Title: Introduction%20to%20Perl%20and%20CGI
1Introduction to Perl and CGI
- David Lash
- Chapter 1 Introduction
2Course is based on AWL book ...
3Conclusions ...
- Expect zero previous programming experience.
- Expect most people to have some HTML experience.
- Assumptions
- Overview HTML but most should master quickly.
- Not a how to program course but cover Perl
4Course Objectives
- Basics of HTML Documents
- In-depth description of Perl
- Variable use generating HTML from Perl
- Using with HTML Forms
- Conditional use
- Loops
- Arrays (Sequential and Associative)
- Regular Expressions
- Subroutine Fundamentals
- Writing multi-screen web applications
- Using cookies
5Course Expectations
- Format
- Meet once a week for 1-2 hours.
- Weekly lab assignments.
- Assignments put up on Web.
- A couple of tests
6Section Objectives
- Basics of HTML Documents
- Introduction to CGI
- Introductory Background On Perl
- Basics of HTML Documents
- Accessing Documents Over WWW
- What is HTML
- Basic Document TAGS
- Lists (ordered and non-ordered)
- Links
- Tables
- Publishing Documents
- Introduction to CGI
- Introductory Background On Perl
8World Wide Web Background
- The World Wide Web (WWW) is a collection of
millions of documents and files that are
accessible via the Internet - Web browsers are special computer programs that
know how to retrieve and display files from the
World Wide Web. Can work with - Play a file in the wav format (a sound file)
- Interpret and then display a file in a gif format
( a digital picture file) - Interpret and then display a file in the HTML
format (a text-based Web page)
9Accessing HTML Files
- Basics of HTML Documents
- Accessing Documents Over WWW
- What is HTML
- Basic Document TAGS
- Lists (ordered and non-ordered)
- Links
- Tables
- Publishing Documents
- Introduction to CGI
- Introductory Background On Perl
- The Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) uses coded
commands called HTML tags that provide
instructions to Web browsers indicating how to
display each page - It is simple to use and understand
- It provides ways to include lots of stuff (e.g.,
text, graphics, sounds, links) - It is STANDARD
- Its creation is one of the big reasons the WWW
became popular
12Displaying HTML
- Basics of HTML Documents
- Accessing Documents Over WWW
- What is HTML
- Basic Document TAGS
- Lists (ordered and non-ordered)
- Links
- Tables
- Publishing Documents
- Introduction to CGI
- Introductory Background On Perl
14HTML Overview - II
- A set of TAGs are required of all HTML documents
- ltHTMLgt ... lt/HTMLgt
- ltHEADgt ... lt/HEADgt
- ltBODYgt ... lt/BODYgt
- Text is displayed within the BODY tags
- The set of HTML tags and text you want to display
are stored in a file with either htm or html
suffix - E.g., mypage.html or mypage.htm or homepage.html
15HTML Overview - Example
The header section of document
ltHTMLgt ltHEADgt ltTITLEgtMypage lt/TITLEgt lt/HEADgt ltBOD
Ygt Welcome to my site. lt/BODYgt lt/HTMLgt
Indicates start and end of HTML
document. (Container based.)
Appears in upper left hand corner of browser
This is where most of TAGS usually are and text
your displaying (w/i BODY tags).
16Displaying HTML
Document Title
Blue Text
Bold and italic Text
17Paragraph and Break Tags
- ltHTMLgtltHEADgtltTITLEgt Web Page With "P" Taglt/TITLEgt
- lt/HEADgt
- ltBODYgt
- Welcome To Exploring The Internet
- ltHRgt
- Hopefully you will find this course interesting.
- ltPgt
- In this course,
- you will develop
- a broad knowledge of the Internet
- lt/PgtltPgt
- This class meets at night.
- lt/PgtltPgt
- CLASS 1 - Introduction To The Internet
- ltBRgt
- CLASS 2 - Email
- ltBRgt
- CLASS 3 - HTMLltBRgt
- lt/BODYgtlt/HTMLgt
Create line
Create a new paragraph
Line Break
Note gt 1 tag per line
18Would Display ...
- Basics of HTML Documents
- Accessing Documents Over WWW
- What is HTML
- Basic Document TAGS
- Lists (ordered and non-ordered)
- Links
- Tables
- Publishing Documents
- Introduction to CGI
- Introductory Background On Perl
20Ordered Lists
- For example
- ltOLgt ltLIgt This is the first element lt/LIgt
ltLIgt This is the second line lt/LIgtltLIgt This is
the third line lt/LIgtlt/OLgt - Would look like
- 1. This is the first element
- 2. This is the second line
- 3. This is the third line
List item has start ltLIgt lt/LIgt
List is contained in ltOLgt lt/OLgt
21Unordered Lists
- For example,
- ltULgt ltLIgt This is the first element lt/LIgt
ltLIgtThis is the second line lt/LIgtltLIgt This is
the third line lt/LIgt lt/ULgt - Would create the following
- This is the first element
- This is the second line
- This is the third line
List item has start ltLIgt lt/LIgt
List is contained in ltULgt lt/ULgt
- Basics of HTML Documents
- Accessing Documents Over WWW
- What is HTML
- Basic Document TAGS
- Lists (ordered and non-ordered)
- Links
- Tables
- Publishing Documents
- Introduction to CGI
- Introductory Background On Perl
23General Link Format
- Specified in HTML in the following format
- ltA HREFWeb Addressgt Click Here lt/Agt
The words displayed for the link
Internet address of file to link to
Anchor tag can be used for links
24Link Examples
- ltA HREF"http//www.depaul.edu/dlash/index.html"gt
- My Home Page
- lt/Agt
- What is displayed on web page
- Page to load when link is clicked
25Quick Link Example
- lthtmlgt
- ltheadgtlttitlegt Some Favorite Sites lt/titlegtlt/headgt
- ltbodygt
- ltulgt
- ltligt
- lta href"http//www.disney.com"gt The Mouselt/agt
- ltligtlta href"http//www.lucent.com"gt The Joblt/agt
lt/ligt - ltligtAnd when you go to lta href"http//www.yahoo.c
om"gt yahoolt/agt you can find anything. lt/ligt - lt/bodygtlt/htmlgt
- Basics of HTML Documents
- Accessing Documents Over WWW
- What is HTML
- Basic Document TAGS
- Lists (ordered and non-ordered)
- Links
- Tables
- Publishing Documents
- Introduction to CGI
- Introductory Background On Perl
27The Basic Table Structure
- The bare minimum tags needed to describe a table
are - ltTABLEgtltTRgtltTDgt
- Here is a structure for a simple 4
cell table -
- ltTABLEgt
- ltTRgt
- ltTDgt Cell 1lt/TDgtltTDgtCell
2lt/TDgt - lt/TRgtltTRgt
- ltTDgt Cell 3lt/TDgtltTDgtCell
4lt/TDgt - lt/TRgt
- lt/TABLEgt
Start End Table
Table Row
Table Columns within the row
28Resulting HTML Output
ltTABLEgt ltTRgt
ltTDgt Cell 1lt/TDgtltTDgtCell 2lt/TDgt
lt/TRgtltTRgt ltTDgt Cell
3lt/TDgtltTDgtCell 4lt/TDgt lt/TRgt
29Got The Idea?
What Would the Following Generate?
lttable BORDER1gt lttrgt lttdgt Cell 1lt/tdgtlttdgtCell
2lt/tdgt lt/trgtlttrgt lttdgt Cell 1lt/tdgtlttdgtCell
2lt/tdgtlttdgtCell 3lt/tdgt lt/trgt lt/tablegt
30And the Answer is ...
lttable BORDER1gt lttrgt lttdgt Cell 1lt/tdgtlttdgtCell
2lt/tdgt lt/trgtlttrgt lttdgt Cell 1lt/tdgtlttdgtCell
2lt/tdgtlttdgtCell 3lt/tdgt lt/trgt lt/tablegt
31Are You Sure Your Got It?
What Would the Following Generate?
ltTABLE BORDER1gt lttrgt lttdgtCell1lt/tdgt
lttdgtCell2lt/tdgt lttdgtlt/tdgt
lttdgtlt/tdgt lttdgtCell ? lt/tdgt lt/trgtlttrgt
lttdgt Cell 1lt/tdgt lttdgtCell
2lt/tdgt lttdgtCell 3lt/tdgt lt/trgt lt/TABLEgt
32And the Answer is ...
ltTABLE BORDER1gt lttrgt lttdgtCell1lt/tdgt
lttdgtCell2lt/tdgt lttdgtlt/tdgt
lttdgtlt/tdgt lttdgtCell ? lt/tdgt lt/trgtlttrgt
lttdgt Cell 1lt/tdgt lttdgtCell
2lt/tdgt lttdgtCell 3lt/tdgt lt/trgt lt/TABLEgt
33Some Major Table Attributes
- Some other attributes for the table tag
- alignleftrightcenter - how to align the table\
- valignleftrightcenter - vertical alignment of
the cell contents within the actual cell - backgroundURL - sets a graphic image for
background - bgcolor"rrggbb" or color name - sets a color
for background or table.http//www.depaul.edu/dla
sh/website/TableEx7.html - summarytext - a summary text to provide for
non-visual browser. - border - 0 or no border is the default see
below for more details.
34The Major Table Attributes
- Some other attributes for the table tag
- heightnumber, percentage - specifies the height
(in pixels) of entire window or of size of
current window (See slides below.) - widthnumber, percentage - specifies the width
(in pixels) of entire window or of size of
current window (See slides below.) -
35Got it?
- What are 4 HTML TAGS needed in every document?
- What 2 HTML tags are used for Bullet lists?
- What 3 HTML tags are used for Tables?
- ltHTMLgt, ltHEADgt, ltTITLEgt, ltBODYgt
- ltULgt ltLIgt ltLIgt lt/ULgt
ltTABLEgt ltTRgt ltTDgt
- Basics of HTML Documents
- Accessing Documents Over WWW
- What is HTML
- Basic Document TAGS
- Lists (ordered and non-ordered)
- Links
- Tables
- Publishing Documents
- Introduction to CGI
- Introductory Background On Perl
37Some HTML On-line Reference
- http//www.w3.org - World wide web consortium
- http//www.htmlgoodies.com - HTML tutorial
information. - http//hotwired.lycos.com/webmonkey - HTML
- Basics of HTML Documents
- Introduction to CGI
- What is CGI?
- Sequence of steps to retrieve a file.
- Advantages and Disadvantages of CGI.
- Introductory Background On Perl
39Web Application Program
- HTML is a static technology
- Web application programs help with dynamic tasks,
such as - Input a search term, search the WWW, and return
the results - Calculate and display the number of times that a
page has been viewed - Verify the input fields on a Web form
- Save a Web form into a database
- Display a special graph, or return the results of
a calculation based on data input from a form - Problem How do you start the program and include
program results in HTML document?
40The Common Gateway Interface
- a standard that enables Web browsers to exchange
data with computer programs located on a Web
server - first appeared in the NCSA HTTPD Web server
software built by the National Center for
Super-computing Applications (NCSA). - one of the first widely used Web servers.
- was simple and the program source code was made
available for free. - Back in the old days (1994) it was the only
option. - It is simple to use and available on a variety of
Web servers.
41How Web Apps Work w/ CGI
42How Web Apps Work w/ CGI
43Compare to Embedded HTML Tech
44Advantages/Disadvantages of CGI
- Adv - Works with lots of different prog
languages Perl, VB, C, C, Java, UNIX shell - CGI Programs - Web application programs that are
developed specifically to work with the CGI
standard are known as CGI programs.
- Adv - Web Servers - Available on most Web Servers
(E.g, Apache (Open Software), IIS, Netscapes
- Adv - Availability - Can ISP that enable CGI
program development.
- Disadv - Speed - Can be slow to start up separate
language environment. Esp. for apps with lots of
- Disadv - Start-up - A little more to do than
embedded languages
- Basics of HTML Documents
- Introduction to CGI
- What is CGI?
- Sequence of steps to retrieve a file.
- Advantages and Disadvantages of CGI.
- Introductory Background On Perl
46The Perl Programming Language
- Practical Extension and Reporting Language
- Invented in 1987 by Larry Wall at NASAs Jet
Propulsion Laboratory - Developed as a utility programming language for
the UNIX operating system - Gained popularity because of its ease of use,
free availability via the Internet, and its
powerful combination of features
47Why Perl is Popular
- Perl is a free language with lots of free
applications - Open source project.
- Perl is easier to work with than many other
- Perl provides a CGI interface module
- Perl applications are portable (can port across
Microsoft/UNIX barrier) - Note Perl is also includes a combination of UNIX
and C features. For example, file I/O, general
statement format, regular expressions.
- Perl (and CGI) is readily available in many
- Web pages written in HTML are static and cannot
interact with users. - CGI is an interface standard that allows
computer programs to communicate with Web
servers. Several programming languages can be
used with CGI.
49Summary - II
- Perl is a popular computer language that can be
used for developing CGI programs. - You can install Perl and your own Web server
software on your PC or workstation. - If you use an ISPs Web server, find out several
things about its services.
50Chapter 1 - On-line Reference
- http//www.perl.com - Background about the Perl
language and free downloads of Perl. - Http//www.w3.org - World wide web consortium
- http//history.perl.org/ - Timeline history of
the Perl. - http//hoohoo.ncsa.uiuc.edu/ - NCSA sitie
- http//hotwired.lycos.com/webmonkey/programming/
- Discussion about alternative web application
programming environments like Perl, ASP, and PHP.
- http//www.apache.org - Apache web server open
software site with free downloads.
51Got it?
- CGI is an interface standard between the web
server and application program environment. Perl
is a programming language.
- What is the difference between CGI and Perl?
- List the steps involved when a Web browser
interacts with a static Web Page.
- Request a Web Page URL
- Find server over Internet
- Web server gets file
- Returns over Internet
- Browser Interprets the HTML
52Got it?
- List the steps involved when a Web browser
interacts with a CGI/Perl Web application?
- Request a Web Page URL
- Find server over Internet
- Web server gets file
- Starts program environment and uses CGI to send
data - Returns results over Internet
- Browser Interprets the HTML