Indonesias Demographic Dividend and Ageing The need for further research - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Indonesias Demographic Dividend and Ageing The need for further research


Symposium on Global Ageing and the Development of Education and Research in ... Regular exercise? Further research needed ... Doing regular exercise ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Indonesias Demographic Dividend and Ageing The need for further research

Indonesias Demographic Dividend and AgeingThe
need for further research
  • Prof. Sri Moertiningsih Adioetomo PhD
  • Lilis MCicih Msi
  • Demographic Institute Faculty of Economics
    University of Indonesia
  • Symposium on Global Ageing and the Development of
    Education and Research in Gerontology Geriatric
  • Depok, CHRUI, 3 June 2009

Indonesias Demographic Giant
Number of children per 100 working population
Demographic Dividend and The Window of
(No Transcript)
Demographic Bonus(demographic dividend)
  • Changes in age structure leading to economic
    bonus of demography (demographic dividend)
  • The road to the opening of window of opportunity
  • An opportunity for human capital development

The Window of Opportunity
  • The Indonesian window of opportunity will open in
  • Age Dependency Ratio at its lowest level ? 44
    young population compared to 100 workers
  • Once in a lifetime
  • Increases again after 2030 due to the rapid
    increase of old population

Rapid increase in life expectancies
  • From 45 years in 1971 to
  • 70 years in 2009

The explosion of old population in Indonesia
Need to decompose old population by age
  • Young old ages 60-69 years old
  • Middle old ages 70-79 years old
  • Old-old (grand-old) 80 years
  • Different ages needs different intervention

The UN Projection, 2006 Revision
  • Calculated by
  • Sri Moertiningsih Adioetomo

Growth of old population, Indonesia 1950-2050
Number of young, middle grand-old people,
Indonesia, 1950-2050
  • Source World Population Projection, 2006 revision
  • Increase in life expectancy from 45.7 years in
    1970, to 65.4 in 2000, 69.9 in 2015, 76.9 in 2050
  • Increase in number of old people 60, from 4.9
    million in 1950, to 21.4 m in 2010 and to 79.8 in
  • What is the social, economics and health
  • Different ages ?different needs for caring and
    health services.

Old women outnumber old men always
  • Why and how do they live?

Growth of young old by sex 1950-2050, will they
be still productive?
Number of young old by sex
  • Number of young old women is always higher than
    that of men
  • In 2010 there will be 5.8 million young old men,
    and 6.7 mil young old women
  • These increase to 17.2 m men and 18.5 female
  • What are their socio-economic characteristics?

Growth of middle old by sex 1950-2050, some of
them may still productive
Number of middle old by sex
  • The differences by sex continue
  • In 2010 there will be 3.1 m male and 3.9 female
    middle old people
  • In 2050 this increases to 11.6 middle old male
    and 14.2 middle old women
  • The difference by sex is wider, more women
    survive to middle old

Growth of grand-old by sex 1950-2050, mostly need
to be rescued
Number of grand-old people by sex, 1950-2005
  • Women live longer than men
  • In 2010 there will be 1.1 million women compared
    to only 0.7 men aged 80 years and older
  • The difference will be 3.3 million between
    old-old women, that is 7.6 million compared to
    4.3 old-old men.
  • Old-old people need more care and social economic

The Profile of Old PopulationIndonesia, 2005
  • Calculated by
  • Sri Moertiningsih Adioetomo et. al.

Number of old population by age and sex 2005
Number- by Age and sex 2005
  • Source of data Susenas 2005
  • Men Women 10.4 million young old, 4.8 middle
    old, and 1.4 m old-old
  • Young old 5.0 million men compared to 5.4
    million women,
  • Middle old 2.3 million men compared to 2.6 women
  • Old-old0.65 million men compared to 0.81 million

Old men were the head of HH, but there were 2,7
millions of old women as head of household
Number - Age, sex, household head 2005
  • The young old 4.7 million men vs 1.7m women as
    head of HH
  • Middle old 1.98 m men vs 0.87 m women as head of
  • Old-old 0.48 m men vs 0.23 m women as head of HH
  • 238 000 women aged 80 years are head of
  • Who will take care of them and support their
    economic welfare?
  • Thanks God, 3.7 m young old women, 1.68 middle
    old and 0.57 million old-old women not as HH
  • Does this mean that there are enough caregivers
    for them ?

Higher of rural old people live in nuclear
family 2005 who will take care of them?
Age and living arrangement, 2005
  • More old people in rural areas live in a nuclear
  • Care givers migrate to urban areas?
  • Less old people live in extended family
  • More grand-old people live in extended family
    than middle and young old.
  • Meaning more care givers for old-old people?

Old people are less educated
Less educated old population were found in rural
Education and Residence, 2005
  • Most of the low educated old people reside in the
    rural areas
  • Less than 30 of old people with low education
    live in urban areas
  • Old people of 60 years and above were born in
    1945 or earlier
  • Too late to enjoy the 1973 SD Inpress established
    in all villages of Indonesia
  • Need special services for the low educated men
    old people especially in rural areas.

Grand-old people were still working, 2005
Gender, old people and work, Susenas 2005
  • More than 30, 20 and 10 of young old men were
    working at time of survey
  • For young old women, the of working is much
    less, that is 12, 7 and 2.5 are working.
  • It has to raise concern of why the 7 and 2.5 of
    middle old and grand-old women are still working?
  • No social protection that they still have to earn
    for their living?
  • Or relatives relative who economically support

The absent of social protection, 2005
Gender and the absent of social protection,
Susenas 2005
  • Full time
  • The young old 40 of men and less than 15 of
  • The middle old nearly 35 men and nearly 10
  • The grand-old 30 of men and nearly 10 of women
    are tsill working full time.
  • What kind of work are they doing?
  • Part time
  • 40 and almost 50 of middle and grand old men
    are working lt35 hrs
  • Between 10-15 of old women are working less than
    35 hrs.
  • Need to be investigated further of what they are
    doing and how much they earn?

Half of the old people are poor, 2005
Old people and poverty Susenas 2005
  • Increasing percentage of poor old people by age
  • Slightly more than half of the old-old are poor
  • Only 46 of young old are poor.

More poor old people live in rural area, 2005
Poverty and residence Susenas 2005
  • 55.3 of poor old population live in rural areas
    compared to 33.5 in urban
  • The non poor are more likely found in urban areas

Old women are poorer than old men, 2005
Gender and poverty Susenas 2005
  • More poor old women than men
  • 49.4 of poor women compared to 46 of poor men.
  • Women live longer and do not remarry

Middle and grand old people have least income,
How much do they earn monthly? Susenas 2005
  • Poor young old female earns more income than men
  • But this disappears with increases age
  • Grand-old people earn very little- applies across
    the quintile.
  • Majority young old males earn almost Rp100.000,
    Young old females earns much less (Q2)
  • For higher income group (Q4 and Q5) the middle
    and old old people almost no income.
  • Need policy empowerment to the young old, and
    rescue for the middle and old-odl people

Number of staple food in a day. Susenas 2003
  • Half of the old people eat less than 3 times a
  • More women than men
  • Is this reflecting poverty or wrong question?
  • What does makanan pokok (eat) means?
  • Indonesian use to eat rice three times a day,
  • But there is a tendency to have bread and eggs
    for breakfast?
  • Need to be more prices in the questionnaires?

Have animal protein in their diet? Susenas 2003
  • Ten percent of old people do not have animal
    protein in their meal
  • About 80 do have animal protein but less than 3
    times a day
  • Very low percentage of old people have animal
    protein 3 X a day
  • Not satisfied?
  • Need to improve questionnaires to capture whether
    during breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Have non animal protein in a day Susenas 2003
  • Majority of old people eat non animal protein
    less than 3 times a day
  • Ten percent no non animal protein at all
  • Little difference between men and women

Eating vegetables in a day? Susenas 2003
  • Majority of old people do eat vegetables but less
    than 3 times a day.
  • Only 15 eat vegetables 3 times a day.
  • No difference between old men and old women

Eating fruit in a day? Susenas 2003
  • 75 old people do eat fruit but less than 3 times
    a day
  • About a quarter of them do not eat fruit at all
  • Less old women eat fruit less than three times a
  • Need questionnaires that is more focus on food
    and nutrition for the old population

Social activities?
  • Susenas 2003

Old people and religious activity Susenas 2003
  • 40 old men and 30 old women involved in
    religious activity
  • More old men than old women attended religious
  • Religious activity can be used as vehicle to
    approach old people for information about well
    being or for services.
  • The general perception is that old people
    survived in many challenges and difficulties due
    to their religious belief.
  • But questionnaires should be improved to capture

Involved in ARISAN (revolving funds) ? Susenas
  • Very low percentage of old people involved in
    arisan activity
  • Little differences between old women and old men
  • Arisan forum is less useful as a vehicle to
    approach old population?

Summary and further research needed
Summary (1) The growing number
  • Number of old population grew slowly until 2015,
    rapid increase started from 2015 to 2050
  • More old women than men, across the ages
  • The old-old (grand-old) women will be 1.1 million
    in 2010 compared to 0.7 million old-old men
  • Consequences
  • Living arrangement
  • Intergenerational transfer
  • Well being

Summary (2) How to reach successful ageing?
  • Who will become old by 2015 and onward?
  • What are their characteristics now, will they be
    able to support themselves?
  • How to reach successful and productive ageing?
  • Healthy and nutritious food,
  • Healthy lifestyles,
  • Regular exercise?

Further research needed
  • How to make younger population to be prepared for
  • How to avoid risky ill prepared behavior?
  • Smoking, alcohol, drugs habit
  • Healthy eating habit
  • Doing regular exercise
  • How to improve productivity to get regular income
    for pensions or old time insurance?

Summary (3) Household status and living
  • Old men are the head of household
  • But, 238 000 grand-old women are head of HH
  • More old people are less likely to live in a
    nuclear HH, meaning more caregivers?
  • Although many still live in nuclear family

Further research needed
  • Living arrangement
  • three generations under one roof
  • how old people shared their old values with their
  • Will younger generation today able to support
    their elderly people?
  • Sandwich generations
  • Middle age head of household have to take care of
    their children
  • While at the same time they have to take care of
    their parents or in laws
  • Are they ready?

Summary (4) Gender and the absent of social
  • Old women and men still have to work for a living
  • Old women are less likely to work,
  • But there are still many middle and grand-old
    women still working
  • More than 35 hours a day (full time work)
  • Need social protection rescue rather than

Further research on How to provide social
  • Rescue system for the grand-old population
  • Rescue system for some of the middle-old
  • Create innovative productive activities of the
    young-old population
  • Develop a national policy of social protection
  • Prepare the younger genaration with regular
    income to pay insurance

Further research needed
  • Intergerational transfer
  • In the past children are the pensions system for
    their elderly parents
  • Studies found that sons sent money while
    daughters take care their old parents or inlaws.
  • But single daughters are now moving to urban
    areas or working abroad
  • Children do not have adequate income and large
    housing to accommodate their old parents

Summary (5) Gender and poverty
  • More poor old women than men
  • Middle old and old-old are less likely to have

Further research needed
  • Research on how to empower the young old
  • Research on how to rescue for the grand-old and
    some of the middle old?
  • How community based activities can involve to
    take care of old people in their surrounding
  • How to push the Government to provide social
    protection for these old population

Summary (6) Gender and eating habit
  • No significant difference in eating habit between
    old men and old women
  • In terms of staple food, protein, vegetables and

Further research needed
  • Need detailed study on gender, poverty issues and
    eating habit, attention to the limited data
  • The existing culture women were always second or
    third priority when come to food consumption
  • How to change this attitude? This is preparing
    for healthy population when they are old.

Need detailed data, national and local level, for
research on ageing
  • Further research on old people and
    social-economic and religious activities
  • Data do not enough to explore social and
    religious activities
  • Need to be more focused on this topic
  • Suggest to BPS for separate modules on Old
    population, socio-economic characteristics and
    well being.

Thank You
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