The Extensible Markup Language XML - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Extensible Markup Language XML


It separates the content of the document from its appearance ... Benefits of XML for Publishing. Same XML document can be presented in multiple ways ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Extensible Markup Language XML

The Extensible Markup Language (XML)
  • By Raghu Garudadri

Dont break the seal
  • What is XML ?
  • Why XML?
  • XML goals
  • Underlying theory
  • DTD/Example DTD/Example XML Document
  • XML Vs. HTML
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of XML over HTML
  • XML application areas
  • Will XML replace HTML
  • References and additional Information
  • Q A

What is XML?
  • Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a language
    for documents containing structured information
  • It separates the content of the document from its
  • Worldwide Web Consortium (W3C) specification
  • Status recommendation
  • Original version 1996
  • Subset of the Standard Generalized Markup
    Language (SGML)
  • Simpler than SGML
  • More appropriate for the Internet
  • Cousin of the Hypertext Markup Language
    (HTML),goes beyond the current limitations of

Why XML?
  • HTML, comes bound with a set of semantics and
    does not provide arbitrary structure.
  • SGML provides arbitrary structure, but is too
    difficult to implement just for a web browser
  • XML was created so that richly structured
    documents could be used over the web
  • The only viable alternatives, HTML and SGML, are
    not practical for this purpose.

Goals set for XML by the W3C
  • XML shall be straightforwardly usable over the
  • XML shall support a wide variety of applications
  • XML shall be compatible with SGML
  • It shall be easy to write programs that process
    XML documents
  • The number of optional features in XML is to be
    kept to the absolute minimal, ideally zero
  • XML documents should be human-legible and
    reasonably clear
  • XML design should be prepared quickly

Goals contd..
  • The design of XML should be formal and concise
  • XML documents shall be easy to create
  • Terseness in XML markup is of minimal importance

Underlying Theory
  • Terminology commonly used with XML
  • Content
  • Alias character data
  • The documents raw data
  • Structure
  • Description of how the content is organized
  • Within an XML document, structure is indicated by
  • Presentation
  • Description of how the document should be
    rendered. XML does NOT specify presentation!!!

  • Set of tags is
  • Not closed
  • "Extensible"
  • Not specified by the XML language
  • Specified by the user via a DTD (Document Type

  • An XML document contains "character data" and
  • Character data
  • The raw data of the document
  • Markup
  • Start tags
  • ltfilmgt
  • lttitlegt
  • End tags
  • lt/ filmgt
  • lt/ titlegt
  • Comments
  • lt!-- This is a comment. --gt
  • Processing instructions (instructions to parser
    or application)
  • lt? xml version "1.0" ?gt
  • Start tags and end tags specify the structure of
    an XML document

  • XML is a metalanguage, it doesnt define actual
  • DTD (Document Type Definition) defines actual
    tags and structures

Example DTD
  • In file film- guide. dtd
  • 1. lt! ELEMENT film- guide (film)gt
  • 2. lt! ELEMENT film (title, run- time, stars)gt
  • 3. lt! ELEMENT title ( PCDATA)gt
  • 4. lt! ELEMENT run- time ( PCDATA)gt
  • 5. lt! ELEMENT stars (name)gt
  • 6. lt! ELEMENT name ( PCDATA)gt
  • Informal description
  • Line 1 A "film- guide" tag contains 0 or more
    "film" tags
  • Line 2 A "film" tag contains a "title" tag,
    followed by a "run- time" tag, followed by a
    "stars" tag
  • Line 3 A "title" tag contains parsed character
  • Line 4 A "run- time" tag contains parsed
    character data
  • Line 5 A "stars" tag contains 0 or more "name"
  • Line 6 A name tag contains parsed character data

Example XML Document
  • In file film- guide. xml
  • 1. lt? xml version" 1.0"?gt
  • 2. lt! DOCTYPE film- guide SYSTEM "film- guide.
  • 3. ltfilm- guidegt
  • 4. ltfilmgt
  • 5. lttitlegt Citizen Kanelt/ titlegt
  • 6. ltrun- timegt 119lt/ run- timegt
  • 7. ltstarsgt
  • 8. ltnamegt Joseph Cottonlt/ namegt
  • 9. ltnamegt Orsen Wellslt/ namegt
  • 10. lt/ starsgt
  • 11. lt/ filmgt
  • 12. ltfilmgt
  • 13. lttitlegt The Godfatherlt/ titlegt
  • 14. ltrun- timegt 125lt/ run- timegt
  • 15. ltstarsgt
  • 16. ltnamegt Marlon Brandolt/ namegt
  • 17. ltnamegt Al Pacinolt/ namegt
  • 18. ltnamegt Robert Duvalllt/ namegt

  • Other than both being derived from SGML, XML(a
    subset of SGML)
  • and HTML(written in SGML) are not really
  • HTML is optimized for easy learning
  • Has evolved into a markup language that describes
    the look, feel and action of a web page
  • Is for output to a web browser (presentation)
  • One tag set for all applications
  • Predefined semantics for each tag
  • Predefined data structures
  • No formal validations
  • well suited for simple applications
  • In contrary, XML
  • doesnt describe how a page looks, how it acts or
    what it does. XML describes what the words in a
    document are
  • Separates structure and display of data
  • documents are more portable and can be used in
    many demanding applications like
  • Large or complex data collections
  • Data that must be used in different ways
  • Data with a long life cycle
  • Data intended to drive Java applets and other

XML Vs. HTML Contd..
  • 1. ltHTMLgt
  • 2. ltHTMLgt
  • 3. ltTITLEgt Film Guidelt/ TITLEgt
  • 4. ltBODYgt
  • 5. ltH2gt Film Guidelt/ H2gt
  • 6. ltHRgt
  • 7. ltBgt Film lt/ Bgt Citizen Kanelt BRgt
  • 8. ltBgt Running Time lt/ Bgt 119lt BRgt
  • 9. ltBgt Stars lt/ Bgt
  • 10. ltULgt
  • 11. ltLIgt Joseph Cottonlt/ LIgt
  • 12. ltLIgt Orson Wellslt/ LIgt
  • 13. lt/ ULgt
  • 14. ltHRgt
  • 15. ltBgt Film lt/ Bgt The Godfatherlt BRgt
  • 16. ltBgt Running Time lt/ Bgt 125lt BRgt
  • 17. ltBgt Stars lt/ Bgt
  • 18. ltULgt
  • 19. ltLIgt Marlon Brandolt/ LIgt
  • In file film- guide. xml
  • 1. lt? xml version" 1.0"?gt
  • 2. lt! DOCTYPE film- guide SYSTEM "film- guide.
  • 3. ltfilm- guidegt
  • 4. ltfilmgt
  • 5. lttitlegt Citizen Kanelt/ titlegt
  • 6. ltrun- timegt 119lt/ run- timegt
  • 7. ltstarsgt
  • 8. ltnamegt Joseph Cottonlt/ namegt
  • 9. ltnamegt Orsen Wellslt/ namegt
  • 10. lt/ starsgt
  • 11. lt/ filmgt
  • 12. ltfilmgt
  • 13. lttitlegt The Godfatherlt/ titlegt
  • 14. ltrun- timegt 125lt/ run- timegt
  • 15. ltstarsgt
  • 16. ltnamegt Marlon Brandolt/ namegt
  • 17. ltnamegt Al Pacinolt/ namegt
  • 18. ltnamegt Robert Duvalllt/ namegt

Advantages of XML over HTML
  • Flexibility of defining own markup language will
    help to code documents more precisely
  • Reflects structures and semantics of documents
  • Better searching and navigation
  • Allows single document to be used many ways

Disadvantages of XML over HTML
  • More difficult, demanding, and precise than HTML
  • Still in experimental/evolution stages
  • Lack of browser support/end user applications

XML Application Areas
  • There are Two primary use of XML
  • Publishing
  • Data Communication

XML for Publishing
Benefits of XML for Publishing
  • Same XML document can be presented in multiple
  • Presentation medium is Browser gt
  • present document as HTML
  • Presentation medium is word processor gt
  • present document using word processor format
  • Presentation medium is Braille reader gt
  • present document as raised dots
  • Presentation medium is speech generator gt
  • present document as sound waves
  • Multiple XML documents can be presented in the
    same way
  • Book written by author1 can be presented using
    precisely the same format as books written by
    author2, author3, etc.
  • Newspaper publisher can collect articles from
    disparate sources, and publish them in one
    consistent format

XML for Data Communication
Benefits of XML for Data Communication
  • Extensible
  • Using a DTD, you define the protocol
  • Simple
  • Easy to understand
  • Tree structured
  • Human readable
  • Easy to debug
  • Standard
  • The mechanism for defining the protocol (DTD) is
  • Business communities are defining standard DTDs
    (publishing, pharmaceuticals, financials, etc.)
  • Commercial XML parsers/ generators are readily
    available -- for free!!!

XML enables data sharing
  • XML is suitable for exchanging information
  • XML provides structure for data

(No Transcript)
Business applications of XML
  • Supply chain management connects trading
    partners,suppliers and customers
  • E-commerce applications enables automation and
    integration of backend databases, ERP systems,
    etc., and facilitates presentation of XML data as
    html vis XSL(Extensible Stylesheet Language)
  • EDI translation of EDI documents to XML allows
    for new B2B applications and broadens the supply
  • ERP allows access to business logic and data
    embedded in ERP systems
  • Legacy system integration exposes legacy data
    to web applications

XML in Web browsers
  • XML is going to be an integral part of the web
  • Microsoft jumped in quickly and implemented XML,
    IE5 and above supports XML
  • Netscape was late, but it is trying to catch up.

Importance of XML
  • Next generation web architecture
  • Provides means to solve data interchange problems
  • Standards based
  • Has wide spread industry support
  • Based on SGML experience

What problems does XML solve?
  • Multiple output formats
  • Information exchange between software systems
  • Long term format for information archives

Will XML replace HTML?
  • The Answer is NO.
  • XML will coexist with HTML
  • XML does not specify the format or appearance of
    a document.
  • An emerging standard XSL (Extensible Stylesheet
    Language) specifies the appearance of a document.
    You can think of XSL translating XML into HTML
    for display.
  • XML is a good viable alternative for high-end
    publishing on the web but it is not a replacement
    for HTML

References and additional Information
  • URLs
  • XML Standards
  • http// - the core site for the XML
    standards body
  • XML Forums and Information hubs
  • http// - an excellent site for XML
    information, sponsored by Seybold
  • http// - general XML resources
  • http// - general XML resource
  • http// -
    the XML/EDI group
  • http// - XML
    and SGML products and companies
  • http// - XML FAQ maintained by key
    people in XML standards groups
  • http//
    xml.html - a small XML info site
  • http// - commerce Nets XML
  • http// -
    general XML information
  • http// - OASIS
    XML cover pages
  • http// -
    On-line course covering Java and XML
  • http// - James Clarks XML
  • http// - Brian Covers SGML/XML
  • http//
    xml.html - general XML information
  • http// - general XML information

(No Transcript)
  • The extensible markup language (XML) has been
  • as the universal duct tape for all the software
    integration problems,
  • it is quickly becoming a accepted industry
    standard. Almost any
  • platform can Manipulate XML allowing companies to
  • business-to-business systems with out vendor
    lock-in and with the
  • Infrastructure they already have. Lets hope XML
    will enable
  • competitive but coordinated markets
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