Title: Statewide Comprehensive
1Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation
Plan and Alabama Trail Plan
2Special Appreciation To
Monte Sano State Park Cheaha State Park The
Waters 5 Rivers Delta Center
3Stakeholder Notification
870 Postcards and 125 E-mail Reminders
- Clean Water Partnerships
- Post-Secondary Educational Institutions
- Public Health Agencies
- Historical Organizations
- State Agencies
- Planners and Grant Consultants
- Chief Elected Officials
- Recreation Organizations and Departments
- Trail Organizations
- Conservation Organizations
- Land Trusts
- Clean Water Partnerships
4Purpose of Public Meetings
Public Participation in Two Programs 1.
Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation
Plan 2. Alabama Trail Plan
- Agenda
- Planning Process
- Review Preliminary
- Information
- C. Identify Needs and Issues
- D. Propose Goals and Actions
5Funding Programs
National Park Service
Federal Highway Administration
LWCF Land and Water Conservation Fund
RTP Recreational Trails Program
Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan
State of Alabama Trail Plan
6LW CF Requirements
- Identify States administrative agency
- Evaluate demand and supply of States outdoor
recreation resources and facilities - Program for Plan Implementation
- Governors certification of public participation
7RTP Requirements
23 USC 206 Funds apportioned to a State to carry
out this section shall be obligated for
recreational trails and related projects that--
have been planned and developed under the laws,
policies, and administrative procedures of the
State and are identified in, or further a
specific goal of, a recreational trail plan, or
a statewide comprehensive outdoor recreation
plan required by the Land and Water Conservation
Fund Act of 1965 that is in effect.
8Planning Process
- Inventory of Supply
- Determination of Demand
- Establish Goals
- Develop Strategy
9Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan
10SCORP Objectives
- Fulfill the purposes of the LWCF Act, 1965, as
amended - Provide states with the maximum opportunity and
flexibility to develop and implement its plan - Describe role of LWCF in States provision of
outdoor recreation opportunities - Describe the States policies for use of its LWCF
apportionment - Provide basis for determining States eligibility
- Ensure relevant, influential and timely planning
for the States use of LWCF apportionment
11SCORP Requirements
- Process and Methodology
- Public Participation
- Comprehensive
- Implementation Program
- Wetlands Priority Component
- Single Document or Multiple Documents
12SCORP Time Frame and Planning Areas
- Five Year Time Frame from 2008 to 2012
- Planning Area Encompasses the Entire State
- Utilizes Alabamas
- 12 Regional
- Planning Districts
13SCORP Survey Process
- Survey conducted by Troy University, Center for
Business and Economic Services - 2,500 telephone surveys
- Random numbers selected based on square root of
the population of each region - Within each region, number of surveys was based
on a countys percentage of the regions
14SCORP Survey Respondents
- Alabamas Projected 2008 Population 4,761,090
- 68.9 Percent White
- 31.1 Percent Non-white
- Respondents
- Adults, Age 19 and Over
- 76 Percent White
- 62 Percent Female
- 24 Percent Non-White
- 66 Percent Female
15SCORP Survey Respondents
Importance of Outdoor Recreation 2008 Activity
Percent Very Important 47.77 Important 26.32 Les
ser Importance 17.88 Not Very Important 4.86 Not
Important 2.96
16SCORP Survey Respondents
Percentage of Alabama residents engaging in
outdoor recreation 1989 2008 Activity Percent
Percent Walking 29 65 Fishing 29 59 Pool
Swimming 21 51 Baseball softball 12
7 Gardening 11 11 Saltwater beach 10
38 Hunting 10 24 Bicycling 9 5 Basketball 8
21 Camping (Developed Sites) 6 20 Power
boating 6 16 Freshwater beach 5 54 Tennis 5
15 Trail hiking 5 15
17SCORP Survey Respondents
Percentage of Alabama residents engaging in
outdoor recreation 1989 2008 Activity Percent
Percent Football -- 44 Soccer -- 18 Jogging --
14 Driving for Pleasure -- 13 ATV
Trail -- 14 Bird Watching -- 8 Volleyball -- 7 Nat
ure Photography -- 6 Roller Skating -- 5 Visit
Historical Sites -- 41 Canoeing /
Rafting -- 9 Horseback Riding -- 7
18SCORP Survey Respondents
1 Outdoor Recreational Needs
19SCORP Survey Respondents
2 Outdoor Recreational Needs
20SCORP Survey Respondents
3 Outdoor Recreational Needs
21Alabama Trail Plan
22Definition of a Trail
A designated land corridor or body of water that
provides recreational, aesthetic, alternate
transportation or educational opportunities to
both motorized and non-motorized users, for all
ages and abilities.
23Types of Trails
- Multi-Use
- Walking
- Hiking
- Biking
- Mountain Bike
- Canoe/Kayak
- Equestrian
- Interpretive
- Based on Trail Inventory Forms
24Typical Trails Uses
25Trail Inventory Information
- Name of Trail
- Location
- Address / Directions
- Longitude / Latitude
- State Planning Region / Tourism Region
- Trail Type
- Length
- Level of Difficulty
- Surface Material
- Owner and Contact Information
- Accessibility
- Restrictions
- Other Facilities Present
- Hours
- Fees
26Trail Inventory
Based on preliminary inventory of local trails.
Does not include distance trails or alternative
transportation facilities.
27Trail Benefits
- Enhanced Quality of Life
- Increased Recreational Opportunities
- Health and Fitness
- Economic Development and Tourism
- Alternate Transportation
- Natural Resource Conservation
- Natural Resource Education
- Aesthetic Enjoyment
28Trail Resources
- ADNRC State Parks, State Lands, Wildlife
Management Areas - ALDOT RTP, Transportation Enhancement
- U.S. Forest Service
- Alabama Forestry Commission
- Land Trusts
- Universities
- Non-Profit Organizations
29Trail Issues
- Coordination and Education
- Construction, Maintenance and Volunteers
- Funding
- Trail Availability and Competing Uses