Title: Sanitation and Hygiene: approaches for sustainable development
1Sanitation and Hygiene approaches for
sustainable development
- Jon Lane, WSSCC
- 12 August 2007
2Where are we now?
3A world of two halves, a job half-done
- Half the world has sanitation
- Half the world does not even have basic sanitation
collection, transport, treatment and disposal or
reuse of human excreta, domestic waste water and
solid waste and associated hygiene promotion.
collection, transport, treatment and disposal or
reuse of human excreta, domestic waste water and
solid waste and associated hygiene promotion.
disposal of human excreta
4Sanitation and health
- Main arguments used by sector professionals
- Reduce faeco-oral diseases
- Infant mortality from diarrhoea is five times
that from AIDS - British Medical Journal readers' poll result
- (These people are doctors!).
5Sanitation and social development
- Main arguments used by the people themselves
- Privacy, dignity, convenience, status
- Women's education
- People will sustain their changed behaviours if
they are motivated - Hence implement sanitation by creating demand
not by subsidising supply.
6Sanitation and economic development
- Main arguments that appeal to decision-makers
- 1 spent on sanitation saves 7
- Sanitation has big externalities
- Women's education (again)
- Link between IMR and economic growth.
7Sanitation and the environment
- A neglected connection
- One person can affect many
- Need to safeguard drinking water supplies
(surface water and ground water) and coastal
waters - Also re-use compost for agriculture
- Will all become more important.
8How to achieve our goals
- Scale up existing good ideas
- Think on a much larger scale
- 10 Bn per year may sound big to us but not to
other people - Win over other people to our cause
- We have the technologies, the approaches and the
people - we can do it!
9Our task this year
- Internal activities
- Analyse our work
- Get the science right
- Agree the important points
- Hence agree our messages
- (this Seminar is doing this).
10Our task next year
- External activities
- Throw our energy into advocacy
- All use the same few messages
- Avoid internal splits and arguments
- (This will be our big chance).
11If we get it right