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FINAPS and Prompt Payment Review
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FINAPS and Prompt Payment Review
subcodes 3002-3027, except 3020 and 3025 ... Barnes and Noble Bookstore. University Copy Center. Chartwells. Computize (Cougar Byte) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation
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Title: FINAPS and Prompt Payment Review
FINAPS and Prompt Payment Review
Mike Glisson
UH Accounts Payable
September 28, 2000
Creating a Voucher
VCHM Screen
Choose the vendor
Choose the type of account
Choose the type of voucher
Enclosure or special instructions (optional)
Creating a Voucher
VODM Screen
Type of transaction
FRS account number
Subcode or account control
Invoice number
Dates (order, invoice, invoice rcvd, delivery)
Reference No. and P or F (if applicable)
Creating a Voucher
LDT Screen
Special instructions (if s entered on VCHM)
Purpose/benefit statement
Contract or blanket PO balance info
Additional info required for payment
Requested payment date
Request to refuse interest
Inquiry in FINAPS
VCHS Screen
Type SEL at NEXT
Search by Ref No., Invoice No., Description,
Voucher No., Vendor No., or Vendor Name
Five screens wide (press arrow key and ENTER)
Pending partition P unprocessed vouchers
Current partition C processed vouchers
Inquiry in FINAPS
VODI Screen
Enter voucher no., suffix, and partition (p or c)
suffix amount
payment due date
requested payment date (if applicable)
AP clock date
interest control flag/reason code (if applicable)
check number and date
Type LDT at NEXT to view LDT
Inquiry in FINAPS
VCHI Screen
voucher amount
AP status
selected info for each line of voucher
Type HIS at NEXT to view history of voucher
Type LDT at NEXT to view LDT
Inquiry in FINAPS
VNDS Screen
Search by vendor name or number
Vendor number includes
type of vendor (1st digit)
1 is corp, 2 is individual, 3 is foreign or
state, 4 is student
SSN or federal ID number (2nd-10th digit)
check digit (11th digit)
mail code (12th-14th digit)
H for vendors on hold
DF for vendors paid direct deposit (state only)
Inquiry in FINAPS
CHKI Screen
Enter UH check number (7 digits)
View voucher lines paid on check
Reconciled means it has cleared UH bank
WARI Screen
Enter state warrant number (9 digits)
View voucher lines paid on warrant
Prompt Payment Dates
Payment Due Date 30 days after later of
Invoice received date
Delivery date (goods received or services
Requested Payment Date pmt before PDD
Department inputs request in LDT
Accounts Payable approves request and enters in
Requested Payment Date
Price discount (PD)
Attach invoice with price discount
Submit voucher at least 5 days before discount
Vendor agreement (VA)
Stated in PO or contract
Stated on invoice is not sufficient
Implied by nature of transaction
membership, registration, subscription, lease
Requested Payment Date
University student (US)
Stipend or scholarship (may be future date)
Intra-university transaction/transfer (IU)
Move expenses between state and local accts
Payment to a UH auxiliary
Requested Payment Date
Interruption of normal operations (NO)
Utility payments
Other critical payments - justify
Recurring transactions with vendor (RT)
Boise Cascade, Airborne Express, etc.
Other vendors with frequent transactions
Government agency (GV)
Local, state, or federal agency
Requested Payment Date
Not subject to payment scheduling (NT)
Not payments for goods or services
Auxiliary refund to customer, etc.
Vendor hardship/relationship (HS)
Small business would suffer hardship
Repeated use requires statement from vendor
UH employees - automatic
Ledger 9 - automatic
Late Payment Interest
Calculation 1 per month X late payment
Automatically calculated and added to pmt
Separate voucher automatically created for
Charged to subcode 5179
Charged to same account as late payment
College/division receives monthly reports
Refusing Interest
No invoice received (NI)
Payment based on contract, lease agreement, etc.
only if vendor will not supply invoice
Invoice is a written demand for payment
Federal contract prohibits timely pmt (FC)
Terms of federal contract or grant that prohibit
timely payment must be explained
Does not apply to all federal grants or contracts
Refusing Interest
Invoice mailing instructions on PO or contract
were not followed (MI)
PO invoices should be mailed to AP
Departments may give vendor written instructions
for other invoices
Disputed payment (DP)
Dispute over invoice or delivery
Must notify vendor within 21 days of invoice
Refusing Interest
General Services Commission granted exception
No exceptions granted currently
Automation issue (AI)
Payment for consultant or professional services
subcodes 3002-3027, except 3020 and 3025
Vendors on hold with state - automatic, if on
hold first time payment is scheduled
Refusing Interest
Agency discretion (AD)
Payments to UH students
Payments UH auxiliaries, except
Barnes and Noble Bookstore
University Copy Center
Computize (Cougar Byte)
UH employees - automatic
Ledger 9 - automatic
Forcing Interest
Direct payment to travel vendor (DT)
Payment to travel agency, hotel, rental car
company, travel credit card company under travel
subcode (75XX)
Only pays interest if payment is late
Accounts Payable will input
More About Prompt Pmt
State Comptrollers Web Site
overview of prompt payment (under For Vendors)
web-based training on prompt payment (For State
prompt payment interest calculator (For State
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