There they go Again - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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There they go Again


Janet M. Box-Steffensmeier, Suzanna DeBoef (PSU), Anand Sokhey (OSU) ... in: fitter(X, Y, strats, offset, init, control, weights = weights, What did we learn? ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: There they go Again

Initiative in Population ResearchCenter for
Human Resource Research The Conditional Frailty
Model an Analysis of Child Welfare DataJanet
M. Box-Steffensmeier, Suzanna DeBoef (PSU), Anand
Sokhey (OSU) And, Mel Moeschberger (OSU), Michael
Foster (UNC).
  • What are repeated events processes?
  • Why do they present modeling problems?
  • The Options, old and new.
  • Simulation Evidence.
  • Some early conclusions, Foster Care.

One event Survival
  • An observation (e.g., individual, country, etc.)
    is in some state until it dies. We want to know
    effect of some RX on risk of death for some
    interval of time, given that one is alive up
    until that time.
  • Death of an alliance, tenure of office, demise of
    an interest group, passage of budget, length in
    foster care, etc.

Repeated Events
  • An observation experiences the same event
    multiple times. We want to know the effect of
    some Rx on risk of experiencing an event for some
    interval of time.
  • Repeat criminal offenders, repeat heart attack
    victims, repeated bouts of poverty, repeated
    spells of unemployment, repeated spells of foster
    care, etc.

  • Repeated event processes ubiquitous in health,
    medical, public policy applications
  • Different models give different results due to
    bias and inefficiency

Unique features of repeated events processes
  • Event Dependence Once an observation experiences
    an event, it may become more or less likely to
    experience another (learning process or damage
  • Heterogeneity Some countries are more prone to
    experience events than others (unknown,
  • ? Repeated instances of the same event within a
    country are unlikely to be independent.

  • That is, for recurrent events, correlation can
    come from 2 distinct sources
  • Heterogeneity across individuals
  • Event Dependence

How have we (typically) modeled repeated events
  • Estimate a logit, ignoring duration dependence
    and losing censored cases.
  • Estimate a parametric duration model, assuming a
    functional form for duration dependence, treating
    repeated observations as independent, but
    adjusting standard errors.
  • Estimate a Cox model, treating repeated
    observations as independent, but adjusting
    standard errors.
  • Estimate a Cox model, adding a frailty term.

  • Models to be compared
  • Variance Corrected
  • Frailty
  • Conditional Frailty

The Semiparametric Cox Model
  • The hazard (or risk) that an event will occur for
    subject i is given by
  • ?i(t) ?0(t)exp(Xi(t)ß)
  • where ?0 is an unspecified nonnegative function
    of time called the baseline hazard and the X
    i(t)ß give the covariate effects.
  • The model is a proportional hazard model
    covariates effects raise/lower the baseline
    hazard, they dont change its shape.
  • If we have 2 individuals with covariate values X
    and X (in democracy or not), ß gives the
    relative risk (of being democratic or not).
  • The Cox model imposes the assumption that
    events occur independently, i.e., that the timing
    and occurrence of repeated events is unrelated to
    the initial (and subsequent) occurrence(s) of an

The problem Most models assume independence of
events, which is unlikely to be true in repeated
events data! We are likely to have event
dependence, heterogeneity, or both.
  • The Cost? Biased and Inefficient Estimates of
    the Effects we Care About!

Alternative 1 Robust or variance corrected models
  • V-C models are fit as though the data consist of
    independent observations, and then robust
    standard errors are calculated post estimation.
  • Robust standard errors are based on the idea that
    observations are independent across groups or
    clusters but not necessarily within groups.
  • So in the repeated events context, the standard
    errors are adjusted to deal with the fact that
    observations within a country over time are not
  • No V-C models make allowance for biasing effects
    that can be produced by a lack of independence in
    event times due to heterogeneity.
  • Some V-C models do account for event dependence.

V-C Model Alternatives vary based on assumptions
about the risk set and event dependence
  • Cox with robust standard errors (aka
    Andersen-Gill) one baseline hazard, but only at
    risk for the k1th event after the kth event.
  • Conditional Models The baseline hazard varies by
    k. Only at risk for the k1th event after the kth
    event. Estimation is thus conditioned on the
    number of events experienced.
  • ?i(t) ?0k(t)exp(Xi(t)ß)
  • Marginal Models No distinction is made for the
    number of events experienced when identifying the
    risk set. Always at risk for all k events.
  • Models may be estimated in gap time or elapsed
    time. The conditional model in gap time is ?i(t)

Alternative 2 Frailty or Random Effects Models
  • Frailty models make assumptions about the nature
    of the heterogeneity, specifically its
    distribution, and incorporate it into model
    estimates (use robust standard errors).
  • The assumption made is that some
    observations/countries are intrinsically more or
    less prone to experiencing the event than are
    others, and that the distribution of these
    individual-specific effects can be known
    (approximated). Individuals are assumed to be a
    member of an identifiable family with which
    proneness is shared, but whose source is unknown
    or unmeasured.
  • Frailty models do not account for event

Random Effects Model
  • ?i(t) ?0(t)exp(Xi(t)ß Z i?)
  • Here a unit scores a 1 on Z if it is a member of
    group j, with which it shares some frailty (some
    shared proneness). That frailty is added to
    the hazard. If there is enough variation unique
    to the family, then the variance of the random
    effect will be significant.
  • A parametric assumption must be made for the
    distribution of the frailties, for ?.

A 3rd Alternative The Conditional Frailty Model
  • ?i(t) ?0k(t)exp(Xi(t)ß Z i?)
  • The conditional frailty model incorporates key
    features of repeated events processes into the
  • Event dependence is allowed by varying the
    baseline hazard with k
  • Heterogeneity is allowed by including the random
  • We also define the risk set such that cases are
    not at risk for the k1th event until they have
    had the kth.
  • May be estimated in either gap or elapsed time.

Simulations The Data Generating Process
  • We draw the time to an individual is kth
    event --tik-- from an exponential distribution
    with rate (risk) ?ik(t)
  • ?ik(t) ?0k(t)exp(Xi(t)ß µi)
  • Where
  • ?0k(t) ?0 No Event Dependence
  • ?0k(t) k?0 Event Dependence
  • and
  • µi 0 No Heterogeneity
  • µi N(0,1) Heterogeneity

  • We estimate 7 Models varying the existence of
    event dependence, heterogeneity, and definitions
    of the risk set.
  • Andersen-Gill, Conditional Elapsed/Gap, Frailty
    (Gauss/Gamma), Conditional Frailty (Gauss/Gamma).
  • ß -1.0, baseline .10, N100, M1000, klt15,
    follow up time is 50 periods.

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Simulation Findings
  • If event dependence exists
  • MUST estimate baseline hazards that vary with k.
  • Estimating a random effect INSTEAD causes big
  • Conditional Frailty Model is at least as good as
  • If heterogeneity exists
  • MUST estimate random effect.
  • Conditional Frailty Model is at least as good as
  • Estimating varying baseline hazards INSTEAD
    causes big problems.
  • If both heterogeneity and event dependence exist
  • The conditional frailty model captures both
    effects better than any alternative.
  • Interestingly, as long as there is some
    heterogeneity, the AG model works pretty well
    (even with event dependence).
  • Sensitivity of results? To baseline hazard, rare
    events, other?

Foster Care Data from the Chapin Hall Center for
Children, University of Chicago
  • The Conditional Frailty model is useful because
    it can disentangle
  • 1) the role of event dependence, i.e., the effect
    of repeated spells of time in the child welfare
  • 2) heterogeneity in terms of unmeasured child
    level characteristics

Motivation Instability in Foster Care
  • Ideal children placed in state custody would be
    returned to parents or placed for adoption in a
    relatively short period of time. While in state
    custody, stable placements with foster parents or
    in community-based institutional settings (such
    as group homes).
  • Reality 2 decades of research show substantial
    departure from the ideal. Central theme is
    negative effects of the instability weakened
    attachment to care givers, emotional and
    behavioral problems, school failure, criminal
    activity, and early parenthood. Heightened
    concern over instability gaining momentum over
  • Lawsuits and legislation landmark Adoption and
    Safe Families Act of 1997. Eventually, look for
    intervention effect of the legislation and state
    differences in implementation.

  • Placement data for children who enter the foster
    care system for the first time in 2000 and 2001.
    Observed through December 2003.
  • Multiple placements within their first spell.
  • Limited number of covariates, at this time, yet
    does illustrate the usefulness of the conditional
    frailty model.

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  • ? There is both event dependence and
    heterogeneity in the foster care data so a
    conditional frailty model is required.
  • ? Placements are event dependent, with more
    frequent placements leading to further
    disruptions and more movement via placements.
  • ? Our work has the potential to guide policy
    makers with respect to the investment of
    resources by determining what child and/or system
    level characteristics produce different risks.

  • Substantive
  • -- more covariates of interest, e.g.,
    characteristics of the child, care givers, and
    agency responsible for the childs care.
  • -- NIH grant, ex. Does use of mental health
    serves reduce the likelihood of churning within
    the child welfare system?
  • Methodological
  • -- Multilevel, example administrative levels
  • -- Competing Risks, multiple placements and
    different types of placements.

Parting Advice?
  • Think about the process you care about. Is it
    likely to be plagued by
  • Event dependence?
  • Heterogeneity?
  • Both?
  • Then pick a model that allows for these features.
  • Do we care about risk since the last event or
    since the beginning? Pick the relevant time
  • What about the distribution of events? How many
    cases will contribute information to higher
    strata? Is it enough for estimation?

Thank you!
An Application Conflict!
  • We model the hazard of a militarized
    international conflict in a (politically
    relevant) dyad as a function of 6 covariates
  • Democracy (polity 3) (-)
  • Level of economic growth (-)
  • Presence of an alliance in the dyad (-)
  • Contiguity status ()
  • Military Capability ratio (-)
  • Extent of bilateral trade (-)
  • Estimate each of the models identified above.

Data Organization Counting Process Notation
  • ANDERSEN GILL coxph(formula Surv(starta,
    stopa, dispute, type "counting") democ
    growth allies contig capratio trade, data
    bzorn, na.action na.exclude, method
    "efron", robust T)
  • coef exp(coef) se(coef) robust se z
  • democ -0.439 .644 0.0998 0.0952
    -4.62 3.9e-06
  • growth -3.227 .0397 1.2279 1.3011
    -2.48 1.3e-02
  • allies -0.414 .0661 0.1107 0.1133
    -3.65 2.6e-04
  • contig 1.214 3.37 1.1209 0.1266
    9.58 0.0e00
  • capratio -0.214 .0807 0.0514 0.0632
    3.39 7.1e-04
  • trade -13.162 1.92e-06 10.3265 11.4066
    -1.15 2.5e-01
  • Rsquare 0.013 (max possible 0.227 ) N20448
  • Likelihood ratio test 272 on 6 df, p0
  • Wald test 203 on 6 df, p0
  • Score (logrank) test 262 on 6 df, p0,
    Robust 221 p0

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  • CONDITIONAL ELAPSED. coxph(formula Surv(starta,
    stopa, dispute, type "counting") democ
    growth allies contig capratio trade
    strata(sumdisp) cluster(dyadid), data bzorn,
    na.action na.exclude, method "efron", robust
  • coef exp(coef) e(coef) robust se
    z p
  • democ 0.1615 1.1753 0.1123 0.1024
    1.577 0.11000
  • growth -3.7687 0.0231 1.2444 1.0633
    -3.544 0.00039
  • allies 0.1439 1.1547 0.1167 0.1079
    1.333 0.18000
  • contig 0.2866 1.3318 0.1243 0.1108
    2.586 0.00970
  • capratio 0.0595 1.0613 0.0441 0.0289
    2.057 0.04000
  • trade 6.1495 468.461 8.1422 6.5343
    0.941 0.35000
  • Rsquare 0.001 (max possible 0.117 ) N20448
  • Likelihood ratio test 25.5 on 6 df,
  • Wald test 34.7 on 6 df,
  • Score (logrank) test 26.1 on 6 df,
    p0.000211, Robust 29.5 p4.86e-05

  • CONDITIONAL GAP coxph(formula Surv(start,
    stop, dispute, type "counting") democ growth
    allies contig capratio trade
    strata(sumdisp) cluster(dyadid), data bzorn,
    na.action na.exclude, method "efron",
    robust T)
  • coef exp(coef) se(coef) robust se
    z p
  • democ 0.0987 1.1038 0.1089 0.0746
    1.323 1.9e-01
  • growth -3.4328 0.0323 1.2384 1.2402
    -2.768 5.6e-03
  • allies -0.2022 0.8169 0.1151 0.0939
    2.154 3.1e-02
  • contig 0.6177 1.8546 0.1225 0.1036
    5.961 2.5e-09
  • capratio 0.0557 1.0573 0.0463 0.0253
    2.202 2.8e-02
  • trade 0.8258 2.2837 11.6276 9.5944
    0.086 9.3e-01
  • Rsquare 0.002 (max possible 0.142 ) N20448
  • Likelihood ratio test 36.4 on 6 df,
  • Wald test 51.2 on 6 df,
  • Score (logrank) test 36.9 on 6 df,
    p1.81e-06, Robust 43.4 p9.78e-08

  • FRAILTY GAMMA. coxph(formula Surv(starta,
    stopa, dispute, type "counting") democ
    growth allies contig capratio trade
    frailty.gamma(dyadid), data bzorn, na.action
    na.exclude, method "efron")
  • coef exp(coef) se(coef) se2 Chisq DF
  • democ -0.365 .69420 0.1309
    0.1108 7.78 1 5.3e-03
  • growth -3.685 .02511 1.3457
    1.2991 7.50 1 6.2e-03
  • allies -0.370 .69073 0.1685
    0.1252 4.82 1 2.8e-02
  • contig 1.199 3.3168 0.1673
    0.1310 51.41 1 7.5e-13
  • capratio -0.199 .81955 0.0547
    0.0495 13.29 1 2.7e-04
  • trade -3.039 .047883 12.0152
    10.3084 0.06 1 8.0e-01
  • frailty.gamma(dyadid)
    708.95 394 0.0e00
  • Iterations 7 outer, 27 Newton-Raphson
  • Variance of random effect 2.42
    I-likelihood -2399.4
  • Degrees of freedom for terms 0.7 0.9 0.6
    0.6 0.8 0.7 394.2
  • Rsquare 0.052 (max possible 0.227 )
  • Likelihood ratio test 1089 on 399 df, p0
  • Wald test 121 on 399 df, p1

CONDITIONAL FRAILTY GAMMA. coxph(formulaSurv(star
t, stop, dispute, type"counting")democgrowthal
frailty.gamma(dyadid), data bzorn, na.action
na.exclude, method "efron") coef
exp(coef) se(coef) se2 Chisq DF p
democ 0.0988 1.1038 0.1089
0.1089 0.82 1 3.6e-01 growth
-3.4225 .03263 1.2389 1.2389 7.63 1
5.7e-03 allies -0.2022
.8169 0.1151 0.1151 3.09 1 7.9e-02 contig
0.6178 1.8548 0.1225
0.1225 25.43 1 4.6e-07 capratio
0.0557 1.0573 0.0463 0.0463 1.45 1
2.3e-01 trade 0.8119 2.2522
11.6292 11.6292 0.00 1 9.4e-01 frailty.gamm
a(dyadid) 0.00 0
9.1e-01 Iterations 6 outer, 26 Newton-Raphson
Variance of random effect 5e-07
I-likelihood -1549.1 Degrees of freedom for
terms 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 Rsquare 0.002 (max
possible 0.142 ) N20448 Likelihood ratio
test 36.4 on 6 df, p2.29e-06 Wald test
36.2 on 6 df, p2.54e-06 Warning
messages Loglik converged before variable 6
beta may be infinite. in fitter(X, Y, strats,
offset, init, control, weights weights,
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What did we learn?
  • Signs and levels of significance change for some
  • Contiguity has a positive effect with varying
  • Capability ratio has a small effect that flips
    signs with the models.
  • Effects of growth and being in an alliance are
    robust to model choice.

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