Title: CSC352 Final Project Proposal
1CSC352 Final Project Proposal
- Melissa Patton and Victoria Manfredi
- Smith College
- November 20, 2000
2Introduction and Outline
- Were going to present the following
- Possible Projects
- Neural Networks
- Time-line
- Conclusion
3Possible Projects
- Exploring NESL. NESL is a free, nested
data-parallel programming language that works on
Unix. - Implementation of Parallel Graph Algorithms on
the MasPar- a journal article. MasPar Parallel
Language (MPL) was used. - Neural Networks
4Neural Networks Outline
- Reasons for Choosing
- Background Info
- Specifics
- Proposed Implementation
- Area of Focus
- Limitations and Assumptions
- Things to Figure out
5Neural Networks - Reasons for Choosing
- When doing a web search on parallel algorithms,
results about neural networks kept showing up - Chose to use XOR neural network for its simplicity
6Neural Networks - Background Info
- Based on the nervous system
- Graph with weighted edges
- Takes some input and produces a certain output
- Neural nets trained by learning algorithms
- Example uses optical neurocomputer, credit
card screening, target advertising
Resources for background info
and http//web.singnet.com.sg/midaz/I
7Neural Networks Outline
- Reasons for Choosing
- Background Info
- Specifics
- Proposed Implementation
- Area of Focus
- Limitations and Assumptions
- Things to Figure out
8Neural Networks - Specifics
- Currently plan to use SNNS, a Unix-based, free,
neural network simulator with a graphical
interface, and the Parallaxis programming
Figure 1. Example of SNNS interface
- The XOR neural net will be used.
9Neural Networks - Proposed Implementation
- Load XOR neural net into a simulator and train it
until output correct. - Input weights from simulator and XOR neural net
into Parallaxis program. - Try to have the Parallaxis program also give the
correct output. - If this works, look at speedup (compare parallel
and sequential implementations)
Figure 2. Example of XOR neural net
10Neural Networks - Area of Focus
- Demonstration that it can be done. Will the
Parallaxis program produce the same output as the
neural net simulator?
11Neural Networks Outline
- Reasons for Choosing
- Background Info
- Specifics
- Proposed Implementation
- Area of Focus
- Limitations and Assumptions
- Things to Figure out
12Neural Networks - Limitations and Assumptions
- Limitations Parallaxis program will not be able
to train a neural net (although, if we have time
it might) and it will only work for XOR neural
net - Assumptions Parallaxis will allow PEs to be
arranged into XOR configuration
13Things to Figure Out
- SNNS - How to work with SNNS, how to input a
neural net, how to train the net, and how to get
the actual weights from a trained neural net - How to relate nodes and edges of neural net to PE
configuration. Want the adjacency list
implementation for a graph, using the weight
instead of 1 or 0.
14Introduction and Outline
- Were going to present the following
- Possible Projects
- Neural Networks
- Time-line
- Conclusion
- Nov. 27 - Have SNNS and how to obtain the weights
from neural nets in it figured out - Dec. 4 - Have figured out how to map XOR neural
net to PE configuration, and have done some
serious work on the Parallaxis program - Dec. 11 - Have programming part of project done,
and most or all of work done on Report and Poster
- In summary, what we want to do
- -Use neural network simulator to get weights for
- XOR neural net
- -Input XOR neural net and weights into
- Parallaxis program
- -Have Parallaxis programa give the correct output