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a foresight exercise at this level encompasses a limited number of research ... Studying human development, the brain and the ageing process. 19 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


Arnold Verbeek Catholic University of Leuven
(Belgium) RD division INCENTIM SOOS policy
research centre
The programme
  • Introduction
  • Why look ahead in time?
  • Is foresight a prediction? What is foresight?
  • Foresight around the world some findings in
    different countries
  • Foresight in Flanders (Belgium) the food sector
  • Developed methodology
  • The future a glance at some results and policy
  • Planning of het future needs knowledge of the
  • Foresight in Iceland? Some thoughts and
  • Discussion

IntroductionIt is always difficult to predict,
especially the future. (N. Bohr)
  • 1878 Erasmus Wilson, professor of Physics at
    Oxford University
  • When the Paris Exhibition closes, electric light
    will close with it and no more will be heard of
  • 1943 Thomas Wilson, chairman of the board of
  • I think there is a world market for about five
  • 1977 Ken Olsen, President of DEC at the World
    Future Society
  • There is no reason for any individual to have a
    computer in their home
  • 1981 Bill Gates, CEO of Microsoft
  • 640 K ought to be enough for anybody

IntroductionInterrelation between
Why look ahead?
  • Increasing challenges brought about by fierce
    global competition
  • Think only of the increasing demand for
    accountability and pay off of publicly funded
  • New emphasis on the importance of science and
    technology for growth and development
  • formulation of scientific and technological
    policies and strategies to fit the complex
    economic and social needs raises significant
  • Government authorities, science and technology
    policy-makers and business managers have shown
    growing interest in exploring potential
    technological options and trends
  • As a result
  • Foresight activities, embracing a broad spectrum,
    from mainly technology-oriented aspects to more
    socially focused ones, have consolidated their
    importance within the decision-making process,
    particularly since the late 1980s in Europe and
    much earlier in the USA or Japan.

Forecast, foresight, technology watch
What is technology forecasting?
Cetron (1969) defined technological forecasting
as " the prediction, with a level of confidence,
of a technical achievement in a given time frame
with a specified level of support" (Cetron, 1969,
Forecasting jumping the curve
What is technology foresightIt is always
difficult to predict, especially the future. (N.
  • NOT predicting BUT identifying a range of
    possible future developments and the ways to
    understand them and influence them
  • by getting a better picture of the mechanisms
    and causal relationships that determine them.
  • An earlier definition of foresight by Irvine and
    Martin (1984) encompasses
  • the techniques, mechanisms and procedures for
    attempting to identify areas of basic research
    beginning to exhibit strategic potential.
    (Irvine Martin, 1984 7),
  • While a more recent working definition of
    technology foresight was provided by the 1996
    OECD Report in terms of
  • systematic attempts to look into the longer-term
    future of science, technology, economy and
    society with a view to identifying emerging
    generic technologies likely to yield the greatest
    economic and/or benefits. (OECD, 199618)

Levels of technology foresightIt is always
difficult to predict, especially the future. (N.
  • The holistic level (country level)
  • take into account the whole range of research and
    technology fields, most usually at national
    level, with the aim to identify trends and
    possible future development directions and to
    provide insights for lower-level foresight
  • The macro-level (fields or subfields)
  • a foresight exercise at this level encompasses a
    limited number of research fields, opening
    perspectives for interdisciplinary research or
    highlighting the need for major initiatives in
    one or more of the fields of concern
  • The meso-level (sector of industry)
  • it regards a single scientific field or
    technology sector, in which research areas of
    major socio-economic impact are looked for
  • The micro-level (companies)
  • is usually the level of analysis for individual
    projects or projects carried out by scientific
    teams, active mainly in applied research rather
    than in basic science. Within companies,
    micro-level foresight exercises are used for
    identifying technical goals for projects or for
    estimating the potential impact of RD on
    particular products, processes and services

Functions of technology foresightIt is always
difficult to predict, especially the future. (N.
  • Direction-setting
  • Foresight can be a valuable tool for devising
    science policy guidelines at national or lower
    levels or to deepen the insights into a more
    limited range of future RD options.
  • Determining priorities
  • Prioritizing between various development options
    of their research plans, programmes, objectives,
    resources, etc.
  • Anticipatory intelligence
  • Valuable source of background information on
    emerging scientific and technological areas
  • Consensus-generation
  • This is an important function which consolidates
    the communication channels and flows between the
    actors involved in the foresight process
    (scientists, funding agencies and research
    users), both internally, within the research
    community, and externally, between funding
    bodies, executors and users of research (e.g.
    government agencies, universities, industry
  • Communication and education
  • This is a function which can be observed in one
    research community both internally and
    externally, in the relation with research users
    and the general public, shaping the culture and
    knowledge of users on the potential

Foresight around the world...
  • A. Verbeek K. Debackere, Onderzoeksdivisie
    INCENTIM, K.U. Leuven

Foresight around the world The U.S.
  • First attempts in the 1950s in the US by the RAND
    corporation 1960s forecasting by the US Navy, US
    Air Force (also Delphi)
  • In basic research, the National Academy of
    Sciences (NAS) commissioned in 1963 a study to
    consider what level of Federal support is needed
    to maintain for the United States a position of
    leadership through basic research in the
    advancement of science and technology and their
    economic, cultural and military applications
  • Followed by a series of studies funded by the
    NSF, especially on areas with long-term growth
  • In the 1980s a series of studies carried out for
    the DoE and the DoD
  • In the 1970s already the OSTP/NSF reports named
    outlook, foresight, issues management or
    la prospective came into place the oil crisis
    of 1973 could not be predicted
  • Now permanent institutionalized scanning of
    critical technologies

Foresight around the world Japan
  • In 1969 the first 30-year technology forecasting
    programme started by Japans Science and
    Technology Agency
  • encompassing all science and technology sectors
    and a wide range of experts from industry,
    universities and government organizations, in
    order to provide private and public
    decision-makers with views on possible long-term
    developments for broad direction-setting.
  • The Ministry of Industry and Trade (MITI), with
    responsibilities in the field of industrial
    technological policies, developed its periodical
    10-Year Visions, and was soon followed by the
    Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and
    Culture (Monbusho) and the Ministry of Posts and
  • Now already the results of the 7th Japanese ST
    forecasting (including Delphi) study is out!

Foresight around the world The Netherlands
(from the 1970s)
  • The Dutch Ministry of Education and Science, on
    the one hand, and the Ministry of Economic
    Affairs and the Ministry of Education and
  • Studies carried out
  • A. Technology Foresight Studies - The Ministry of
    Economic Affairs
  • The goal of these studies was to generate
    information for strategic technology policy in
    priority setting and decision-making and to
    facilitate interaction, networking and creation
    of new partnerships between public and private
    sector, in specific technological areas.
  • B. Foresight Steering Committee - The Ministry of
    Education and Science
  • The initial goals of the foresight initiatives
    were to correct the weaknesses of previous
    foresight exercises, such as insufficient
    priority setting, and to attempt to weigh
    different scientific areas against each other.
  • A. Stipulated domains of interest
  • Mechatronics (1989-1990)
  • Adhesion (1990)
  • Chipcards (1990)
  • Matrix Composites (1992)
  • Signal Processing (1992)
  • Separation Technology (1993)
  • Production Technology (1995)

Foresight around the world The Netherlands
(from the 1970s) continued
  • B. Four domains of future demand were identified
  • Information and communication in the
    knowledge-based society
  • Virtual and sustainable economy
  • Internationalisation and regionalisation
  • Quality of life
  • Ten areas were however considered being
  • Electronics research the National Electronic
    Highways Programme was complemented with a
    research programme, aimed at stimulating
    long-term innovation
  • Learning and human capital
  • Agriculture and food
  • The service sector
  • Environment protection the National Research
    Initiative Factor 4 was adopted, with the
    purpose to reduce the environmental damage by
    half under the conditions of a double growth and
    prosperity of the nation.
  • Integral utilization of space
  • Development of business and innovation in support
    of Dutch industry
  • Administrative and socio-cultural
  • Social cohesion
  • Health research

Foresight around the world Other countries
  • In the 1990s, foresight studies have been adopted
    by the governments of several other countries,
    among which, Finland, Spain, Greece, Italy,
    Australia, New Zealand.
  • Driving factors for the adoption of foresight by
    a growing number of national governments in the
    world are
  • The growing role of technology for industrial
    competitiveness, social and economic development
    calls for financial support from the government,
    especially for emerging technologies and
    strategic research, insufficiently supported by
    the market.
  • The need for more systematic procedures for
    research priority-setting, foresight being a
    useful tool in this respect
  • The emergence of a new social contract between
    science and society and the search for better
    links between the interests of industry and
    society in relation to technology and innovation
  • The creation of effective networks between
    industry, universities and government research
    laboratories, as a part of wiring up the
    national innovation systems for better learning
    processes and more effective innovation.
  • The need to stimulate SMEs to use new
    technologies in their development
  • Other functions, such as national
    direction-setting, anticipatory intelligence,
    generating consensus, communication and

EUs 6th Framework programme 1. Genomics and
biotechnology for health
  • Genomics and biotechnology for health
  • Fundamental knowledge and basic tools for
    functional genomics
  • Gene expression and proteomics
  • Structural genomics
  • Comparative genomics and population genetics
  • Bio-informatics
  • Application of knowledge and technologies in the
    field of genomics and biotechnology for health
  • Technological platforms for the development of
    new diagnostic, prevention and therapeutic tools
  • Support for innovative research in genomics
    start-up companies
  • Application of medical genomics knowledge and
    technologies in the following fields
  • Combating cancer, degenerative diseases of the
    nervous system, cardiovascular diseases and rare
  • Combating resistance to drugs
  • Studying human development, the brain and the
    ageing process

EUs 6th Framework programme 2. Information
Society Technologies
  • Integrating research into technological areas of
    priority interest for citizens and businesses
  • Ambient intelligence systems
  • Electronic and mobile commerce, technologies for
    secure transactions, for learning, for corporate
    knowledge management, and for e-government
  • Large-scale distributed systems and platforms
    including GRID-based systems
  • Communication- and computing infrastructures
  • New generations of wireless and mobile
    communications systems and networks satellite
    communications systems all optical technologies
    integration and management of communication
    networks capacity-enhancing technologies
    necessary for the development of systems,
    infrastructures and services, in particular for
    audiovisual applications
  • Software technologies and architectures assuring
    multifunctional services and distributed systems
    engineering and control of complex large scale
    systems to ensure reliability and robustness
  • Components and microsystems
  • Design and production of micro- and
    opto-electronic and photonic components
  • Nanoelectronics, microtechnologies and
    microsystems, and multidisciplinary research into
    new materials and quantum devices new computing
    models and concepts
  • Information management and interfaces
  • Knowledge representation and management systems
    based on context and semantics, including
    cognitive systems, as well as tools for creating,
    organising, sharing and disseminating digital
  • Multisensoral interfaces capable of understanding
    the natural expression of human beings (.)

EUs 6th Framework programme 3.
Nanotechnologies, intelligent materials, and new
production processes
  • Nanotechnologies
  • Long-term interdisciplinary research into
    understanding phenomena, mastering processes and
    developing research tools
  • Supramolecular architectures and macromolecules
  • Nano-biotechnologies
  • Nanometre-scale engineering techniques to create
    materials and components
  • Development of handling and control devices and
  • Applications in areas such as health, chemistry,
    energy, optics and the environment
  • Intelligent materials
  • Development of fundamental knowledge
  • Technologies associated with the production and
    transformation of new materials
  • Support engineering
  • New production processes
  • Development of flexible and intelligent
    manufacturing systems incorporating advances in
    virtual manufacturing technologies, interactive
    decision-aid systems and high-precision
  • Systems research needed for waste management and
    hazard control
  • Development of new concepts optimising the
    life-cycle of industrial systems, products and

EUs 6th Framework programme 4. Sustainable
development and global change
  • Technologies for sustainable development (shorter
  • Renewable energy sources, energy savings and
    energy efficiency, especially in the urban
    environment, as well as clean transport, with the
    development of new vehicle concepts in particular
    for road transport, as well as the development of
    alternative motor fuels
  • Intelligent transport, especially in the form of
    technologies making possible a rebalancing as
    well as the integration and increasing
    intermodality of different modes of transport,
    for example by means of innovations in the
    management of the logistic chain (in particular
  • Technologies for sustainable development (longer
  • Fuel cells for stationary applications and in
  • Hydrogen technology
  • New concepts in solar photovoltaic technologies
    and advanced uses of biomass
  • Global change
  • Impact and mechanisms of greenhouse gas emissions
    on climate and carbon sinks (oceans, forests and
  • Water cycle
  • Biodiversity, protection of genetic resources,
    operations of terrestrial and marine ecosystems
    and interactions between human activities and the
  • Mechanisms of desertification and natural
    disasters connected with climate changes
  • Global climate change observation systems

Foresight in Flanders... The food sector
  • A. Verbeek K. Debackere, Onderzoeksdivisie
    INCENTIM, K.U. Leuven

The case in FlandersWhat is the food industry?
The case in FlandersDeveloped methodology
The food industry in Flanders towards 2010A
balance betwee different forces
The food industry in Flanders towards
2010Areas of interest
Interrelation Socio-economic developments and
technology areas
The food industry in Flanders towards
2010Issues of concern affecting future planning
  • During the interviews with the experts, several
    issues of worry appear to be of great interest to
    the sector
  • These topics have to be addressed in order to
    develop further in the future
  • It is important to know (qualitatively and
    quantitatively) where we stand presently!

The food industry in Flanders towards
2010Trends on the consumer level
  • The following consumer trends have been
    identified as leading for the coming years
  • Trend 1 Do-It-for-Me Foods
  • Trend 2 User friendly but sophisticated
  • Trend 3 Balanced nutrition
  • Trend 4 Form follows function
  • Trend 5 Socializing function
  • Trend 6 Childrens segment
  • Trend 7 Light and fresh
  • Trend 8 Flexibility in food preparation and
  • Trend 9 Personalized nutrition
  • Trend 10 Clean, pure, healthy and safe

The food industry in Flanders towards
2010Some examples of innovations in the food
sector reflecting these trends
The food industry in Flanders towards
2010Foresight is not an isolated process
The food industry in Flanders towards
2010Relevant technologies and their impact on
The food industry in Flanders towards
2010Evolutions with the highest impact on
The food industry in Flanders towards
2010Recommendation regarding the future
INGREDIENTS PRODUCTION 1. Stimulate research on
the development of ingredients that reduce the
loss of taste, look, and smell of healthy food 2.
Stimulate research on innovative and new
ingredients that answer the to the new trends in
respect of health and food FOOD PROCESSING 1.
Stimulate research on the replacement of
thermical processes by non-thermic processes in
the preparation of food products PACKAGING 2.
Stimulate research on intelligent
TECHNOLOGY 1. Stimulate further research on the
relation between food and health 2. Stimulate
further research on the relation between food and
research on rapid testing, online measurements
especially in a personalized setting
Foresight on the local levelHow does foresight
have an effect on the local level?
Planning the future needs thorough knowledge of
the present!
Planning the future requires knowledge of the
present and the past
  • Measuring
  • Absorptive capacity (amount of basic research)
  • Knowledge base (specialization, gaps, etc.)
  • Innovation network/system (actors, channels, role
    of universities)
  • A lot of these concepts need to be measured by a
    portfolio of adequate indicators
  • Number of publications per field
  • Quality of Icelandic publications
  • Technology development by patens
  • In- and outflow of the educational system
  • RD spending
  • Number of researchers
  • Collaboration patterns

MeasurementA thorough knowledge of the
present technological strength (measured by
patents) of Iceland?
MeasurementA thorough knowledge of the
present science in Iceland?
Foresight in IcelandSome concluding
  • For countries with limited research capacity,
    foresight can be of specific interest as a
    prioritization tool and a consensus creating
  • Monitor and Relate actively to ongoing
    initiatives, like the Nordic initiatives,
    European and U.S. initiatives
  • Invest in the translation of external knowledge
    and developments to the Icelandic setting rather
    than in large foresight/forecasting studies
  • Integrate foresight in to a broader innovation
    pact in which other initiatives are also present
    it cannot be seen in isolation from other
    economic and technological developments
  • Build a well-developed system of indicators
    around specific aspects of foresight in relation
    to RD, innovation and economic growth
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