Title: Digital Publishing With EpiDoc: epigraphy, papyrology, interoperability
1Digital Publishing With EpiDocepigraphy,
papyrology, interoperability
- Tom Elliott
- tom.elliott_at_nyu.edu
- EpiDoc
- Method, History, Disciplines and Projects
- Digital Publishing
- Next Steps for EpiDoc
3EpiDoc Method
- Open
- Standards-compliant
- Collaborative
- Comprehensive
- Semantics, not appearance
4EpiDoc Method Standards
- eXtensible Markup Language (XML)
- Text Encoding Initiative (TEI)http//www.tei-c.or
g - Leiden Conventionshttp//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L
eiden_Conventions - EAGLE Electronic Archive of Greek and Latin
Epigraphy(Rome, Heidelberg, Bari, etc.)
5eXtensible Markup Language
- a general-purpose specification for creating
custom markup languages. It is classified as an
extensible language because it allows its users
to define their own elements. Its primary purpose
is to facilitate the sharing of structured data
across different information systems,
particularly via the Internet,2 and it is used
both to encode documents and to serialize data.
XML is recommended by the World Wide Web
Consortium (W3C). It is a fee-free open standard.
The recommendation specifies both the lexical
grammar and the requirements for parsing.--
XML in Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia,
lthttp//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XMLgt, 20 June 2008.
6Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) Guidelines
- define and document a markup language for
representing the structural, renditional, and
conceptual features of texts. They focus on the
encoding of documents in the humanities and
social sciences, and in particular on the
representation of primary source materials for
research and analysis. These guidelines are
expressed as a modular, extensible XML schema,
accompanied by detailed documentation, and are
published under an open-source license.--
TEI Guidelines in TEI Text Encoding
Initiative, lthttp//www.tei-c.org/Guidelines/index
.xmlgt, 20 June 2008.
7The Leiden Conventions
- an established set of rules, symbols, and
brackets used to indicate the condition of an
epigraphic or papyrological text in a modern
edition. The earliest form of the Conventions
were agreed at a meeting of classical scholars at
the University of Leiden in 1931, and published
in an article shortly thereafter.-- Leiden
Conventions in Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia,
20 June 2008.
8- Nero ClaudiusCaesar
Aug(ustus)GermanicusAesculapio iu-gera
quinquedata a divo Aug(usto)confirmataa divo
Claudiorestituit ---c(oloniae) I(uliae)
n(obili) Cnoso perP(ublium) Licinium
Secu-ndum proc(uratorem)-- EDH HD032952
AE 1901.240 (Restoration of land to a Cretan
sanctuary of Aesculapius, 54-68 CE)
9Electronic Archive of Greek and Latin Epigraphy
- A confederation of web-facing databases operating
under the auspices of the Association
Internationale d' Épigraphie Grecque et Latine - Components
- Epigraphic Database Roma (EDR) Classical Rome
and Italiahttp//www.edr-edr.it/ - Epigraphische Datenbank Heidelberg (EDH) Roman
onst/adw/edh/index.html.en - Epigraphic Database Bari (EDB) Christian
Inscriptions of Rome (3rd - 8th
centuries)http//www.edb.uniba.it/ - etc.
10EAGLE Conformance
- Above and beyond full conformance with EpiDoc
specifications for basic text transcription,
EAGLE-conformant EpiDoc publications also must
embody specific structures, components and
metadata elements necessary to facilitate
consistent, automatic incorporation of their
content into the appropriate subsystem of the
federated epigraphic database system sponsored by
the International Association of Greek and Latin
11EpiDoc Method
- Open
- Standards-compliant
- Collaborative
- Comprehensive
- Semantics, not appearance
12 EpiDoc History
- http//epidoc.sourceforge.net/about
13EpiDoc Disciplines and Projects
- http//epidoc.sourceforge.net/projects.shtml
- Epigraphy
- Papyrology
- Numismatics
- Paleography
- Byzantine Seals
- EpiDoc
- Method, History, Disciplines and Projects
- Digital Publishing
- Next Steps for EpiDoc
15Publishing Dissemination
- Formats and Modes
- Books and other dead tree formats
- Well-established modes of dissemination, both
formal and informal - Established modes of collecting and preservation
- Digital incunabula (facsimiles of print)
- E.g., PDF, plain HTML web pages, MSWord files
- Established modes of formal dissemination
- Evolving modes of informal dissemination
- Challenges to collecting and preservation
16Publishing Dissemination
- Formats and Modes (continued)
- First-generation born-digital works
- Those with a central manifestation or unified
control over venue - E.g., Datasets, Wikipedia
- Evolving modes of dissemination
- Challenges to collecting and preservation
- Second-generation born-digital works
- Content and manifestation depends on aspects of
the web and data and services that are not
under unified control - E.g., mashups
- Extemporaneous, ephemeral
17Digital Publication Method
- Guarded embrace
- Standard formats
- Actionable Citation
- Links citations
- Treat web resources as publications
- Bibliographic citations as (eventual) links
- Software uses citations/links
- Semantic web, microformats, Zotero
18Actionable Citation Interoperability
- Example of Pleiadeshttp//pleiades.stoa.org
19Actionable Citation Interoperability
- Example of Pleiadeshttp//pleiades.stoa.org
- http//pleiades.stoa.org/places/638753
- http//pleiades.stoa.org/names/aphrodisias
- http//pleiades.stoa.org/batlas-43-b2-roma
BAtlas 43 B2 Roma
20Actionable Citation Interoperability
- Using Pleiades URLs in an EpiDoc XML file
- Using URLs for Pleiades and EpiDoc XML files in
ORE Resource Maps - Describing aggregations of resources
- Serialize in Atom XML (a webfeed format, similar
to RSS)
21Next Steps
- Upgrade to TEI P5
- Complete Guidelines
- Upgrades to Common Tools
- eXtensible Stylesheet Transformations (XSLTs)
- Text and font converters
- New Tools
- Collaborative, web-based editor
22Digital Publishing With EpiDocepigraphy,
papyrology, interoperability
- Tom Elliott
- tom.elliott_at_nyu.edu