open Issues (2)
- Issue docsDevEvReporting Description doesnt
mesh with RFC3413 guidelines - RFC3413 defines the rules for notifications (when
and how) - RFC3014 defines the logging mechanism
- Resolution Statement of conformance to RFC3413
and RFC3014 in the description? - Do we need to specify differences for SNMPv1/2c
vs. SNMPv3?
12Open Issues (3)
- Issue Relationship needs to be defined between
docsDevEventGroup, docsDevEventGroupv2 and
RFC3014 - Resolution Unknown
13Open Issues (4)
- Issue docsDevFilterPolicyObsoleteGroup what
is the purpose of this group? - Since the objects have been obsoleted, is there a
reason to have a separate group calling them out? - Resolution Remove the group entirely
14No Changes
- SYNTAX clauses multiple SYNTAX clauses were
suggested to be changed, but were not due to
backward-compatibility with RFC2669
15Cable Device MIB draft-07
- Comments/Feedback
- IPCDN WG Reflector ipcdn_at_ietf.org
- kevin.marez_at_motorola.com
- Special Thanks
- Randy Presuhn for providing continuous feedback
16IPCDN DOCSIS RFI MIB v2draft-ietf-ipcdn-docs-rfmi
- Eduardo Cardona, Editor
- e.cardona_at_cablelabs.com
- February 22 2005
17RFIv2 MIB Draft Status
- Draft 11 considered done from WG prospective
- Published in July 2004
- Address WGLC comments (StorageType object in
docsIfCmtsModulationTable ) - AD Review started with draft 12, current
statusAD EvaluationAD follow up - Comments received from Bert Wijnen and Randy
Presuhn - List of Changes in draft 13
- Next Slides provide details on pending technical
comments that are awaiting resolution (13) - Items 1-4 quick resolution
- Items 5-10 Proposed to leave as in ID-12/13
- Items 11-13 not in ID-13 but intended to submit
as ID-14 - Technical comments Incorporated ID-13 (many)
- Few Administrative comments addressed
- Next steps
- Validate Pending comments and final resolution
- Validate Incorporated Comments in ID-13
- Submit ID-14
18RFIv2 MIB Technical Comments, pending
- Clone mechanism
- docsIfUpChannelCloneFrom, docsIfUpChannelUpdate
and docsIfUpChannelStatus - Comment Still objections in how that works (?)
- Procedure in place in draft 05, refined and Group
agreed with text in ID-10 - docsIfCmtsCmStatusEqualizationData
- Comment Justification of OCTET STRING
(SIZE(0..512)) - In DOCSIS 1.x (RFC 2670) was left quite open for
vendors implementation (no OCTET STRING
constrains). - DOCSIS 2.0 has more deterministic size. Leave as
DOCSIS 1.x? (no constrains). Note All second
generation DOCSIS 1.1 supports RFIv2 MIB ID-05
(no constrains) - docsIfCmtsCmStatusValue
- Removed in ID-13 enumeration value 8
- Added
- Value 8 is considered reserved and should not be
defined in future revisions of this MIB module to
avoid conflict with documented implementations
that support value 8 - Valid solution ?
- docsIfCmStatusCode
(0..16)), - Comment Size constrain does not match
description - ID-13 is back to RFC 2670 SYNTAX OCTET STRING,
- Examples T02.1 or W035.4, Up to 6 characters but
may be extended in the future - What should be the range? Plus indication of
space for future enhancements.
19RFIv2 MIB Technical Comments, pending
- docsIfQosProfMaxTransmitBurst
- Comment SYNTAX reads Integer32 (0..65535),
instead o Unsigned32. - Docsis 1.1 and 2.0 implementations supports
Integer32 since ID-05, - Proposed to leave as is
- docsIfDownChannelPower
- Comment Removed Part of the description
(compared to RFC2670) - After RFC 2670 publication measurement of power
level is mandatory for DOCSIS 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0,
see ANSI/SCTE 22-3 2002, SP-OSSIv1.1-I07-030730
and SP-OSSIv2.0-I07-041210 - Removed from DESCRIPTION May be set to zero at
the CM if power level measurement is not
supported. - Proposed to stay with text removed
- docsIfQosProfileEntry
- Comment Need rewording
- Currently same as RFC 2670. Objects in
docsIfQosProfileEntry were not deprecated to
support DOCSIS 1.0 mode of operations
compatibility. Funcitonality for DOCSIS 1.1 QOS
mode of operation is in DOCS-IETF-QOS-MIB - Proposed to leave as is.
- docsIfCmStatusLostSyncs
- Comment Needs Units -gt UNITS "LostSyncs ?
- Proposed leave without UNITS clause
20RFIv2 MIB Technical Comments, pending
- docsIfCmtsCmStatusTimingOffset,
docsIfUpChannelTxTimingOffset, - Comment Needs Units
- Objects dimensions are 1/64 of DOCSIS ticks,
(ticks 6.15 usec or 641/10240000 Hz ) - UNITS clause value "SixtyFourthOfTicks ?
DESCRIPTION CLAUSE already describes the units. - Proposed leave without UNITS clause
- docsIfCmtsCmStatusHighResolutionTimingOffset
- Comment same as above (9)
- Units are 1/(64256) of DOCSIS ticks
"SixtyFourthOfTwoHundredFiftySixthOfTicks? - Proposed leave without UNITS clause
21RFIv2 MIB Technical Comments, pending
- DocsisUpstreamType and DocsisUpstreamTypeStatus
TCs - Comment Almost same TCs
- Create compliance statement to indicate
UpstreamType minus tdmaAndAtdma for
docsIfCmStatusModulationType - docsIfUpChannelScdmaActiveCodes
- Comment exclude prime numbers from SYNTAX
- 67,71,73,79,83,89,97,101,103,107,109,113,127
- Syntax will be
- SYNTAX Unsigned32
- (064..6668..707274..7880..8284..8890..9698
..100102104..106108110..112114..126128) - docsIfSigQMicroreflections, docsIfCmtsCmStatusMicr
oreflections, docsIfSigQMicroreflections - Comment Is valid to say SHOULD?
- ID-13 says should lowercase-, moreover,
should could be taken out. - This object is not assumed to return an
absolutely - accurate value, but should gives a rough
indication - of
microreflections received on this interface.
22RFIv2 MIB Draft Changes in ID-13 Technical.
- Affects both RFC 2670 defined objects and DOCSIS
2.0 additions. - Back to RFC 2670
- docsIfObsoleteGroup OBJECT-GROUP
docsIfGroups 4 - docsIfCmtsModPreambleLen, docsIfCmtsModFECErrorCor
rection - Extended ranges (new draft), old range included
in RFC2670 compliances - docsIfCmtsModType
- old and new compliances added WRITE-SYNTAX
- docsIfCmtsQosProfilePermissions
- Corrected Updated to lower case
updateByManagement(1) , createByModems(2) - docsIfCmtsQosProfilePermissions
- Added WRITE-SYNTAX clause (excluded
createByModems(2) ) in both new and old
compliances - docsIfCmtsModControl (RowStatus)
- Conditions of writing while a row is active moved
from docsIfCmtsModulationEntry object. - docsIfRangingResp, docsIfCmtsInsertionInterval
- Indicated reason for obsolete objects
- Removed extra level of compliances and groups
- docsIfCompliancesV2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER
docsIfConformance 3 - docsIfGroupsV2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER
docsIfConformance 4 - Removed, docsIfCmtsOptionalGroupV2
23RFIv2 MIB Draft Changes in ID-13 Technical.
- ID abstract now says Obsoletes RFC 2670
- docsIfUpstreamChannelEntry
- docsCableUpstreamInterface(129) fixed to
docsCableUpstream(129) - docsIfCmtsMacStorageType,docsIfDownChannelStorageT
ype, docsIfQosProfStorageType, docsIfQosProfStorag
eType, docsIfCmtsModStorageType added - Entries with this object set to permanent(4) do
not require write operations for read-write
objects. - docsIfCmStatusLostSyncs
- Added discontinuity statement
- docsIfUpChannelModulationProfile,
docsIfUpChannelUpdate - Reads error inconsistentValue instead of genErr
- docsIfUpChannelScdmaHoppingSeed added
- Setting this value to a value different than
zero for non-SCDMA channel types returns error
'wrongValue. - Enhanced descriptions of DocsisVersion,
DocsisQosVersion, - DocsisUpstreamType, and DocsisUpstreamTypeStatus
- () See item 11 technical changes pending
24RFIv2 MIB Draft Changes in ID-13 Technical.
- UNITS "ThenthdBmV"
- docsIfCmtsCmStatusRxPower, docsIfCmStatusTxPower
- UNITS "TenthdB"
- docsIfCmtsCmStatusSignalNoise, docsIfSigQSignalNoi
se - UNITS "codewords"
- docsIfCmtsCmStatus Unerroreds, Correcteds,
Uncorrectables, ExtUnerroreds, ExtCorrecteds,
ExtUncorrectables - UNITS "messages"
- docsIfCmtsStatusInvalidRangeReqs,
docsIfCmStatusInvalidUcds, docsIfCmStatusInvalidRe
gistrationResponses, docsIfCmStatusInvalidRangingR
esponses - UNITS "attempts"
- docsIfCmtsStatusRangingAborteds,
docsIfCmtsStatusFailedRegReqs, docsIfCmtsInvitedRa
ngingAttempts, docsIfCmServiceTxRetries,
docsIfCmServiceRqRetries, docsIfCmStatusRangingAbo
rteds, docsIfCmStatusUCCs, docsIfCmStatusUCCFails
- UNITS "timeouts"
- docsIfCmtsStatusT5Timeouts, docsIfCmStatusT1Timeou
ts, docsIfCmStatusT2Timeouts, docsIfCmStatusT3Time
outs, docsIfCmStatusT4Timeouts
25RFIv2 MIB Draft Changes in ID-13 Technical.
- docsIfCmServiceTxExceededs, docsIfCmServiceRqExcee
deds - UNITS "HundredOfSeconds"
- docsIfCmtsInsertInterval, docsIfCmRangingTimeout
- docsIfCmtsMaxServiceIds
- UNITS "maps"
- docsIfCmStatusInvalidMaps
- UNITS "ticks"
- docsIfUpChannelSlotSize
- UNITS "codesperMinislots"
- docsIfUpChannelScdmaCodesPerSlot
- UNITS "spreadIntervals"
- docsIfUpChannelScdmaFrameSize
26RFIv2 MIB Draft Changes in ID-13 Admin.
- Draft moved to XML2RFC ver 1.28 DTD to handle
automatically most of the NITS, and RTF document
residual binary character inserts. - ID-12 Checked with levkowetz NITS ver 1.58 and
smilint. - Added References for RFCs 2670, 3291
- IANA considerations,
- Fixed IPR Disclosure Acknowledgement
- Section Reformatted to prevent weird
spacing by automatic tools.
27IPCDN DOCSIS BPI Plus MIBdraft-ietf-ipcdn-bpiplus
- Eduardo Cardona, Editor of drafts 11-15
- e.cardona_at_cablelabs.com
- November 2004
28(FYI) BPI MIB Draft Changes
- Draft 15
- Status RFC Queued
- Rooted by IANA as OID 126, http//www.iana.org/ass
ignments/smi-numbers - Agreed text for security section on privacy and
confidentiality weakness in the BPI MIB Module.
(RFC-Editor note) - BPI Encryption Algorithms section
- The BPI Traffic Encryption Keys (TEK)
defined in the DOCSIS BPI specification 1 use
40-bit or 56-bit DES for encryption (DES CBC
mode). There is currently no mechanism or
algorithm defined for data integrity. Due to the
DES cryptographic weaknesses, future revisions of
the DOCSIS BPI specification should introduce
more advanced encryption algorithms as proposed
in the DocsBpkmDataEncryptAlg textual convention
to overcome the progress in cheaper and faster
hardware or software decryption tools. Future
revisions of the DOCSIS BPI specification 1
should also adopt authentication algorithms as
described in DocsBpkmDataAuthentAlg textual
convention. It is important to note that frequent
key changes do not necessarily help to mitigate
or reduce the risks of a DES attack. Indeed, the
traffic encryption keys which are configured on a
per cable modem basis and per BPI multicast
group can be utilized to decrypt old traffic even
when they are no longer in active use. Note that
not exempt of the same recommendations as above,
the CM BPI authorization protocol uses triple
DES encryption, which offers improved robustness
compared to DES for CM authorization and TEK
re-key management.
29IPCDN IPCablecom/PacketCableMIB Updates
30IPCDN MTA MIBdraft-ietf-ipcdn-pktc-mtamib-06
- Eugene Nechamkin Jean-François Mulé, Editors
- enechamkin_at_broadcom.com jfm_at_cablelabs.com
- January 25 2005
31Status of MTA MIB draft 06
- Draft 04 reviewed by MIB doctor Dave
/current/msg01325.html - Drafts 05 and 06 address all MIB doctor comments
- Main Technical Changes in Draft 06
- pktcMtaDevErrorOid table and entry objects
- Clarified what behavior of the agent is when max
errors gt 1024 per IETF 61 and list consensus - Defined new TooManyErrorOID in
pktcMtaDevErrorsTooManyErrors to have a
mechanism to indicated that too many errors have
been encountered without relying on human
readable string (to allow internationalization
and easier machine processing of such errors) - Updated pktcMtaDevProvConfigKey description to be
more specific on privacy algorithms - Open issues in draft 06 raised by preliminary AD
review - Objects pktcMtaDevProvUnsolicitedKeyMaxTimeout
and pktcMtaDevProvUnsolicitedKeyNomTimeout are
read-only but descriptions invoke setting value - pktcMtaDevProvKerbRealmName and
pktcMtaDevRealmName syntax (also raised by Randy
Presuhn) content MUST be uppercase ASCII gt
change syntax to DisplayString - Value ranges for pktcMtaDevRealmAvailSlot,
pktcMtaDevRealmIndex and pktcMtaDevCmsAvailSlot
, pktcMtaDevCmsIndex are out of sync, is this a
problem? - pktcMtaNotifications object notification OID
- pktcMtaBasicCompliance and pktcMtaBasicSmtaComplia
nce MODULE-COMPLIANCE contain object clauses
with descriptions to only require ipv4 compliance
but the object syntax is still loose gt need to
strengthen the syntax clauses to match what the
description says - For objects that refer to FQDNs, should we
specify when such FQDNs are supposed to be
resolved - Next step Update draft and complete AD review
32IPCDN NCS Signaling MIBdraft-ietf-ipcdn-pktc-sign
- Sumanth Channabasappa, Editor
- sumanth_at_cablelabs.com
- February 22 2005
33NCS Signaling Draft Changes
- See list of changes in archive athttp//www1.iet
- Technical changes
- The MIB table pktcSigDevToneTable was
reorganized into two different tables for better
indexing, and enhanced to accommodate multiple
frequencies for each tone - Ref pktcSigDevMultiFreqToneTable
- New MIB Objects were added to support dynamic
gain plan negotiation, viz. pktcNcsEndPntConfigTxG
ain and pktcNcsEndPntConfigRxGain - MIB descriptions and usage of the following MIB
Objects were clarified based on comments received
by the Working Group 'pktcNcsEndPntConfigPartialD
ialTO, pktcNcsEndPntConfigCriticalDialTO,
pktcRingCadence , pktcCodecType,
pktcSigDevCodecTable - MIB descriptions for the following MIB Objects
were updated based on the comments received by
the working group pktcNcsEndPntConfigTSMax,
pktcNcsEndPntConfigTdinit, pktcNcsEndPntConfig
Tdmin, pktcNcsEndPntConfigMinHookFlash,
pktcSigDevToneWholeToneRepeatCount - Other information
- A patent disclosure was brought to the attention
of the WG by Jean-Francois Mule, ipcdn co-chair - http//www1.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/ipcdn/curr
34Major suggestions not incorporated
35NCS Signaling MIB Status
- IETF NCS Signaling MIB 8
- Posted 2/20
- IPCDN WG Last Call
- 7/21-8/10
- Next steps
- New WG Last Call?
36IPCDN Management Event MIB for PacketCable/IPCable
com MTA devicesdraft-ietf-ipcdn-pktc-eventmess-04
- Sumanth Channabasappa, Editor
- sumanth_at_cablelabs.com
- February 22 2005
37Management Event MIB Draft Changes
- See list of changes in archive at
- http//www1.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/ipcdn/curre
nt/msg01595.html - Technical changes
- The draft was aligned with the latest changes
made to the PacketCable MEM MIB - The MIB was extended to support Event Classes
with the addition of the MIB table
pktcDevEventClassReportTable and the MIB
Objects pktcDevEventDescrClass and
pktcDevEvReportingLevel - MAX-ACCESS clause for the auxiliary MIB Objects
pktcDevEventDescrEnterprise and
pktcDevEvLogIndex were corrected - Editorial Changes
- Fixed formatting and accommodated boiler-plate
changes - Corrected references
- Appropriate terminologies were edited
38Major suggestions not incorporated
39Management Event MIB Draft Changes
- IETF Management Event MIB 4
- Posted 2/20
- IPCDN WG Last Call
- 7/21-8/10
- Next steps
- Need expert and mib doctor review
40IPCDN CableHome MIB Modules
41CableHome MIB Modules Withdrawal
- Current IETF IPCDN charter includes
- -- CableHome
- Publish MIB documents for
- managing attributes of a residential gateway or
home router device, - managing private address-to-public address
mappings for a residential gateway or home router
device, - managing the address lease acquisition client and
the address lease server functionality of a
residential gateway or home router device, - managing diagnostic utilities used to remotely
test the connectivity between a residential
gateway and privately -addressed LAN hosts, - managing firewall attributes, monitoring firewall
attacks, and managing security certificates in a
residential gateway or home router device, - managing QoS configuration in a residential
gateway or home router device. - WG work items include 6 IPCDN Internet-Drafts
- draft-ietf-ipcdn-cable-gateway-config-mib-00draft
- IDs Last updated in June 2003
- No updates since Internet-Drafts became IPCDN
work items - Lack of WG interest and participants to make
progress in IETF ipcdn - WG Chairs Recommendation after consulting with
vendors and CableLabs CableHome groupAbandon
all above Internet-Drafts and associated WG items
as of IETF 62
42IPCDN WG Next Steps
- Finish all DOCSIS MIBs by June 2004
- Finish all work on active IDs
- Request publication for
- PacketCable/IPCablecom MTA MIB
- PacketCable/IPCablecom Signaling MIB
- Advance expert mib doctor reviews for
Management Event MIB for MTAs - Revise Charter Milestones for
- DOCSIS, PacketCable/IPCablecom
- Remove CableHome MIBs if WG chairs
recommendation is validated by consensus and ADs