Title: KR: Supplement B
1KR Supplement B
- Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)
2Definition of Automation
- Automation is a technology with the application
of mechanical, electronic, and computer-based
systems to operate and control production, this
technology includes - Automatic machine tools to process parts
- Automatic assembly machines
- Industrial robots
- Automatic material handling and storage systems
- Automatic inspection systems for quality control
- Feedback control and computer process control
- Computer systems for planning, data collection,
and decision making to support manufacturing
3Types of Automation
- Fixed automation
- Programmable automation
- Flexible automation
Fixed Automation
Flexible Automation
Programmable Automation
4. Three types of production automation as a
function of production volume and product variety.
Number of different parts
Programmable automation
Production variety
Flexible automation
Fixed Automation
Manual methods
Parts per year
Production volume
5Basic Components of an NC System.
Machine control unit
Processing equipment
FIGURE Basic components of an NC system.
6General configuration of a direct numerical
control (DNC)
Central computer
Bulk Memory NC programs
Telecommunication lines
Machine tools
7General configuration of a direct numerical
control (CNC) system
Tape Reader for initial program entry
NC Program storage
Microcomputer (software functions)
Computer- hardware interface and servosystem
8Robot and Its Standard Movements
Robot and Its Standard Movements
9Where Robots Are Better
- Hazardous work environment for human beings
- Repetitive work cycle
- Difficult handling for human beings
- Multishift operation
- Infrequent changeovers
- Part position and orientation are established
10Possible Objectives for Installing an Automated
Storage System in a Factory or Warehouse
- Increase storage capacity
- Increase floor space utilization
- Recover space for manufacturing facilities
- Improve security and reduce pilferage
- Reduce labor cost in storage operations
- Increase labor productivity in storage operations
- Improve safety in storage function
- Improve control over inventories
- Increase stock rotation
- Improve customer service
11Flexible Manufacturing Systems
- What is an FMS
- A flexible manufacturing system consists of a
group of processing stations (CNC),
interconnected by means of an automated material
handling and storage system, and controlled by an
integrated computer system.
- Components of an FMS
- Processing stations
- Material handling and storage
- Computer control system
13CIM Managerial Issues
- Cost-benefit analysis
- Advantages
- Cost justification
- CIM and manufacturing strategy
- Organizational and behavioral aspects
- Lessons learned
14Synergistic Effects of a CIM System
Benefits of data integration
CIM benefits
Benefits of each separate technology
15Advantage of CIM
- Higher quality
- Shorter lead time
- Less inventory
- Higher flexibility
- Economy of scope
- Less floor space
- Less material handling
16CIM and Manufacturing Strategy
- Cost leadership vs. differentiation
- Productivity vs. innovation
- Efficiency vs. flexibility
- Market segmentation
- Fixed costs vs. variable costs
- Break-even point
- Barriers to entry
17Flexible Manufacturing
- Traditional Technology can be described by
- Economy of scale
- Learning curve
- Task specialization
- Work as a social activity
- Separable variable costs
- Standardization
- Expensive flexibility and variety
- In contrast the CIM Factory is described by
- Economy of scope
- Truncated product life cycle
- Multimission facilities
- Unmanned systems
- Joint costs
- Variety
- Profitable flexibility and variety
18Flexible Manufacturing
Leading to factories that exhibit characteristics
- Centralization
- Large plants
- Balanced lines
- Smooth flows
- Standard product design
- Low rate of change and high stability
- Inventory used as a buffer
- Focused factory as an organizing concept
- Job enrichment and enlargement
- Batch systems
- Decentralization
- Disaggregated capacity
- Flexibility
- Inexpensive surge and turnaround ability
- Many custom products
- Innovation and responsiveness
- Production tied to demand
- Functional range for repeated reorganization
- Responsibility tied to reward
- Flow systems
19Taking Advantage of CIM Capabilities
To effectively use the capabilities of CIM as a
strategic weapon, a firm should
- Invest in flexibility of, not just equipment, but
the organization as a whole. - Deliberately truncate the product life cycle by
introducing new versions frequently and thus not
giving the competitors a chance to catch up. - Proliferate the range of products to the extent
of customizing them one-by-one so that no
customer has any reason to go to the competitors. - Deliberately fragment the market into segments so
small that they cannot support a conventional
production system. - Deliberately complicate the product so that it
cannot be copied with the old manufacturing
process and technology.
20Organizational and Behavioral Aspects of CIM
- Integration of functions
- Flattening the organization structure
- Changing role of supervisors
- Impact on workers
- Shift from direct to indirect workers
- Increased skill requirements
- Displacement of workers
- Retraining and education
21Lessons Learned
- Focus on a flexible business enterprise.
- An automated mess is still a mess.
- People make flexible automation work.
- Provide an adequate funding.
- Focus on potentials of new technology.
- Understanding the emerging technologies.
22CIM Examples
- Toshiba
- Toshibas computer factory in Ome is called an
intelligent works because a snazzy computer
network links office, engineering and factory
operations, providing just-in-time information as
well as just-in-time parts. Ome workers assemble
nine different word processors on the same line
and, on an adjacent one, 20 varieties of laptop
computers. Usually they make a batch of 20
before changing models, but Toshiba can afford
lot sizes as small as ten. - Workers on the lines have been trained to make
each model but dont need to rely on memory. A
laptop at every post displays a drawing and
instructions, which change when the model does.
Product life cycles for low-end computers are
measured in months these days, so the flexible
lines allow the company to guard against running
short of a hot model or overproducing one whose
sales have slowed, Toshibas next goal to get
managers thinking about how to ship small lots
fast and cheaply, with quicker feedback from
stores, so sales and distribution are as flexible
as the factories
23CIM Examples
- Fuji
- Fuji Electrics investment in FMS and the like
soared starting in 1987. Fujis goal was to
reduce lead time 30, labor costs 70 , and work
in-process inventory 50. - When Fuji gets and order for an electric motor
switch, 20 of the time the buyer wants-and gets
24 hour delivery. Another 40 must arrive within
two days. Fuji didnt narrow its product line
Those schedules are for customized work.
24Variety Is FreeFlexibility Through Manufacturing
- Ingersoll Milling Machine Company
- The Ingersoll Co. uses an advanced CIM system
that links design with manufacturing and process
control. Ingersolls state-of-the-art
computer-controlled manufacturing system will
machine over 25,000 different prismatic parts
used for specialized motor controls. Seventy
percent of the production will occur in lot sizes
of one. Half of the 25,000 will never be used
again. Production cost is approximately the same
as for a long run of a single standard part.
25Variety Is FreeFlexibility Through Manufacturing
- Vought Corporation
- Vought Corporations 10 million flexible
machining center began operations during the late
1980s. This advanced production technology allows
the aerospace maker to produce some 600 different
designs of specialized aircraft parts using the
same equipment--even one design at a time in
random sequence. It is expected to save Vought
over 25 million annually in machine costs for
these parts by performing 200,000 hours of work
in less than 70,000 hours.