Title: Calderdale Healthy Ageing Programme
1Calderdale Healthy Ageing Programme
2Calderdale Healthy Ageing Programme
- Six projects to meet needs older people in
Calderdale have said are important to them - Neighbourhood Schemes in Halifax Todmorden
- Supporting Carers
- Falls Prevention Service
- Home From Hospital Service
- Handyperson Service
- Locality Integration
3Our Aims
- Accelerated culture change and flexible
person- centred services through - Shifting the balance of power to older people
and - carers
- Promoting healthy ageing, independence and
well- - being.
- Joint commissioning, integrating locality
teams, - reinvesting savings and developing the
workforce - Developing the capacity of the community,
- voluntary and independent sector
- Evaluating the outcomes of the Project and
sharing - good practice nationally and locally
4Calderdale Healthy Ageing Programme
Health Social Care Locality based integrated
Practical prevention and support services to
promote health and well-being
Step change from intensive services to a
preventative person-centred approach
Neighbourhood Schemes
Gateway to services
Building community capacity
Hospital After Care Scheme
Access Advice
Leisure and Social Activities
Handyperson Scheme
Falls Prevention
Carers Support Well-being
5Calderdale Healthy Ageing Programme
- DH POPP Grant 943 k (over 2 years)
- Project/Service Staffing
- Neighbourhood Schemes 4 (3.66 WTE)
- Supporting Carers 3 (1.16 WTE)
- Falls Prevention 4 (2.72 WTE)
- Home From Hospital 3 (2.12 WTE)
- Handyperson Service 2 (1.0 WTE H/person, 0.4 WTE
Admin) - Locality Integration 1 (1.0 WTE)
- Total 17 (12.06 WTE)
- Our minimum target is that by March 2009
- 1,600 service users will have benefited from
the five - POPP preventative services and
- 30 additional volunteers will have been
recruited - across these services.
6Neighbourhood Schemes
Tess McMahon Coordinator Todmorden NS Tel 01422
348777 Email nscot_at_cvac.org.uk
- Why? Older people said they wanted
- Neighbourhood Schemes
- To be involved in service design, delivery and
- Aims
- To enable older people to take a full and
active part in the - local community
- To pay particular attention to vulnerable and
isolated older - people
- To meet the 7 outcomes in Our Health, Our
Care, Our - Say and LAA targets
7Neighbourhood Schemes
- How?
- 2 pilot NS Central Halifax and Todmorden
- Scheme Coordinators started in August 2007
- Support Workers started in October 2007
- Run by older people for older people
- Asking older people about what they want
- and need
- At least half of each Steering Group will be
- local people aged 50
- Meeting local needs in a flexible way
8Neighbourhood Schemes
- NS will offer a range of activities that promote
health, well-being and independence including - Advice and information
- Overcoming barriers to getting existing
- services
- Social, recreational and learning opportunities
- Healthy living activities
- Practical help and support provided by
- volunteers
- Reaching out to isolated older people
9Neighbourhood Schemes
- Progress So Far
- Building foundations
- Developing locality profiles
- Developing a mini-directory
- Signposting and referring on to other services
- eg Falls Prevention, Handyperson
- Overcoming barriers to accessing existing
services - Then
- Develop new activities and services
- Monitor and evaluate asking older people
- Sustainability planning
- A Case Study Fish and Chips (see handout)
10Health Well-being of Carers
Maureen Howland Caseworker Lesley Rudd Looking
After Me Administrator Tel 01422 369101
- Why?
- Many older people are carers
- Many carers spend 50 hr/week providing
informal care - Caring is emotionally and physically draining
- Many carers have a long-term condition
- Unpaid carers save health and social care
- Aims
- To support carers to self care and manage their
situation - To improve all aspects of carers well-being
- To reduce the number of times care breaks down
- To meet carers needs more effectively
11Health Well-being of Carers
- How?
- Carer Caseworker (0.5 WTE)
- Looking After Me Courses
- Researching Carers Needs
- Reshaping services to meet needs
- Carers Caseworker (Since May 1 2007)
- Provides short-term, time limited intensive
support - Responds to referrals quickly
- Gives support, advice and signposts on
- Assists carers to get support from other
agencies - Case Study (see handout)
12Health Well-being of Carers
- Looking After Me Courses (Expert Patient
Programme) - Free self-management course for adult carers
- 2.5 hours/week for 6 weeks ( pre/post
meetings) - Covers
- Relaxation techniques Dealing with tiredness
- Exercise Healthy Eating
- Coping with depression Planning for the future
- Communicating with family, friends
professionals - Led by 9 trainers (6 volunteers, 3 Carers
Project staff)
- Progress To Date
- 2 courses run by specialist trainers
- 27 participants completed (9 then trained as
trainers) - Planning at least 6 courses/year (1 in ethnic
language) - Evaluation Feedback (see handout)
13Health Well-being of Carers
- Research To Identify Carers Needs
- Focus on emergency respite care and other needs
- Cordis Bright Consulting (our POPP Local
Evaluator) - June Dec 2007
- Includes
- Questionnaires to over 1,000 carers
- 6 targeted Focus Groups
- Stakeholder on line survey
- Literature/best practice review
- Will
- Inform our updated Carers Strategy
- Help us to re-shape carers services to better
meet needs - Include new emergency respite service
14Falls Prevention
Rachael Smith Business Change Manager (Falls
Prevention) Tel 07798 781293 Email
- Why?
- One third of people 65 will fall at least
once/year - In Calderdale this equates to 11,500 people
falling/year - 5-10 of these will suffer injury
- Following hip fracture 50 lose independence
25 die - Can lead to loss of function, mobility and
quality of life - Estimated health and social care cost of a
single hip - fracture is 25,424
- Calderdale PCT spent 3.5 m in hospital
admissions due - to falls (2004/05)
15Falls Prevention
- Strategy
- Primary Falls Prevention
- Empower Older People
- Part of whole systems approach
- How?
- 4 x 25 hr FP Workers to
- Raise awareness
- Education fall risks and falls prevention.
- Provide choices for healthy lifestyle.
- Provide effective proven falls prevention
measures. - Work together
16Falls Prevention
POPPS Primary Prevention Education, advice,
Peer Mentors , Moving More Often first level
screen Fall Prevention workers Balance
groups Second level Assessment (DN,CRT,RR) Fal
ls Clinic
Early prevention
Targeted intervention
Specialist Health Services
Highly specialised
17Calderdale Healthy Ageing Programme
- Lessons Learnt So Far
- Setting services up takes time especially
- when multi-agency and involving older people
- Managing relationships at all levels takes a
lot of - time and energy this is vital to success
- Would focus on fewer projects/services next
time - Synergy and creativity of working together is
- very positive lots of spin offs that
wouldnt have - happened without POPPs