Title: New CPA Standards and Audit
1New CPA Standards and Audit
- Dr Mansel Haeney
- 15 October 2003
2The new structure of CPA(UK)Ltd
3CPA Standards
- 43 standards, with guidelines
- 6 categories
- A Organization and administration
- B Staffing and direction
- C Facilities and equipment
- D Policies and procedures
- E Staff development and education
- F Evaluation
4Accreditation Process
- Self assessment
- Peer review inspection
- Detailed report
- Status
- Accreditation
- Conditional approval
- Referral
5Current Status
6UK Laboratories
- Registered 1257 ( 85 )
- Yet to apply? 217 ( 15 )
- TOTAL 1474
7CPA status of all known departments
8New Standards For Old
- The new international standards
- ISO 15189 Quality management in the medical
laboratory - ISO 170252000 General requirements for the
- competence of testing and calibration
laboratories - ISO 90012000 series Quality management systems -
9Problems with the old standards
- sections of standards had no logical relationship
- each standard had mushrooming guidelines
- the guidelines had uncertain status
- were open to misinterpretation.
- and led to lack of consistency in inspection
11Structure of new standards
Title of the standard
Explanatory text
Clause of the standard
Explanatory notes
Cross references
12Comparing the new with the old
- A Organisation and quality management system
- A Organisation and administration
- B Staffing and direction
- E Staff development and
- C Facilities and Equipment
- C Premises and environment
- D Equipment, information systems and
13Comparing the new with the old
- D Policies and procedures.
- E Pre-examination
- F Examination
- G Post-examination
- H Evaluation and quality assurance
14New concepts
- Section A, emphasis is placed on-
- a quality manual as an index to documentation
- laboratory management appointing a quality
manager to implement and maintain a quality
system - a systematic approach to document control
- control of process/quality records and clinical
material - an annual management review to ensure that the
service is at a level that meets the needs and
requirements of users
15New concepts
- Sections B, C and D deals with resources
- largely familiar to CPA applicants
- Sections E, F and G deal with pre examination,
examination and post examination processes - - presents familiar material in a logical and
structured format
16New concepts
- Section H deals with quality assurance and
evaluation in terms of- - monitoring both user satisfaction and complaints
- internal audit of the quality management system
- internal audit and external quality assessment of
examinations - importance of continual improvement processes
17Relationship between standards
18A quality management system .for a laboratory
needs to be..
- established
- controlled
- reviewed
- improvedcontinual improvement
- include the management of resources and
examination processes
19Aspects of a quality management system
A1 Organization and management A2 Needs
requirements of usersA3 Quality policyA4
Quality management system
H6 Quality improvement
H2 Assessment of user satisfaction
and complaintsH3 Internal
audit of quality management systemH4
Internal audit of examination
processesH5 External quality assessment
A 5 Quality objectives and plans A 6 Quality
manual A 7 Quality manager A 8 Document
controlA 9 Control of process quality
A10 Control of clinical material
A11 Management review
20How to start with assessment(internal or
external audit)
- The assessment process involves finding
information that enables the assessor to judge
whether the laboratory is operating in
compliance with the Standards. - The findings need to be recorded
- CPA suggest the terms compliances,
non-compliances or observations.
21What is a non-compliance?
- the failure to fulfil the requirements of a
standard, in whole or in part. - Assessors will record two categories of
non-compliance - Critical non-compliance and non-critical
non-compliance - Additionally assessors will record observations
22Critical non-compliance
- a failure to fulfil the requirements of a
CPA Standard to such a degree that, in - the opinion of the assessor, there is
- evidence of a system failure
- Normally, it is evidenced by the failure to
comply with the whole of a CPA Standard and is a
reason for referral.
23A system failureis evidenced by the inability of
a department to
- Meet the agreed needs and requirements of its
users - OR
- Ensure a safe environment for staff / patients or
visitors - OR
- Ensure the quality of all the laboratory
examinations performed
24Auditing Tools
- Horizontal Audit
- Vertical Audit
- Examination or Witnessing Audit
25- A HORIZONTAL AUDIT focuses on the system for
managing quality and assesses individual
standards - Interviewing the Quality Manager an important
part of the process - It involves a detailed check of a particular
aspect of documentation and its implementation
26Section H the records to show that the system of
managing quality is working
- Records for example
- minutes of meetings
- annual management reviews
- user complaints and action taken
- staff annual joint reviews
- audit calendar
- internal audits
- health and safety audits
- non-conformities recorded
- participation in appropriate EQAS
27Section H the records to show that the system of
managing quality is not working
- Records for example
- minutes of meetings / cancelled meetings-minutes
with no
action points - annual management reviews / none held
- user complaints action taken /remain
undischarged - staff annual joint reviews / behind schedule
- audit calendar / target dates missed
- internal audits / no records
- health and safety audits / untidy laboratory
- non-conformities recorded / not discharged
- participation in appropriate EQAS /results not
28Vertical and examination audit
29CPA Examinationaudit form Page 1/2
30CPAExaminationaudit form Page 2/2
31Selecting the Request for Audit
32Request Form Searching
33The Request Form
Patient identification details
34Reprinting the Report
35Locating the Specimen
36Specimen Reception
37Checking Work Book Details
38The Analyser Relevant to Audit Request
39Instrument Maintenance Record
40EQA Performance
41CPAVerticalauditform Page 1/10
42How was it for you?
How long did it take? Did you find it easy to
use? Any suggestions for improvement? Did it help
you evaluate your own laboratory?