Welfare Reform Green Paper Empowering people to work - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Welfare Reform Green Paper Empowering people to work


Human rights includes right to work. Work the best route out of poverty ... Personal Capability Assessment to be developed with DRC etc to ensure fairness ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Welfare Reform Green Paper Empowering people to work

Welfare Reform Green PaperEmpowering people
to work
  • Summary of proposals and key issues for Glasgow

  • Human rights includes right to work
  • Work the best route out of poverty
  • Society has a responsibility to support those
    unable to support themselves
  • Demography

Aspiration 80 employment rate
  • 1 million fewer people on incapacity benefit
  • Help 300,000 lone parents into work
  • Increase number of older workers by 1 million
  • Proposals in each of these areas

Incapacity Benefit
  • Currently, 90 of new claimants intend to return
    to work, and 60 do within 1st year
  • Reduce numbers going on to IB
  • Increase numbers leaving
  • New Employment and Support Allowance (new
    claimants only)
  • Existing IB claimants more pro-active
  • Cities Pilots

Lone Parents
  • Intensify support
  • Increase childcare provision
  • WRAP (work-related activity premium)
  • Older Workers
  • Increase average age of retirement
  • Extend New Deal 25 to 50-59s
  • Equalise state pension age upwards
  • And Housing Benefit to be simplified

  • More involvement of private and voluntary sectors
  • Focus on retention as well as job entry
  • Personal advisers, early intervention
  • Cities priority city pilots
  • Local area consortia, aligning budgets, robust

(No Transcript)
Reducing IB claimants by 1 million- Prevention
  • Healthy workplaces
  • Reducing sickness absence (12 billion/yr to
  • Q1 what other incentives to employers to
    increase health support?

Prevention Role of Health Sector
  • GPs to understand role of work in recuperation
  • Reward primary care staff for work referrals
  • Employment advice via surgeries for those on
    sick pay and IB
  • Q2 how best to share evidence of work-health

Prevention Reform Statutory Sick Pay
  • Simplify easier for employers to administer
  • Reduce compensation to some employers for high
    level of sickness absence
  • and reallocate to SMEs to help manage sickness
  • Q3 does package incentivise absence management?
    How best to use redirected funds?

Transform Gateway
  • Personal Capability Assessment to be developed
    with DRC etc to ensure fairness
  • If severe functional limitations Support
    Allowance, no conditionality but able to get
    work-related support if they wish
  • Individually assessed no blanket exclusions

Personal Capability Assessment
  • Medical assessment re eligibility
  • Other health professionals re capability for
  • Assessment includes estimated time for review,
    including anticipated time for improvement in
    functional capability
  • Mental health training for PAs. Expert group
    still to make recommendations.

New Employment and Support Allowance
  • Not labelling people as incapable of work.
  • At JSA level during 3 month assessment phase
  • All claimants WFI at 8 weeks.
  • PCA if eligible, onto ESA main phase

ESA main phase
  • More than JSA
  • PAs and private / voluntary expertise
  • Expectation most claimants will benefit from
    some work-related activity / employment
  • Personal action plans, WFIs, work-related
  • Q4 does Green Paper show sensible range of
    Suitable activity?

  • If individual does not participate, benefit
    reduced in slices to JSA level.
  • Fluctuating health conditions recognised
    appropriate actions to be agreed with PA
  • DLA still available, tax free, on top, if
  • Q5 right way to target support to people with
    the greatest needs?

ESA (continued)
  • Wont rise with age
  • Wont increase for adult dependants
  • Q6 are these changes appropriate to our modern

ESA continued
  • Linking period doubled to 2 years from October
  • Encourage voluntary work and part-time work
    before leaving ESA
  • Test-trading for self-employment
  • Extension of Return to Work credit as part of
    Pathways roll-out
  • Q7 adequate incentives to progress towards /
    return to work?

Existing IB Claimants
  • Remain on current benefit level
  • More pro-active work (inf, review)
  • Pathways pilots to cover more of caseload on
    mandatory basis
  • Encourage to volunteer for Pathways help
  • Increased frequency of assessment, WFI (consider
    as resources allow)
  • New ad hoc review team
  • And the cities pilot.

Cities Pilots
  • Local partners economic regeneration through
    skills, employment and health
  • Help to find and stay in work
  • and progress via skills
  • Consortia taking account of local partnership
  • and using PVS providers via DWP contracts
  • And setting out expected outcomes.
  • Proposals considered to trial conditionality /
    incentive structures for existing claimants.
  • Maximum local flexibility
  • Q 11 Does pilot provide effective mechanism to
    join up work of different agencies, make better
    use of existing funding?

And finally
  • Skills
  • Support low-skilled adults (universal entitlement
    to Level 2 VQ)
  • Leitch report UK needs to be far more
  • Fraud
  • Expand data matching
  • New technology, ID card
  • Detect and correct low-level fraud

Some issues for Glasgow for discussion
  • Glasgows agenda already 30-40,000 who want to
    work many on health-related benefits
  • Experience and commitment of health sector
  • Big social issues GP doesnt recognise
  • Is conditionality helpful or necessary need
    more carrots, creative motivation
  • Employer engagement
  • Need first-rate PAs!
  • City pilot needs to go beyond current targets
    (30,000 into work by 2010)
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