Title: Village of Hazel Crest
1Village of Hazel Crest
Home Rule Referendum
April 1, 2003
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2What is Home Rule?
- Home rule is the name given to additional
authority - given to local government to act autonomously
- Most states have provisions for some form of
home rule - The 1970 Illinois Constitution created home
rule in Illinois - Prior to 1970 no local government could
exercise any powers - except those granted by the general assembly
(Dillons Rule) - Home rule frees municipalities from having to
look to the - statutes for authority for each and every act
- Power to deal with local affairs by those
closest to the - problem, rather than Springfield
- Home rule can be thought of as the power to act
without - statutory authority
3What Communities Have Home Rule Today?
- All communities over 25,000 population have
home rule - authority
- Cook County is home rule (only county)
- Under 25,000 can adopt home rule by referendum
- 153 home rule communities in Illinois
- 7 million residents live under home rule in
Illinois - 78 by size (over 25,000 population)
- 75 by referendum
- Largest Chicago 2.9 million
- Smallest Muddy 78
4Who Has Home Rule?
32 municipalities in Cook County Nearby
home rule municipalities
5Home Rule
Value of local authority Flexibility to
address local authority Less dependence on
the state legislature More freedom from
legislative mandates Flexibility in issues
of community and economic
development Blight prevention Shift
local taxing burden to non-residents
(primarily through sales and use taxes)
6Home Rule
Threat of unwanted and excessive
taxation At times opponents argue that home
rule gives local governments the powers to
suppress individual rights
7Home Rule Powers
- General
- Licensing
- Public health and safety
- Building
- Zoning
- Sanitation
- Nursing
- Civil disturbance
- Personnel
- Taxation
- Debt
- Economic development
8How is Home Rule Used?
- Can develop special planning and zoning
subdivision - control regulations
- Design programs to limit and eradicate blight
and - deterioration
- Preservation of impact fees
- Economic development incentives
- Broaden the tax burden
- Further control liquor sales
- Address juvenile concerns
- Buy, sell and lease property
- Local penalties on truck weight limits
- Better control nuisance uses
- Regulate landlord tenant relationship
9Specific Uses in Hazel Crest
- Streamline capital financing and save on
issuance fees - Direct allocation of industrial revenue bond
authority - Ability to shift tax burden
- PTAB (Property Tax Appeal Board)
200,000 - Photoprocessing tax 20,000
10Home Rules and Economic Development
Home rule provides the tools to compete with
other communities in areas of economic
Allows creativity to apply local ordinances to
local Village situations.
11Home Rule Assists Economic Development
Home rules greatest impact on Illinois has been
its contribution to economic development.
August 1985/Illinois Municipal League
- Home rule has been used to
- Help rebuild downtown commercial centers
- Finance new factories
- Attract private investment
- Build new shopping malls
- Underwrite the cost of pollution control
equipment - Promote housing construction and home ownership
- Prevent deterioration of residential
neighborhoods - Improve quality of community services
- With little or no apparent cost to the
taxpayer. - August 1985/Illinois Municipal League
12Home Rule and Economic Development
Home rule allows the municipality
- More latitude to bargain with developers
- By removing statutory restrictions on
borrowing, home - rule gives local officials many more options
to financially - support development
13Home Rule and Economic Development
- Home rule communities receive direct allocation
- authority to issue industrial revenue bonds
- (50 per capita)
- Non-home rule must go through a state-wide pool
- Home rule communities have additional authority
- Enter into development agreements
- Offering real estate tax abatements as a
development - incentive Non-home rule communities are
limited by - amount and time period (10 years)
- Home rule units can impose a sales tax that
can be - used as a rebate incentive as well as other
economic - development incentives
14Voters Attitudes Toward Home Rule
1971 1975 Approval vs. Disapproval 3-1 1976
1985 Approval vs. Disapproval 1.5-1 1986
1999 Approval vs. Disapproval 1-1.3 Since
2000 13 referenda on home rule approval in
7 Includes adoption referenda and retention
15Voters Attitude (cont.)
- 158 referenda since 1971 to adopt home rule
- 77 passed 49
- 5 communities rejected in more than one election
- 5 communities voters rejected home rule when it
was first put on the ballot, then adopted it
later - Lincolnwood and Oakbrook Terrace rejected home
rule twice before adopting in a third election - Note If referendum fails question cannot be put
back on the ballot for 23 months
16Voters Attitude (cont.)
- Of the 153 communities that have had
referendums, 77 ultimately passed home rule
(50) - Of the 77, 75 (97) still operate under home rule
- The two that do not
- National City dissolved as a municipal
corporation - Lisle abandoned home rule by referendum
Berkely, Lincolnshire, and Rolling Meadows all
had retention referendums and all three retained
home rule
17Voters Attitude (cont.)
Of Villages that passed home rule, how many later
rescinded home rule?
- 31 communities have placed a referendum on the
- ballot to rescind home
- 4 were successful
- 87 retain home rule
18Voters Attitude (cont.)
Retention elections occur for two reason
- Voters dissatisfied with their communitys use
of home - rule powers and petition for a retention
election - (This has happened 25 times)
- A community drops below 25,000 population and
is - required to hold a retention election
- (This has happened 6 times)
- Home rule was retained in 84 of the elections
held due to - voter petitions. (21 out of 25 elections)
- Home rule was retained in all six of the
retention elections - held due to a drop in population below 25,000
19What if we dont like home rule or how the
Village Board utilizes home rule are we stuck
with it?
20Home Rule
- Voters can always exercise their right to vote
in regard to - who is on the Board and how they handle such
issues as - home rule
- Home rule can be rescinded by referendum
- The courts have stepped in, in cases where
home rule - has gone to far
- The State legislature has also modified home
rule - powers
21Village Revenues Flat
Costs Continue to Rise
22Pressure on Village Revenues
- Loss of Revenues
- Photoprocessing tax
- Reduction in income tax (?)
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