Title: Reviving Rigorous Routines
1Reviving Rigorous Routines
- Presented by
- Lisa Carroll, Highly Skilled Educator
- Penny Moore, Highly Skilled Educator
2Guiding Question
- How do we revive (or establish) rigor into our
classroom instruction and assessments?
- What is rigor?
- At your table, identify ten synonyms for rigor.
- You will have two minutes.
4Reviving Rigor
- Critical Thinking in the Classroom
- Improving critical thinking skills through the
use of verbs - Lesson Plan Remodeling
5Pop Quiz
- There are 26 sheep and 10 goats on a ship. How
old is the captain? - 76 of 97 elementary students solved the problem
by adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing - Why?
6Critical Thinking
- The art of ensuring you use the best thinking you
are capable of - Learning how to find the answer instead of
learning the answer - Students learn to think by practicing thinking
- Teaching for critical thinking requires critical
7Fairy Tale Activity
- Follow the directions on your sheet
- You will have 10 minutes
8Discussion Questions
- Which activity was easier to complete?
- Which activity was quickest to complete?
- Which activity did you really have to think
about? - Which activity did you enjoy the most?
9Critical Thinking Verbs
- Remember that it is NOT the verb, but the level
of critical thinking necessary that determines
the level of the question or activity
10Increasing Critical Thinking
- Recall Level
- (Knowledge/Comprehension)
12identify - name
All the information I know
What the question asks
What matches
13list - itemize or give in order
- 1. ________
- ________
- ________
- ________
- ________
14define - give the meaning
Frayer Model
Definition (in own words)
15describe - tell everything you know give details
and examples
16summarize - tell the main points or ideas
details and examples
big ideas
17explain - tell all about
18discuss - tell about in detail
19 20trace - give events or steps in order
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
21predict - forecast tell what will come next
22interpret tell about the meaning or significance
23 24analyze -break apart
25support - give examples, details, or reasons
- I. General Statement
- A. Example/detail/reason
- B. Example/detail/reason
- C. Example/detail/reason
- II. General Statement
- A. Example/detail/reason
- B. Example/detail/reason
- C. Example/detail/reason
- III. General Statement
- Example/detail/reason
- Example/detail/reason
- Example/detail/reason
General Statement
Example/ detail/reason
Example/ detail/reason
Example/ detail/reason
26infer read between the lines make an educated
27 28formulate -make up create
29 30criticize - give good and bad points
31compare -tell about similarities and differences
item 2
item 1
Venn Diagram
differences with regard to. . .
item 1
item 2
32evaluate -judge rate
33justify - prove give evidence or facts
34Depth of Knowledge Vs. Blooms Taxonomy
- DOK is based on Norman Webbs work to examine
consistency between the cognitive demands of
content standards versus those of assessment and
the degree of alignment of those standards - Blooms Taxonomy is a hierarchy of critical
thinking skills What are they? - Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis,
Synthesis and Evaluation
35DOK Vs. Blooms
- Both utilize critical thinking in instruction and
assessment - Rigorous instruction requires work in all levels
- Refer to as critical or higher order thinking
skills (HOTS)
36(No Transcript)
37Knowledge (DOK 1)
38Comprehension (DOK 1)
39Application (DOK 2)
40Analysis (DOK 2)
Analysis (DOK 2)
41Synthesis (DOK 3)
42Evaluation (DOK 3)
43Lesson Remodeling
- Traditional lessons need to be critiqued for
inclusion of critical thinking skills - Traditional lessons then should be remodeled for
increased critical thinking skills - Get a critical thinking buddy to help
44AdvertisingTraditional Lesson
45Standard Lesson
- Advertising lessons normally involve deciding if
thinking is logical or illogical using if
because or since. Students read an ad and
decide if the reasoning is logical. The
extension is for them to write their own ad.
46Remodeled Lesson
- Begin by having students give complete
descriptions of what is said in tv commercials.
- Put quotes on the board.
- For each quote evaluate the arguments through
questioning and discussion. - Then have students group them by criteria (
appeals, repetition, etc.)
47Remodeled Continued
- Class could compare different ads for similar
product. - Class discussion of other aspects of ads than
language. - Extension is watch taped ads and repeat the
48Strategies for Remodeling
49Reviving Rigorous Routines
- Critical thinking is essential in BOTH
instruction and assessment - Proficient students think proficiently
- Curriculum concepts are to be learned deeply
(DOK). - Teaching must engage ALL students in ACTIVE
reasoning at all grade levels.
51Classroom Rigor Includes
- Commitment to a knowledge core
- High thinking demand
- Active use of knowledge
- Challenging, high level assignments
- Student focused assessments at the mastery level
(DOK) - Thinking is infused throughout the curriculum
- Remember all aspects of critical thinking (DOK,
Blooms, etc.) must be integrated into the
critically proficient classroom. (Carroll, Moore
- Critical Thinking Handbooks by Richard Paul
- The Foundation for Critical Thinking
- www.criticalthinking.org
55Contact Information
- Lisa Carroll, HSE lisa.carroll_at_education.ky.gov
- Penny Moore, HSE
- penny.moore_at_education.ky.gov