Microarrays - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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DNA in somatic cells, all cells except the gametes, is the same ... disease-free based on both clinical and radiological testing. ... (digital camera) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Microarrays

  • By
  • Heather Matthews
  • Tom Shi
  • Shih-Hsuan Wu

  • Introduction, History, Discoveries and
  • Heather
  • cDNA Microarray
  • Tom
  • Synthetic Oligonucleotide Array
  • Shih-Hsuan

  • Biology background
  • What do microarrays do?
  • Why are microarrays important?
  • Types of experiments done using microarrays
  • Applications of microarrays
  • History of microarrays
  • Important experiments using microarrays
  • The future of microarrays

Biology Background
  • DNA in somatic cells, all cells except the
    gametes, is the same regardless of tissue type or
    physiological state.
  • Proteins in cells can differ depending on whether
    genes are expressed in the cells and at what
  • Genes are expressed at different levels in cells
    depending on the
  • -tissue type
  • -time in the cell cycle
  • -developmental stage
  • -physiological condition

What do microarrays do?
  • Microarrays can measure the expression level of
    thousands of genes at once.
  • This is called doing experiments in parallel.

Why would you want to know the expression level
of genes?
  • Its important to know what level genes are
    expressed at in certain cells, because in a
    diseased cell, for example a cancer cell, the
    genes that are over or under expressed could
    potentially be regulated to the expression level
    of a normal cell, which could help in the
    treatment of the disease.
  • Drugs could be developed to inhibit proteins that
    are too abundant in diseased cells.

Types of microarray experiments
  • Compare/contrast expression levels
  • -in disease vs. non-disease states, such as
    healthy cells vs. cancer cells.
  • -in different types of tumor cells
  • -in different types of tissue, such as muscle
    vs. nerve cells.

Type of microarray experiments continued
  • Compare/contrast expression levels
  • at different stages in the cell cycle
  • in organisms treated with a drug vs. a control
  • of genes from the same type of cell in different
  • of genes from the same type of cell in different

Applications of microarrays
  • Drug Discovery - Potential to identify certain
    genes that could indicate targets for drugs to
    help cure certain diseases.
  • Diagnostics Diagnosis of diseases for which a
    gene mutation has been identified.
  • Custom Drug Selection Alternative forms of
    genes can affect the action or metabolism of a
    drug. Specific drugs and/or dosages could be
    customized for each patient.
  • Accelerate FDA approval

History of microarrays
  • Current microarray technology is very recent.
  • One of the first articles using microarrays was
    written in October of 1995 (Schena et al. 1995)
  • However, quantitative methods to measure gene
    expression levels that involve hybridization have
    been around for more than 20 years.

Other methods used to measure gene expression
levels involving hybridization
  • Northern and Southern Blots
  • -Introduced in the mid 1970s
  • -Drawback limited to examining a small number
    of genes at a time.

Hybridization methods continued
  • SAGE(Serial Analysis of Gene Expression)
  • -Introduced in 1995.
  • -Simultaneously measures expression levels of a
    large number of genes.
  • -uses short sequence tags to mark the
    transcripts of a gene and to identify the number
    of transcripts generated by each gene.
  • -Drawbacks - time consuming, involves multiple
    steps and extensive sequencing to identify
    appropriate tags.

Important discoveries that led to current
microarray technology
  • In the late 1980s robotic devices made it
    possible to spot a surface in a compact and
    regular pattern.
  • 10,000 spots on a 22 X 22 cm2 surface
  • In the mid-1990s, the number of genes assayed in
    an experiment was increased by further reducing
    the pitch ( the center to center distance between
    the spots) to 200-400µm.
  • Up to 2,500 spots /cm2
  • Sample required was reduced
  • Now can do 3,000 spots/cm2

One of the first experiments involving microarrays
  • Quantitative Monitoring of Gene Expression
    Patterns With a Complementary DNA Microarray.
    (Schena et al. 1995)
  • Compared expression levels of genes in wild-type
    Arabidopsis thaliana and a HAT4 (transcription
    factor) transgenic line of A. thaliana.
  • Transgenic involves the transfer of foreign DNA
    into cells.
  • Chose A. thaliana because it has the smallest
    known genome of any higher eukaryote.

Schena article continued
  • Results showed a 50-fold elevation of HAT4 mRNA
    in the transgenic line compared to the wildtype.
  • Expression of all other genes differed by less
    than a factor of 5 between the HAT4-transgenic
    and wild type plants.
  • Showed that the gene transfer of the HAT4
    transcription factor to A. thaliana was
    successful and the HAT4 gene caused phenotype
    changes in the transgenic line such as earlier
    production of flowers, altered pigmentation, and
    poor germination.

A second experiment done in the Schena article
  • Compared the expression levels of genes in cells
    from the root and cells from the leaf.
  • A comparison of the scan revealed widespread
    differences in gene expression between root and
    leaf tissue.
  • mRNA from the light regulated CABI gene was 500
    times more abundant in the leaf.
  • The expression of 26 other genes differed by a
    factor of 5 between the leaf and the root.

A recent major discovery involving the
sub-classification of lung cancer cells
  • Molecular Profiling of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
    (NSCLC) and Correlation With Disease-Free
    Survival (Wigle et al. June 2002)
  • Idea - To use gene expression to develop
    molecular classifications of cancers and
    correlate gene-expression with disease-free

Methods of the experiment
  • Samples were collected from tumor cells of 39
    patients with NSCLC and frozen in liquid nitrogen
    until used.
  • Patients were given the same treatment for lung
  • After treatment, patients were monitored with a
    minimum of a 1 year follow up, to see if the
    cancer recurred or not.

Methods continued
  • 24 patients experienced relapse of their tumor.
  • 15 patients remained disease-free based on both
    clinical and radiological testing.
  • Previously frozen tumor cells from patients who
    relapsed were labeled with 1 dye and tumor cells
    from patients who didnt relapse were labeled
    with another dye and the gene-expression levels
    were compared using microarrays.

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  • The patients were clustered hierarchically on the
    basis of 2899 genes.
  • Two groups emerged that appeared to separate
    patients that relapsed compared to those that
    remained disease free.
  • This experiment provides evidence that relapse
    risk for NSCLC can be determined from gene
    expression data from cDNA microarrays.
  • This could lead to improvements in prognosis and
    patient management for patients with NSCLC.

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(No Transcript)
cDNA Microarray
  • Procedure and Technology
  • Image Analysis
  • Data Processing and Analysis
  • Experimental Design
  • Advantages and Disadvantages

Procedure Overview
Procedure Microarray Fabrication
  • Select probes from EST databases such as GenBank.
  • cDNA probes cloned in bacteria
  • Amplify by PCR, purify the product (0.6 to 2.4
  • Poly-L-Lysine Coating on the glass slide
  • Slides coated with poly-L-lysine have a surface
    that is both hydrophobic and positively charged.
    The hydrophobic character of the surface
    minimizes spreading of the printed spots, and the
    charge appears to help position the DNA on the
    surface in a way that makes cross-linking more
  • Printing
  • DNA cross-linked to the substrate by ultraviolet
  • Slide Blocking - Succinic anhydride reduce
    positive charge, prevent target hybridizing with

Printing Robot Albert
Printing Technologies
  • Photolithography
  • Mechanical
  • Microspotting
  • Inkjets

Procedure cDNA Targets Preparation
  • Extract RNA from tissue, using oligo-dT primers.
  • Reverse Transcription and Flourescent Label the
    cDNA samples using Cy3-dUTP or Cy5-dUTP
  • Hybridization to the slide

Procedure Hybridization
  • Far more probes in each spot on array than there
    are targets that can hybridize to them, so no
    competition between target
  • Hybridization chambers is used to avoid

Electron Micrograph picture
Scanning Technology
  • Confocal Laser
  • Sensitive, high resolution
  • Stimulate Cy3 and Cy5 one at a time or
    simultaneously using a filter.
  • CCD camera-based (digital camera)
  • Cheaper, viable with many different floures,
    collect signal over long time, but less
    sensitive, low resolution

Confocal Laser Scan Principle
Image analysis
  • Gridding
  • Segmentation
  • Intensity Extration
  • Background correction
  • Target detection

  • Assign coordinates to the spots
  • Can be automatic or manual
  • Issues Rotation/Skew of Array and overall

  • Define individual spot boundaries
  • Types of Methods
  • Fixed Circle
  • Adaptive Circle
  • Adaptive Shape
  • Historgram

Segmentation Continued
  • Fixed Circle
  • impose a boundary of constant diameter.
  • problem not all signals are circular and same
  • Adaptive Circle
  • Estimate the diameter for each spot.
  • problem signals are not all circular.

Segmentation Continued
  • Adaptive Shape
  • Different size and shapes possible
  • Seeded Region Growing assign a seed region, and
    compare value with neighbor regions, and use
    algorithm to merge regions.
  • Historgram
  • Read in values over a larger area then the spot
    and use histogram to plot the values
  • Assign an adaptive threshold to determine whether
    a pixel belongs in the foreground or background.

Intensity Extraction
  • Foreground and Background Intensity Extracted.
  • After background correction, Target Intensity is
    derived by subtracting background intensity from
    foreground intensity.

Background Correction
  • Why? spot intensity may contain contribution
    from contaminations, non-specific binding.
  • Methods
  • Local Background
  • Morphological Opening
  • Delineate large area around the spot, remove all
    spots, and estimate background.
  • Constant Background

Local Background
Morphological Opening
Effect of Background Correction
Quality Measure
  • Spot size or shape
  • Ratio of background intensity to foreground

Data Processing
  • Use the ratio of Cy3 and Cy5, log transform to
    produce normalized data.
  • MA Plot log2 R/G vs (1/2) log2 (R/G)
  • Normalization
  • Correct systematic errors of dyes, pins and
  • Use set of house-keeping genes or all genes as
    non-changing control
  • Filtering disregard extreme measurement values.
    Example throw out top 5 and bottom 5 of
    target intensities measurements.

Normalization Examples
Normalization for print-tip group
locations Differently colored lines represent
different print-tip groups.
Yellow control genes Cyan mixed sample pool
titration Red best fit curve for entire sample
Data Analysis
  • Design database to hold the data and perform
  • Data Mining -- the automated extraction of hidden
    predictive information from databases
  • Supervised use of predefined class. support
    vector machines
  • Unsupervised hierarchical clustering, k-mean
    cluster, self-organizing maps.

Experiment Design
  • Direct vs. Indirect
  • Variance differs by factor of 4
  • Direct more precise because comparison is within
  • Indirect more feasible in some circumstances
    (comparsion between 3 samples)
  • Dye Swap reduce systematic difference between
  • Replications
  • Take multiple readings of same experiment
  • Repeat experiment (new RNA extraction)

Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Advantages
  • Flexible probes can be custom made
  • Higher specificity due to longer probes
  • Simultaneous hybridizations in comparative
    studies (minimize experimental variation)
  • Disadvantages
  • Large amount of RNA required.
  • Cross Hybridization Risk (false positives)
  • Probes Multiple Constraints with Glass Possible
  • Relatively fewer features than oligo approach

Oligonucleotide Microarrays
  • One Gene Representation on GeneChip
  • The Photolithographic Construction of Microarrays
  • Major Steps
  • Intensity Calculation
  • Data Format
  • Advantage Disadvantage

Overview Affymetrix GeneChip Images  
Overview Affymetrix GeneChip Images  
Overview GeneChip Expression Analysis Process
Overview Catalog GeneChip Expression Arrays
Gene Representation
Photolithographic Construction
GeneChip Single Feature
A single feature on an Affymetrix GeneChip
GeneChip Hybridization
GeneChip Hybridization of tagged probes to
Affymetrix GeneChip microarray. 
Hybridized GeneChip Microarray
Hybridized GeneChip Microarray Cartoon
depicting scanning of tagged and un-tagged
probes on an Affymetrix GeneChip microarray. 
Major Steps
(No Transcript)
Intensity Calculation
Each probe cell 10x10 pixels. Gridding
estimate location of probe cell centers.
Signal  Remove outer 36 pixels 8x8
pixels.     The probe cell signal, PM or MM,
is the 75- th percentile of the 8x8 pixel
values. Background Average of the lowest 2
probe cell values is taken as the background
value and subtracted.
Affymetrix Microarray Suite (MAS) 5.0
  • Experiment Information Files (.EXP)
  • - containing information on array type,
    sample information, fluidics settings and
    hybridization scanner settings.
  • Image data Files (.DAT) 
  • - the raw image file direct from the scanner
    with the analysis grid.
  • Cell Intensity Files (.CEL)
  • - containing measured intensities locations
    for an array that has been hybridized.

Affymetrix Microarray Suite (MAS) 5.0
  • Analysis output File (.CHP)
  • - the output generated by the analysis of a
    .DAT or .CEL file. 
  • Report File (.RPT)
  • - summarizes background noise, housekeeping
    information spiked-in controls
  • Chip Description Files (.CDF).
  • - contains names and locations for each gene
    represented on the chip.

  • High specificity
  • Can use small amount of RNA
  • Widely used, so annotation of probe sets is of
    relatively high quality.

  • Very expensive to design. (US300,000)
  • Expensive to perform experiments. (US400 300
  • Limited to the species for which there are chips
    available sequence required.
  • Single target hybridization, so comparison always
    involves two experiments, and dye swaps are

The future of microarrays
  • Search for a higher density whole-genome chip
    that could simultaneously measure the expression
    of all 30,000-40,000 human genes.
  • If they are eventually made, they wont be cheap
    and there could be problems with storage and
  • Shift from chips made by research labs to chips
    manufactured by companies.
  • Companies will make standard gene chips for
    different organisms and also custom chips.

Future of microarrays continued
  • Fluorescent labeling to electrical detection
  • Fluorescent labeling interferes with
    hybridization because of steric hindrance, and
    requires very expensive detection systems.
  • Ideally we could quantify the amount of
    hybridization by measuring an electrical signal
    and not having to modify the sample before
  • Measuring an electrical signal could be done by
    monitoring changes in electrical properties upon
    hybridization or by weighing the extra mass of
    hybridized material.

Future of microarrays continued
  • Better interpretation of data.
  • Development of better software for clustering and
  • Make a standard data format.
  • Expression data could be stored in a database.

Limitations of Microarray Technology
  • Does mRNA expression profile accurately reflect
    protein abudance in cells?
  • Gygi Article correlation of mRNA and protein
    abundance in yeast only .356
  • Protein Microarrays

  • Campbell, N. A., Reece, J. B. (2002). Biology.
    San Fransisco Benjamin Cummings.
  • Schena, M. et al. (1995). Quantitative Monitoring
    of Gene Expression Patterns with A Complementary
    DNA Microarray. Science, 270(5235), 467-470.
  • Sebastiani, P. et al. (2003). Statistical
    Challenges in Functional Genomics. Statistical
    Science, 18(1), 33-70.

References continued
  • Strachan, T., Read, A. P.(1999). Human Molecular
    Genetics. New York A John Wiley Sons, Inc.
  • Wigle, D. et al. (2002). Molecular Profiling of
    Non-small Cell Lung Cancer and Correlation with
    Disease-free Survival. Cancer Research, 62,
  • Website
  • http//www.dna-arrays.com/index.html

References continued
  • Lectures
  • Deonier, R., Microarray Analysis. 10/21/2002
  • Calabrese, P., Microarrays/Gene Expression
    Arrays. 3/11/2003
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