Title: Analysis of Human EEG Data
1Analysis of Human EEG Data
- Pavel Stránský
- Supervisor
- Prof. RNDr. Petr eba, DrSc.
- Measurement and structure of EEG signal
- EEG as a multivariate time series, statistical
approach to EEG data processing - Small introduction to random matrices theory
- My present results and outlook
Measurement and Structure of EEG Signal
41. Measurement and Structure of EEG Signal
Cerebral Electric Activity
EEG Electro-encephalography, Electro-encephalogr
51. Measurement and Structure of EEG Signal
- Location of the Electrodes
- (10-20 system, 21 electrodes)
61. Measurement and Structure of EEG Signal
An Example of EEG Measurement
- Alpha waves
- Beta, theta, delta waves
- Other graphoelements
- Artefacts
72. Statistical Approach to EEG Data
82. Statistical Approach to EEG Data
- Modelling and processing time series
- Vector Autoregression VAR(p)
Stacionarity (Covariance stacionarity)
for all t and any j
White noise
for all t, t1, t2
92. Statistical Approach to EEG Data
- Modelling and processing time series (cont.)
- Other ways of treating with time series
- Principal component analysis
- Independent component analysis
- Testing for periodicity (Fishers test,
Siegels test)
103. Small introduction to random matrix theory
113. Small introduction to RMT
- Random matrices
- Study of excitation spectra of compound nuclei
- The same behaviour like eigenvalues of random
matrices - 3 principal ensembles GOE, GUE, GSE
Hermitian self-dual matrices, symplectic
Hermitian matrices, unitary transformations
Def Gaussian othogonal ensemble is defined in
the space of real symmetric matrices by two
requirements 1. Invariance (O is orthogonal
matrix) 2. Elements are statistically
independent which means that ,
where (probablity density function)
123. Small introduction to RMT
- Random matrices (cont.)
- Universality classes
- GUE Hamiltonians without time reversal symmetry
- GOE Hamiltonians with time reversal symmetry and
WITHOUT spin-1/2 interactions - GSE Hamiltonians with time reversal symmetry and
WITH spin-1/2 interactions - Universal law for joint probability density
function - For energies x(eigenvalues of H)
b 1 GOE b 2 GUE b 4 GSE
133. Little introduction to RMT
- Random matrices (cont.)
- Spectral correlations (nearest neighbour spacing
distribution) - Wigner distribution
- Normalization
143. Little introduction to RMT
- Random matrices (cont.)
- Other distributions (taking into account
correlations for longer distances) - S2 statistics (number variance)
- D3 statistics (spectral rigidity)
154.Results, outlook
164. Results, outlook
- Correlation analysis of EEG Data
- Dividing EEG signal from M channels x1, ..., xM
into cells of constant time length T - Computing correlation matrix Cm for the mth cell
with normalizing mean and variance - Finding eigenvalues xm of all correlation
matrices Cm
174. Results, outlook
- Correlation analysis (cont.)
- Unfolding the spectra
- (after unfolding all eigenvalues are "equally
important", the resulting eigenvalue density r(x)
is constant) - Finding nearest neighbour distribution p(s) for
the unfolded spectra
184. Results, outlook
- Correlation analysis (cont.)
- Comparing computed spacing distribution with
theoretical Wigner curve
194. Results, outlook
- Outlook
- Use more subtle method from RMT and time series
analysis to analyze the correlations and also
autocorrelations (correlations in time) - Find significant and reproducible variables for
standard EEG measured on healthy subjects - Deviations are expected if there was some neural
204. Results, outlook
- Literature
- P. eba, Random Matrix Analysis of Human EEG
Data, Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 198104 (2003) - T. Guhr, A. Müller-Groeling, H. A. Weidenmüller,
Random Matrix Theories in Quantum Physics Common
Concepts, Phys. Rep. 299, 189 (1998) - M. L. Mehta, Random Matrices and the Statistical
Theory of Energy Levels, Academic Press (1967) - H. J. Stöckmann, Quantum Chaos An Introduction,
Cambridge University Press (1999) - A. F. Siegel, Testing for Periodicity in a Time
Series, JASA 75, 345 (1980) - J. D. Hamilton, Time Series Analysis, Princeton
University Press (1994) - A. Jung, Statistical Analysis of Biomedical Data,
Dissertation, Universität Regensburg (2003) - J. Faber, Elektroencefalografie a
psychofyziologie, ISV nakladatelství Praha (2001)