Title: British Computer Society South Wales Branch AGM
1British Computer SocietySouth Wales BranchAGM
2The 2006 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the South
Committee BCS News in brief Branch
Awards Branch Activities 4- TREASURERS
3Minutes of last years AGM
4Current Branch Committee
- Nine committee meetings held since the last AGM.
Minutes have been made available via the Branch
web site. - Membership has been as follows
5(No Transcript)
6(No Transcript)
7BCS News in Brief
- Last Year I mentioned that
- It was a time of change for the BCS with new
governance, new membership structures, new
products and new services. - New post-nominal of Chartered IT Professional
(CITP) - Membership of over 37 thousand in 2004 and
continuing to rise - This year
- Change continues and membership exceeds 50,000
- This has to be the best confirmation that the BCS
is doing the right thing for its membership
8BCS News in Brief
- Major BCS events
- Annual Dinner
- Professional Awards
- Turing Lecture
- RSI Lecture
- Lovelace Lecture
- The Roger Needham Lecture
- Programming Competition
- Events from over 40 branches and over 50
Specialist Groups
9BCS News in Brief
- BCS Membership aims to provide
- Recognition
- Networking
- Career Services
- Recruitment Service
- Library and Information Services
- Publishing
- Other Benefits
- Discounts
- E Mail address
- Etc.
10New BCS, New Professionalism in Information
- David Clark stated at the launch of the new BCS
on 29 April 2004 - The BCS, in leading a new thought leadership
programme in IT, is making important
contributions to the key issues that affect
society today and more importantly will affect it
tomorrow from an IT perspective. - A key role of BCS is to generate public awareness
and appreciation of the social and economic
benefits in IT. - As the leading learned and professional society
for IT, the BCS aims to ensure that it is always
at the forefront in thought leadership. - It does this by providing opportunities that
allow experts from research and practice to
exchange views. - In a rapidly changing scientific and
technologically-driven world, essential in this
process is the bringing together of key players
from a wide range of disciplines and industrial
sectors. - Today the BCS continues this drive with an
ongoing series of events such as - "Critical National Information Infrastructure,
Date Wednesday 7 June 2006, Venue The Royal
Society, 6-9 Carlton House Terrace, London
11Branch Activities
12Branch Awards
- Student Awards to local Universities in south
Wales and the Open University - Awards in recognition of outstanding achievements
or service from BCS members - Ted Stuart Award for best south Wales Branch
13Web sites
- South Wales Branch site
- Branch Events
- Links to other sites of relevance to a computer
professional in South Wales - Minutes of meetings
- Letters and news articles
- What do you wish to see on your branch site?
- Welsh Website
14Branch Presentations
- 9 Branch Presentations
- Other joint or supported presentations
15Branch Presentations
- Applying the Science of Software Development
- Assessing the Worth of IT
- Conscious Machines
- What Are They Going to Ask For First?
- Radio Frequency ID (RFID) Tagging
- How Digital Imaging has revolutionised
Photography (Joint event with IEE) - An Uphill Struggle - I.T. in Extreme Environments
- Current Issues in UK VoIP
- Providing inspiration creativity in website
16Future Branch Presentations
- September Informing Health Care
- October Visit to BT Cardiff
- November The politics of strategic
decision-making - December Future Interactive Technologies
- January Formula 1 racing
- February Community networking
- March Open source, Sun / MS convergence
- April Computer Forensics
- May Practical Digital Photography
- May AGM plus Identity cards, biometrics, pass
ports and personal freedom - 2008 already working on ideas for presentations
starting in September 2007
17Treasurer's Report
18(No Transcript)
19Election of Committee
20Any Other Business