Title: Developing IntraSchool Competitions
1Developing Intra-School Competitions
Neil Castle Senior Competition Manager - Kent
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Supported by
Sponsored by
School and Sport Partnerships Conference 2008
2Workshop Outcomes
- Define Intra School Competition why have it?
- Who to target? What activities to run -
Competition Matrix - National Targets
- Inter and Intra Competition
- Building a Calendar
- Recognition and Rewards
- New Resources
- Action Planning
3Your Thoughts..
- With a partner talk about your best experience of
intra-school competition either as a competitor
or as a teacher - Write down three bullet points of the benefits of
intra-school competition
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4Key messages or quotes can be set in Arial bold
24pt with 28pt line spacing and reversed white
out of a coloured background.
5The Current Environment. Performance Driven
6The Current Environment. Performance Driven
7The Current Environment. Performance Driven
8The Current Environment. Performance Driven
9The Current Environment. Performance Driven
10Performance Driven Competition
School X has 200 Pupils in Year 7 Involved in
Performance Driven Competition 17
If 74 hours of extra curricular Performance
Driven Competition hits just 17 of pupils, we
need to rethink who we are targeting and how?
Intra-School Competition CAN cater for the gaps
Why Intra School Competition?
11Key messages or quotes can be set in Arial bold
24pt with 28pt line spacing and reversed white
out of a coloured background.
12Types of Competitors
- Performance Recreational Social
A young person whose outcome would be to move on
and step up to the next level on the pathway
whose driver is to compete
A young person whose outcome would be to
experience competition and remain active in
competitive sport in school
A young person whose outcome would be around
social engagement, fun and enjoyment through
experiencing competitive sport
13Types of Competition
- Traditional Modified Alternative
Sports that may not usually be experienced by
young people through competitive sport, for
example Ultimate Frisbee. These sports would
primarily be delivered through Intra-School
A full format of the competition in its
traditional style, for example 11-a-side
football. This would primarily be experienced
through Inter-School competition.
A small sided or modified version of the
traditional sport, for example Tag-Rugby, which
could be Inter or Intra-School competition.
14Intra Competition. Who should we target?
15Intra Competition. Who should we target?
16Intra Competition. Who should we target?
17Intra Competition. Who should we target?
18Intra Competition. Who should we target?
19Intra Competition. Who should we target?
20Intra Competition. Who should we target?
21Intra Competition. Who should we target?
22Who Delivers Intra-School Competition?
- Imagine the school where intra-school competition
is flourishing - What would be the roles and responsibilities of
the people involved. Who would these people be? - How would intra-school competition link with
their mainstream work?
23Whose Role is it?
24PE, Intra and Inter-school competitionwhat are
the links?
25What does is Look Like?
26What does is Look Like?
Annual Calendar
27To engage 25 of young people in regular
intra-school competition for a minimum of 18
weeks in a school year. The aspiration is that
children should be involved in a competition in
three half terms of each school year.
National Targets - 2012
28Recognition and Rewards
- Positive Performance Cards
- Participation Points Scheme
29To Conclude
Establish a vibrant and modern intra-school
competition which focuses on engagement and
enjoyment by all through a social or recreational
- Tips and Suggestions
- Chose activities that need little teaching/
coaching - For KS3 go back to KS2 sports
- Select down time in calendars build the
calendar from the inside - Use A Team players to build the competitions
- Sell the program, make it different team names/
music etc. - Publicize the results, ongoing competition(?)
make it important - Link Intra to Inter where you can
- Make it easy for all
- Look at whats In, whats getting exposure
- Collect and share evidence of success
30Developing Intra-School Competitions
Neil Castle Senior Competition Manager - Kent
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Supported by
Sponsored by
School and Sport Partnerships Conference 2008