Title: TNF Blocker Safety: Lymphoma and Liver Failure
1TNF Blocker SafetyLymphoma andLiver Failure
- Tim Coté MD MPH, Chief, Therapeutics Blood
Safety Branch, DE/OBE/CBER/FDA - March 4, 2003
2Postmarketing Surveillance
- Clinicians and others can report adverse events
associated with drugs - Passive surveillance
- Greatest strength is as a means of signal
3Characteristics of Postmarketing Reports
- Voluntary for clinicians but mandatory for
companies - Often incomplete
- -Unreported cases and
- -Sketchy narratives
- Coded into MedDRA terminology with high
sensitivity - Causality assessments are tenuous by design
- Cannot generate incidence rates
4Lymphomas with TNF Blockers
- Rich body of medical literature associating
immunodisregulation and lymphoma biologically
plausible that TNF blockers might cause lymphoma - Hundreds of thousands of patients on these drugs,
increasing the public health importance of this
Committees consideration. - We have published a series of 26 lymphomas
arising among people on TNF Blockers, but
causality unclear.
5Lymphomas and TNF Blockers Current Understanding
- RA and NHL are associated this complicates the
problem. - Placebo-controlled studies have been small.
- Manufacturers pre- and post-marketing cohort
studies have short follow-up times relative to
6Update Lymphomas Reported to FDA following TNF
blockers, 1/99-12/02
7Reports of 158 Lymphomas Reported Among Persons
Taking TNF Blockers, 1/99-12/02
Source Reports to FDA MedWatch program
8Patient Characteristics Lymphoma among patients
treated with TNF blockers
9Histology of 158 Lymphomasamong Patients with
TNF Blockers, Reported to FDA 1/99-12/02
- 78 (49) Lymphoma NOS
- 26 (16) non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, NOS
- 23 (15) B-cell lymphoma, NOS
- 20 (13) Hodgkins Disease
- 6 (4) T-cell Lymphoma
- 3 (2) Mantle cell lymphoma
- 1 (1) Plasmacytoma
- 1 (1) Burkitts Lymphoma
10Conclusions Lymphoma among TNF blocker recipients
- They are poorly characterized. It has not been
established if they are the same grade as the
general population. Histologically, they may be
consistent with lymphoma secondary to
immunodeficiency. - Clinical trials found increased NHL risk, but
based on few observations. - Assessment is complicated by RA-confounded
increases. - The number of cases of lymphoma among persons
taking TNF Blockers is growing. - FDA needs input from the AAC to assess causality
and/or propose means to better evaluate causality.
11Liver Failure
- Signal for Leflunomide, thus of interest for TNF
Blockers - In clinical trials, some patients on Infliximab
showed elevated increased liver enzymes.
12Infliximab-mediated ALT Increases
- Increased ALT was predominately lt2x ULN
- -No clinical sequelae
13Analysis of Liver Failure Reports to FDA
14Extraneous causes of hepatic impairment among 43
pts on TNF Blockers.
15Conclusion Liver Failure with TNF blockers
- Liver Failure with TNF Blockers appears to be a
rare event - While there are a large number of people on TNF
blockers, chance occurrence is unlikely (1/106 in
general pop) causality cannot be ruled out.
Some concern remains warranted - Further clinical data on remaining cases are