Title: Effective E-Newsletters
1- Effective E-Newsletters
- By
- Canaan Internet Marketing
- Billy Wong
- mobile 9378 2164
- billy_at_canimarket.com.hk
Please contact us for a free consultation
2- According to on-line marketing research 54 sales
were lost if a customer only read your marketing
material once and they will not come back to your
website again.
3Effective E-Newsletters
- build and manage your database
- select and use the right software to design,
create and send your e-newsletter - avoid spamming your readers
- use auto-responders
- track your readers' behaviour and responses
4Build and manage your database
- Name Card Collected from networking events
- Your existing database from your email program
like outlook or gmail - Opt-in Box on your website
- List building campaign
- Name collected by give values to your site
5List building campaign
6Opt-in Box on your website
7Name collected by give values to your site
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9Name collected by give values to your site
10Select and use the right software to design,
create and send your e-newsletter
11- select and use the right software to design,
create and send your e-newsletter
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13- select and use the right software to design,
create and send your e-newsletter
Click here to visit this website
14- select and use the right software to design,
create and send your e-newsletter
Click here to visit this website
15- select and use the right software to design,
create and send your e-newsletter
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17Avoid spamming your readers
Unsolicited Electronic Messages Ordinance OFTA,
Office of the Telecommunications
AuthorityDecember 2007
- to provide clear and accurate sender information
in the message - to provide an unsubscribe facility and an
unsubscribe facility statement in the message - to honour unsubscribe requests within ten (10)
working days after the request has been sent - not to send commercial electronic messages to any
telephone or fax number registered in the
do-not-call registers starting from the tenth
(10) working day of its registration, unless
consent has been given by the registered user of
the relevant telephone or fax number - not to send email messages with misleading
subject headings.
18Use of auto-responders
- How about automatically following up with
customers when they place an order on your web
site? Why not send them a discount code to use on
their next order? - Why not take information from your web site and
build a free eBook for your web site visitors to
download? When they download the eBook, ask for
their email address and send them a few follow up
emails about your products and services. - Create a series of emails and build an "online
course" to teach your subscribers about your
industry, products and services. For example, if
you sell sunglasses, teach your subscribers about
the benefits of outdoor eye protection and review
a few different pairs of sunglasses (with links
to purchase them, of course)!
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20Dear FirstName,Thank's for contacting
Fitness Boutique. One of our staff members will
be in touch shortly. Did you know that Jeff, one
of our lead trainers is a natural body building
champion with under 10 body fat? He's extremely
skilled at getting hard working gym junkies such
as yourself off that damned plateau and into
awesome muscle gaining mode.Jeff's usually
quite busy so it's hard to catch him on the
phone, but we'll try and see if he can give you a
call shortly. If not, you can rest assured that
he'll be there to help you get started on your
journey to an awesome, rock solid body.Look
forward to seeing you soon.Billy Wong,Fitness
for Life.
21Two Weeks Later
22Hey FirstName,It's Jeff from Fitness For
Life. I noticed you havent come in for your free
consultation just yet, so I thought I'd shoot you
an email to see if there's anything I can do to
convince you that now's the time to get those
rock hard abs you've always wanted.I've been
training and helping people for over 5 years now,
and I've got the stats to prove it. Yup, Billy
was right, I have won a few body building
championships but more importantly, I've helped
an enormous amount of people get from good to
GREAT bodies, which improved their looks,
confidence, health and much much more. Take a
look at these photo's and see if I can't change
your mind.I'm available in the gym from 4pm
till 8pm, so why don't you pop in after
work?See you soon!Jeff BridgesHead
TrainerFitness for Life
23Track your readers' behaviour and responses
24Track your readers' behaviour and responses
25Track your readers' behaviour and responses
26Track your readers' behaviour and responses
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35Comparsion of three major online payment gateway
10 is the most