Title: Wellness and Positive Youth Development
1Wellness and Positive Youth Development
HDFS 239
2Approaches to Adolescent Health
- Treatment
- Occurs after a problem has developed Targets
only those adolescents who are diagnosed with a
disorder - Prevention
- Occurs prior to onset of problem May include all
adolescents or those at-risk or who show early
signs of disorder - Promotion
- Concerned with strengthening well-being and
health Not problem-focused Generally targets
all adolescents
3Adapted from Weisz, Sandler, Durlak, Anton
4Prevention Risk and Resiliency
- Risk Factor increases odds for problem occurring
- Risk Factors for Drug Use?
- Resiliency bouncing back overcoming
difficulties - Protective Factors reduce odds of problem
occurring - Protective Factors for Drug Use?
5Moving from Cleaning-Up to Building-Up
- We need to do more than just prevent problems
- We need to also promote strengths
6Problem free is not fully prepared. Fully
prepared is not fully engaged.
(Karen Pittman)
7Promotion Positive Youth Development
A philosophy or approach that guides communities
in the way they organize programs and supports
so that young people can develop to their full
From Act for Youth
8Fostering Optimal Development and Engagement In
All Areas
- Social/Emotional
- Moral/Spiritual
- Civic
- Vocational
- Physical
- Cognitive
- Personal/Cultural
9From Act for Youth
10But what do adolescent well-being and positive
youth development look like?
What should we build?
11The 5 (possibly 6) Cs of PYD(from Lerner et al.)
- Competence
- Confidence
- Character
- Connection
- Caring/Compassion
- Contribution
12- Competence-ability and motivation for civic and
social engagement, physical and emotional
health, intellectual achievement, employability
- Confidence -having a sense of mastery and
future self-efficacy
3. Character-sense of responsibility and
autonomy spirituality self-awareness
13- Connection-sense of membership and belonging
safety and structure
5. Caring/Compassion-sympathy and empathy for
6. Contribution-being involved as active
participants and decision-makers in community,
organizations, and services
14Your experiences?
15 Examples
- Civic Engagement
- Creativity
- Kindness
- Leadership
- Hope
- Gratitude
- Humor
- Spirituality
16A Few Resources
- Search Institute www.search-institute.org
- Act for Youth www.actforyouth.net
- Innovation Center www.innovationcenter.org
- CIRCLE www.civicyouth.org
- Youth and Religion www.youthandreligion.org