Title: Accelerating solutions for highway safety and performance
1- Accelerating solutions for highway safety and
2SHRP 2 Renewal Research
- Get in, Get out, Stay out
- 28.8 million 17 Projects
- Performance Specifications
- Hi-Speed Non-Destructive Testing
- Modular Pavements
3SHRP 2 Safety Research
- Understanding Driving Behavior
- 43.2 Million 11 Projects
- Study of Driving Behavior Using Instrumented
Vehicles - Digital Roadway Measurement Van
42500 vehicles instrumented with data recorders
- Courtesy of Virginia Tech Transportation
5SHRP 2 Reliability Research
- Achieve reliable travel times by reducing the
causes of delay - 18 million 12 projects
- Changing Institutional Architecture to Improve
Travel Time Reliability - Analytical Procedures Effects of Mitigation
6Better collaborative decision making in highway
capacity planning18 million 8 Projects
SHRP 2 Capacity Research
- Framework for Collaborative Decision Making
- Performance Measurement Framework for
- Highway Capacity Decision Making
7Key Decision Points
C01 Framework for Collaborative Decision Making
Performance Measures
C02 System-Based Performance Measurement
Decision Support Tools
C03 Interactions among Transportation Capacity,
Economic Systems, Land Use, Integrating
Economic Considerations into Project Development
C05 Contribution of Operations, Technology,
Design to Meeting Highway Capacity Needs
Other tools for collaborative decision making
selecting solutions (Future)
8State Coordinators
- Each DOT has a State Coordinator
- Continuing role to identify DOT experts
- Upcoming Issues
- Locating potential test sites to evaluate roadway
data collection technology - Locating geographic areas for naturalistic
driving study - Current practices surveys.
- Program Briefs are 4-page descriptions of current
activities in each Focus Area. Available in PDF
on the SHRP 2 Website - Quarterly Updates of overall program activities
posted on the Website - Would you like an e-mail notice when new issues
are available?
10Implementation Report
- Due to congress in February 2009.
- Describe implementable products, customers,
barriers, etc. - Recommend implementation methods, mechanisms.
- Estimate required resources.
11 SHRP 2 News
- On the Web at
- www.trb.org/shrp2
- In the TRB E-Newsletter
- Contact SHRP 2
- 202-334-1430
- shrp2_at_nas.edu