Title: Iowa Farm Bureau
1Rural Vitality Team Presentation February 25,
Iowa Farm Bureau
Rand Fisher, President Iowa Area Development Group
2Rural Vitality Presentation
Opening Comments
3Rural Vitality Presentation
My Special Challenge. . . Join together in a
spirit of Gratitude, Worldly Perspective,
Determination and Resolve. Maintain
an Attitude of Gratitude
Rural Vitality Presentation
- Americans live in abundance.
- We have unparalleled resources, freedom, wealth
and opportunity.
Most people on this planet are challenged by
starvation, illiteracy and poverty.
5Worldly Perspective
Rural Vitality Presentation
- If we could shrink the earths population to 100
people, with all the existing human ratios
remaining the same, it would look something like
6Worldly Perspective
Rural Vitality Presentation
- 57 Asians
- 21 Europeans
- 14 From the Western Hemisphere
- North South
- 8 Africans
7Worldly Perspective
Rural Vitality Presentation
- Female
- 48 Male
- 70 Non-white
- 30 White
- 70 Non-Christian
- 30 Christian
8Worldly Perspective
Rural Vitality Presentation
- 6 people would possess 59 percent of the entire
worlds wealth and all 6 would be from the U.S.
9Worldly Perspective
Rural Vitality Presentation
- 80 would live in substandard housing
- 70 would be unable to read
- 50 would suffer malnutrition
10Worldly Perspective
Rural Vitality Presentation
- Would be near death
- Would be near birth
- Would be college educated
- Would own a computer
Source - The Global Citizen
11Determination Resolve
Rural Vitality Presentation
- Americans should not only be thankful, they
should be determined and resolved to make a
difference in their community, country and the
12Leaders must . . .
Rural Vitality Presentation
- have an abundance mentality,
- think globally, and
- plan boldly!
13Presentation Overview
Rural Vitality Presentation
- Introduce Iowa Area Development Group
- Discuss Importance of Economic Development
- Share Interesting ED Facts Figures
- Present Ten Building Blocks for Community
Vitality - Address IFBF Questions Concerns
14IADG Powerful Partnerships... connecting
people and resources to grow businesses and
communities in Iowa!
85 consumer owned electric utilities 150
independent telephone companies.
The economic development organization for Iowa
Rural Electric Cooperatives, associated
Municipal Utilities and INS.
Community Business
- Creating Sustaining An
- Economic Development Culture
- Among Member Utilities
Community Business
19- Who started economic development?
- Q. What is economic development?
- Q. Why do economic development?
20- Economic development is about the creation of
wealth. It focuses on - people, jobs income,
- tax base, investment, entrepreneurship and
21In Free Markets
- People
- Places, and
- Products
Compete Cooperate to Win!
Innovative Capacity
Michael Porter
23Productivity drives prosperity which leads to a
higher standard of living. The prosperity of a
state, region or community depends on the
productivity and innovation of its people and
24Economic development is about the search for
competitive nations, states and regions. Profit
is the motivator in prudent site selection
decision making.
25In todays world, economic development is
increasingly driven by
- Partnerships
- Taxation,
- Regulation
- Incentives, and
- Human Talent
26Innovation has been called the only sustainable
competitive advantage in the 21st Century!
27Screening Locations
Operating Costs Labor Transportation Uti
lities Occupancy Taxes
Operating Conditions Supply/quality of
labor Union climate Training Availability Regulati
Quality of Life Housing Recreation
Education Healthcare
(Dont overlook initial start-up costs!)
28Discover Project Drivers
Every location decision is unique. Focus on the
search team and discover the projects economic
29Economic Development Facts Figures
(Miscellaneous Iowa Rankings)
37th 41st 32nd 43rd
- Percent of Pop. With B.A. Degrees
- Percent of Pop. With Advances Degrees
- College Retention Rate
- High Tech Employment
- High Tech Wages
IA 49
(U.S. Avg. 71.3)
30More Miscellaneous Iowa Rankings
- Venture Capital Investment 44th
- Overall Business Starts 49th
- M E Investment/employees 36th
- State and Local Taxes/capita 27th
- Local Govt. Employees/resident 8th
- State Local Govt.Employees/resident 11th
31More Miscellaneous Iowa Rankings
- State Population 30th
- Gross State Product 26th
- Iowa Per Capita Income 27th
- Home Ownership 11th
- Electric Revenue/KwH (Industrial) 40th
32Ten Building Blocks for Community Vitality
1 Leadership
The foundation where it all begins!
- Leadership isnt
- Who you are or
- Where your are, its
- What you are.
34Six Principles of Leadership
- Purpose
- Passion
- Preparation
- Perspective
- Performance
- Perseverance
" "
35Leadership Expectations
36Ten Building Blocks for Community Vitality
2 Research Assessment
Know Thyself
37- Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but
they arent entitled to their own facts.
38Six Sector Analysis
- Economics
- Demographics
- Technology
- Environment
- Leadership
- Government
" "
39Ten Building Blocks for Community Vitality
3 Planning
If you dont know where youre going, youre
likely to end up somewhere else.
Yogi Berra
40- Plans are dispensable.
- Planning is indispensable.
General Eisenhower
41Community Planning is Essential
- Begins with Values
- Embraces Research Analysis
- Encourages Goal Setting Prioritization
- Allows for Measurement, Reporting Celebration
42Establishing Community Values
- Harmony Respect
- Diversity
- Economic Strength Vitality
- Education
- Preservation of Small Town Life
- Cultural Richness, Arts Recreation
- Natural Environment
- Beautification
- Identity Reputation
- Civic Integrity
- Opportunity
- Children
- Seniors
- Working Families
43Ten Building Blocks for Community Vitality
4 Comprehensive Strategy
Dont put all your eggs in one basket!
44 Multiple Strategies for Economic
DevelopmentCommunity Development Business
Development Go Hand in HandMake your community
a great place to
- Live
- Work
- Shop
- Play
- Invest
45Community Development Strategies
- Leadership Development
- Social Infrastructure
- Physical Infrastructure
- Workforce Development
- Entrepreneurial Development
46Business Development Strategies
- Existing Business Retention/Expansion
- Entrepreneurial Business Development
- Non-Traditional Business Development
- Business Industry Recruitment
47Ten Building Blocks for Community Vitality
5 Assist and Support
Existing Business Industry
Gardening vs. Hunting
48 Competition is Fierce!
- 15,000 Organizations
- 1,500 Projects
- 150 Real Projects
Do the math . . .
4970 of new jobs and investment come from existing
business and industry!
50Ten Building Blocks for Community Vitality
6 Embrace "Non-traditional"
Business Development Ideas
51 Embrace Non-traditional
Business Development Ideas
- Tourism/Recreation
- Retirement Development
- Historic Preservation
- Downtown Development
- Film Industry
- Natural Resource
- High Technology
- Entrepreneurship
52Be Distinct!
- Different places, different paths.
53Ten Building Blocks for Community Vitality
7 Attention to
Physical Environment
You only get one chance to make a first
54- Stimulate community beautification
- and pride
- Plan and build thoughtfully
- Encourage stewardship of the
- natural environment
55These goals and values aremanifested in
- Sign ordinances
- Clean up days
- Design standards
- Capital improvement planning
- Gateway enhancement
- Nuisance control
56Ten Building Blocks for Community Vitality
8 Community Investment
Yes, it takes some money, So build
public/private partnerships!
57 Maximize your Resources
- Grow your Tax Base
- Develop Your Community Foundation
- Explore Private/Public Partnerships
- Leverage State and Federal Programs
58Ten Building Blocks for Community Vitality
9 Marketing Promotion
Let people know youre special
59 Promote Yourself
- Branding
- Community Website
- Public Relations
- Point of Presence
- Citizen Ambassadors/Networking
- Advertising Promotion
60Ten Building Blocks for Community Vitality
10 Think Work Regionally
ommunication ooperation ollaboration
- Research
- Planning
- Promotion
- Workforce
- Public Relations
- Marketing
- Recruitment
- Technical Assistance
62One Final Thought!
- Measurement, Evaluation
- Continuous Improvement
63Run your civic and community organizations like
a business.
65Rural Vitality Presentation
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
committed individuals can change the world
indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
- Margaret Meade,
- Anthropologist