Title: Electron Cloud Studies and R
1 Electron Cloud Studies and RD for the
International Linear
Collider Mauro Pivi T. Raubenheimer, A.
Wolski, F. Le Pimpec, R. Kirby ILC Division SLAC
17 February 2005
2Electron cloud effect (ECE) in a nutshell
- Residual gas ionization and synchrotron radiation
generate electrons electrons get rattled around
the chamber - Number of electrons may increase/decrease from
collisions against the walls according to the
secondary electron yield - Electron cloud couples to the positron beam
- Short range wake
- Long range wake
- Especially strong effect for intense,
positively-charged beams (e or p). Possible
consequences - Fast instabilities single-bunch strong head-tail
or coupled-bunch and incoherent tune shift - emittance increase and synchro-betatron coupling
- vacuum pressure rise, excessive heat load
deposited on the wall (LHC) - In summary the ECE is a consequence of the
strong coupling between the beam and its
environment. - Electron multiplication conditions depend on
bunch charge and spacing, vacuum chamber size
and geometry, secondary emission yield. More
ingredients chromaticity, photoelectric yield,
photon reflectivity, electron reflectivity
3Secondary electron yield (SEY or d) for
aluminum (SLAC). Typically dmax3.
Aluminum surface has typically high SEY. Surface
approach. To reduce the SEY to low acceptable
values (peak SEY1.2, see below) in a stable way
under vacuum is a challenge PSR (LANL), PEP-II,
KEKB, Daphne, SPS (CERN), LHC etc.
4- ECE instability in the Linear Collider
- Simulations e- cloud generation (POSINST,
ECLOUD) - Simulations single-bunch fast head-tail
CLOUD_MAD) and coupled-bunch instability
(POSINST) - Possible remedies present and future needed RD
5Cloud generation simulations benchmark
- Electron cloud in the DR arcs
- Photo-electrons reach high density. Actually, no
antechamber design. An antechamber design is
needed. - The threshold for the electron cloud formation
and development in arcs dipole sections is for a
peak SEY 1.21.3 - In quadrupole magnets an electron trapping
mechanism (mirror effect) occurs, electrons are
trapped indefinitely - Larger beam pipe axis, even few mm, relaxes the
multiplication conditions and raises the SEY
threshold 1.41.5 - Electron cloud in the DR wiggler sections
- As severe as in the arcs, more constraints on the
beam pipe dimensions - Electron cloud in the DR long straight sections
- Large beam pipe radius electron cloud is not
expected provided SEY 2.0 achievable with a
good coating material. - Electron cloud in the Low Emittance Transport
(LET) Lines to the IP - The large bunch spacing 337 ns (176 ns) prevents
the electron cloud formation
6Electron cloud expectations based on actual
TESLA design
7Electron distribution in wiggler sections
TESLA wiggler
ILC wiggler (TESLA params)
Snapshot of the transverse x-y phase space
electron distribution in the TESLA wiggler
- Equilibrium density in the damping wiggler
sections for nominal beam conditions. Threshold
occurs at peak SEY1.25-1.3
Simulated electron cloud density with POSINST
(SEY params ex. deltamax1.3, Emax190eV).
Photoelectrons rate is 0.0007 electrons per meter
per positron. Wiggler field cylindrical expansion
model. Rectangular chamber with semi-axis
axb16x9mm and two antechambers 10mm full size on
both sides.
8Generation in the DR arcs
Electron line density in units of e/m as a
function of time for a bend (top) and a
field-free region (bottom) of the arcs provided
by an antechamber. The various curves refer to 6
different values of dmax (R. Wanzenberg DESY, D.
Shulte and F. Zimmermann CERN) ECLOUD code. SEY
parameterization assumes a constant Emax240 eV.
9Generation in the DR arcs
Electron density in units of e/m3 as a function
of time for an arc bend with antechamber, using
POSINST code (SLAC). SEY parameterization assumes
a variable Emax (SPS meas.).
Arc bend simulations. Equilibrium electron
density as a function of the chamber size.
Assuming a peak SEYdmax1.4
Beam pipe semiaxes Hor, Vert 22, 18 mm
Beam pipe semiaxes Hor 22 , Vert 18 to 30 mm
10Damping Ring options 3,6 and 17 km
Electron cloud development in arc bend sections
considering different bunch spacing
configurations. In all cases, assuming a peak
SEY1.4, a larger chamber radius 22mm (18mm) and
including an antechamber design.
In the long straight sections, simulations show
that a bunch spacing as low as 2-3 ns is needed
for an electron cloud to develop.
11SEY thresholds for the DR 6 km and 3 km
Electron density in units of e m3 as a function
of time for an arc bend in the 6 km DR option
(Left) and the 3 km DR option (Right), assuming a
chamber radius 22mm and including an antechamber
design (full height h10mm).
The SEY thresholds for the development of an
electron cloud in the dipole regions are dmax
1.11.2 for the 6 km DR and dmax 1.01.1 (!) for
the 3 km DR option.
12- ECE instability in the Linear Collider
- Simulations generation of the cloud (POSINST)
- Simulations single-bunch fast head-tail
CLOUD_MAD) and coupled-bunch instability
(POSINST) - Possible remedies RD present and future
13HEAD-TAIL and PEHTS codes description
- Cloud and bunch modeled as ensemble of
macroparticles. Bunch is also divided in Nsl
slices. - typ. 100.000 e- and 300.000 e
- typ. Nsl 70 bunch slices
- Kick approximation assuming electrons induce a
small perturbation (difference with QUICKPIC) - cloud localized at n0,1,Nint positions along
the ring. Used n1 to 10. - Momentum compaction, chromaticity, (space-charge,
beam-beam, amplitude detuning) applied on a
turn-by-turn basis. Impedance represented by the
broad-band resonator model as a wake function
kick at each turn, not included in these sim.
Interaction between bunch particles and cloud
Transverse phase space coordinates of the generic
bunch macrop. are transformed over one turn
14Single-bunch fast head-tail instability TESLA DR
Single-bunch instability occurs for an average
ring electron cloud density 1-2e11 e/m3 assuming
the ring modeled as a continuous dipole section
and the electron cloud is uniformly distributed
in the horizontal plane. When assuming a two
stripes electron cloud distribution (typical in
wiggler and bend), the avg. density threshold is
an order of magnitude lower 1-3e10 e/m3.
100 turns
HEAD-TAIL (CERN) code, SLAC simulations
PEHTS code (K. Ohmi, KEK)
Severe instability large beam losses are
Confirmed by QUICKPIC code (A. Ghalam USC
University) and HEAD-TAIL simul. considering
wiggler sections (F. Zimmermann, CERN)
15Single-bunch fast head-tail instability TESLA DR
actual options 6.114 km and 3.043 km
- Assuming the ring modeled as a continuous dipole
section and the electron cloud is uniformly
distributed in the horizontal plane. Single-bunch
instability cloud density thresholds - in the 6km DR is at 1e12 e m-3
- in the 3km DR is at 3e12 e m-3
6 km damping ring
3 km damping ring
Broad band resonator model Analytic estimates are
in very good agreement.
16Incoherent tune shift in TESLA wiggler
Vertical tune shift after passing through the
TESLA wiggler beam line which has 432 meters of
wiggler in 520 meters of beam line. An electron
cloud density of 6e12 e-/m3 was assumed. No
magnetic field was included.
17ILC Positron Damping Ring options parameters
ILC 6km Damping Ring Version
Sep 2004
TESLA TDR 17 km Damping Ring 6.4.2 Dogbone Aug
ILC 3 km Damping Ring Version 1.1 Sep 2004
18Electron cloud expectations in ILC Positron
Damping Ring
19Electron cloud effects expectations for different
DR options
20- ECE instability in the Linear Collider
- Simulations generation of the cloud (POSINST)
- Simulations single-bunch fast head-tail
CLOUD_MAD) and coupled-bunch instability
(POSINST) - Possible remedies RD present and future
21Secondary Electron Yield Measurements and Surface
Analyisis at SLAC
Secondary Electron Yield (SEY) and secondary
energy spectrum measurements. Surface
characterization. F. Le Pimpec, M. P., R. Kirby,
at SLAC, A. Wolski, at LBNL (coatings), P. He,
BNL (coatings).
TiZrV NEG sample (LBNL)
- Test promising remedies
- TiN coating at LBNL and BNL facilities. Goal
reproducible results. - TiZrV non-evaporable getter NEG coatings from
LBNL, SAES Getter, CERN - Electron and ion conditioning
- Grooved metal surface profile
22Electron conditioning on aluminum
e- conditioning aluminum at SLAC
e- conditioning aluminum (top curve) at CERN
The electron conditioning on aluminum is not
sufficient to decrease the SEY to low values.
Measurements from different laboratory in good
23Electron conditioning for coating materials
TiN, NEG on aluminum substrate
Electron conditioning
Competing effect recontamination under vacuum
- CONCERN We have learned at the SPS (CERN) in
accelerator environment, the conditioning is
effective ONLY when an electron cloud is present
(!) the competing recontamination effect
re-increases the SEY when the electron cloud is
NOT present ? high level concern for LHC, ILC,
Daphne - Concerns about coating durability ? PEP-II, KEKB,
24Rectangular (!) groove surface design
5mm depth samples for PEP-II SEY 0.6
M. Pivi and G. Stupakov SLAC
(triangular concept by
Krasnov CERN)
1 mm
Special surface profile design, Cu OFHC. EDM
wire cutting. Groove 0.8mm depth, 0.35mm step,
0.05mm thickness.
Secondary Yield reduction lt 0.8. More reduction
depending geometry
Preparing to install test chambers with grooves
in PEP-II, to be used next upgrade
Need to verify to what extent the groove profile
design is effective in magnetic field
25Benchmark sim.
Lab measurements
- SEY meas. coatings treatments
- Coating durability under vacuum
- Grooved surface design
- e- cloud generation equilibrium
- single and multi-bunch instability
- self-consistent 3D simulations
- e- trapping mechanism in Quad
- e- detector meas. in PEPII
- beam dynamics
- Path
- TiN
- TiZrV
- radius
- groove
- other ?
Demonstration I Grooved chamber 6m long section
to be installed in PEP-II
Demonstration II Installation chamber with
coatings in PEPII. Meas. SEY in situ
26- Groups involved in the electron cloud in the ILC
SLAC, DESY, CERN, KEK, Frascati - Thanks !
- F. Le Pimpec, M. Furman, O. Brüning, Y. Cai, A.
Chao, R. Cimino, O. Gröbner, K.
Harkay, N. Hilleret, B. Henrist, R. Kirby, R.
Macek, K. Ohmi, N. Phinney, J. Rogers, R.
Rosenberg, G. Rumolo, D. Shulte, G. Stupakov,
T. Raubenheimer, C. Vaccarezza, F. Zimmermann,
R. Wanzenberg, A. Wolski, ...
- The electron-cloud effects through the Damping
Rings to the Interaction Point of the Linear
Colliders have been evaluated - Build up of the electron cloud will be prevented
by treating the vacuum chambers and increasing
chamber radius - Investigations of surface treatments include
- Measurement of the secondary electron yield of
TiN and TiZrV NEG thin film coatings - Testing the effectiveness of electron or ion
conditioning - Fabrication of specially grooved chamber surfaces
- Demonstration chambers will be installed in PEP-II
28e-cloud in the TESLA Damping Ring
Not an issue in straight sections, provided a
peak SEY lower than 2.0 with a good Al coating
(Tin, NEG)
Threshold in wiggler is for a peak SEY 1.2 1.3
Electron cloud is a serious issue in arc
threshold in dipole section is for a peak SEY
1.2 1.3. Larger chamber size, even few mm, is
Colors code red above, orange
close, green below threshold