Title: Welcome to the tug of war
1Welcome to the tug of war!
Social activism v. personal holiness
2Welcome to the tug of war!
justicia exalta a la nacion v. Righteousness
exalteth the nation
3Welcome to the tug of war!
church v. society
4- He has showed you,
- O people, what is good.
- And what does the Lord require of you?
- To act justly
- and to love mercy
- and to walk humbly with your God
- Micah 68
5the tug of war
- the court of the whole creation (Micah 61-2)
- the counter-claim against God (Micah 66-7)
- Gods clear requirements
- (Micah 68)
6O people
- addressed to adam, the Hebrew word usually
translated man. - the created before the creator
- those in a covenant relationship with God
7He has showed you
Shown rather than told He had told them, of
course, but he had demonstrated his requirements
by living them out in his relationship with his
8what is good
is what he has revealed of himself. God is
good. The God who is full of grace, love,
justice and mercy is good
9to act justly
to do mispat The narrow meaning is within the law
courts more broadly, it means to bring every
area of life in line with Gods will, not human
advantage, comfort or desire. Your kingdom come,
your will be done.
10to love mercy
to love hesed (covenant love) being bound
together in solidarity with both God and human
beings, so that community is established between
poor and rich, weak and strong, female and male,
slave and free, alien and Israelite, and all care
for one another in mutual respect and protection
and sharing. Hesed binds people together as one
in the bundle of life, so that God is not
worshipped and obeyed apart from concern for
ones fellow human being. NIBC, Elizabeth
11to walk humbly
living with God in constant communion Walking
humbly with God is living from Gods word and not
ones own, paying attention to Gods will and not
following ones own desires. Ibid Israel had
walked with God, but they had not remembered
remember your journey (Micah 65)
12to walk humbly
- Their journey had seen God give them
- Redemption from slavery
- Moses the covenant law-giver
- Aaron the priest who atoned for their sins
- Miriam the prophet who spoke Gods word and led
them in worship
13the tug of war
Our journey begins at the cross where love and
justice meet. The cross tells us that there is no
tug-of-war. Seek first his kingdom and his
righteousness (Matthew 633).
14five principles
- We are not all the same
- Everyone does not have to be like me
- We are in this together
- Each should affirm the other
- Each is unique, their opportunities are unique
15two warning signs
- When you cant stand any Christians youve gone
too far - When you cant stand any non-Christians youve
gone too far