Title: The Future of Public Libraries: Matching Innovations to Expectations
1The Future of Public LibrariesMatching
Innovations to Expectations
- Presented by Joan Frye Williams
- joan_at_jfwilliams.com
2Warning Library Traditions May Conflict with
Civilian Expectations
3Expectation 1 24/7 Convenience
4Full Service Web Site
5Podcast Programs/Training
6Netflix-Style Circulation
7Online Donations
8Expectation 2Welcoming Spaces
9Creature Comforts
- Clean
- Full spectrum lighting
- Generous aisle space
- Variety of seating
- Views out
- Quiet and lively zones
- Food and drink
10Simplified Wayfinding
- Reduced clutter
- Consolidated desks
- Situational directions
- Natural language catalog
- Prepackaged tips, shortcuts, FAQs
- All staff capable of assisting with basic
navigation and civilian tools
11Pop-Up Spaces
12Reinventing Customer Service
- Anticipate!
- Assess
- Match to service
- Escort
- Negotiate referral
- if necessary
- User stays in control
13Expectation 3Info to Go
14Library Toolbar
15User-Supplied Interfaces
16Life Caching and Mashups
17Expectation 4Virtual Community Building
18Recommender Systems/ Collaborative Filtering
- Other people who found this useful also
recommend - http//movielens.umn.edu
19Participation in Social Networks
20Continuous Partial Attention
21Expectation 5Customer-Driven Priorities
22The Library Brand
23Serious Negatives
- Poor signage
- Inhospitable surroundings
- Lack of parking
- Dirt, wear, shabbiness
- Hard-to-use systems
- Inconvenient hours
- Inflexible policies
24Libraries Are Better than Bookstores for
- Free internet
- Free materials
- Free entertainment
- Book club/story hour
- Comfortable meeting, study areas
25Libraries Are Better than Search Engines (Google,
etc.) for
26The Public Library Inquiry (1947-50)
- Where would you go to get
- information on nutrition?
27Reinventing Reference
- Proactive reference
- Virtual reference
- Social network reference
- Reference by appointment
- Librarians on call instead
- of on desk
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