On the Nature of NarrowLine Seyfert 1 Galaxies - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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On the Nature of NarrowLine Seyfert 1 Galaxies


... 1 Galaxies. Steve Kraemer (Catholic Univ. of America) Properties of Seyfert Galaxies ... All galaxies with central bulges harbor supermassive black holes: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: On the Nature of NarrowLine Seyfert 1 Galaxies

On the Nature of Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies
  • Steve Kraemer (Catholic Univ. of America)

Properties of Seyfert Galaxies
  • Relatively nearby (z lt 0.1), moderate luminosity
    (Lbol 1043 1045 ergs/sec) active galaxies
  • Approximately 2 of Spiral galaxies are Seyfert
    galaxies they harbor an active galactic
  • Optical and UV Spectra broad emission-lines,
    featureless continuum
  • Strong X-ray sources (power-law continua)
  • Radio quiet compared to other AGN, but often
    show jet-like structure
  • IR often dominated by thermal emission from dust

  • Two classes of Seyfert galaxies
  • Type 1 broad permitted lines (FWHM
    several 1000 km/sec) narrower forbidden lines
    (FWHM lt 1000 km/sec) non-stellar continuum
  • Type 2 narrow permitted and forbidden
    lines continuum dominated by host galaxy
  • spectral-polarimetry results scattered broad
    line emission in Seyfert 2s (Antonucci Miller
    1983) hidden broad line region. Led to Unified
    Model (Antonucci 1993)

  • Optical Spectra of Seyferts

Seyfert 1
Seyfert 2
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  • All galaxies with central bulges harbor
    supermassive black holes

AGN are powered by mass-accretion onto a
super-massive black hole.Ionization radiation
arises from accretion disk and hot corona.
  • Various intermediate classes Seyfert 1.2, 1.5,
    1.8, 1.9 based on the strength of the broad and
    narrow components of the Balmer lines
  • Detectable narrow Hß 1.2 or 1.5
  • Weak broad wings 1.8 only observed in Ha
  • This may be due to different obscuration of the
    BLR, or the relative strengths of the broad and
    narrow component.
  • However there are Seyfert 1s which show only
    narrow permitted lines. Narrow-Line Seyfert 1s
    (NLSy1) (Osterbrock Pogge 1985)

BLR Spectrum (from a NLS1)
(Peterson, p. 71)
  • Characteristics of Narrow-Line Seyfert 1s
    (compared to Broad-Line Seyfert 1s)
  • i. Relatively narrow permitted lines (FWHM
    lt 2000 km/sec)
  • ii. Steeper continuum slopes in soft- and
    hard-Xray (Boller et al. 1996 Brandt et al.
  • iii. More rapid X-ray variability (Turner
    et al. 1999 Leighly 1999)
  • iv. Optical X-ray continua have similar
    slopes to Broad-Line Seyferts (Grupe et al. 1998)

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  • v. High N V ?1240/C IV ?1550 ratios (Wills et
    al. 1999)
  • vi. CIII ?1909 relatively weak compared to Al
    III ?1857 maybe higher BLR densities?
    (Kuraszkiewicz et al. 2000)
  • vii. Strong Fe II, weak OIII ?5007 puts
    at one extreme of eigenvector 1 (principal
    component analysis Boroson Green 1992)
  • Is there one intrinsic property that links all of

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  • Assuming the defining feature is the line width
    why are the permitted lines narrow?
  • Widths thought to be due to Doppler broadening.
    In BLR, fast moving gas, in virialized system.
  • Narrow lines?
  • 1) gas is more distant
  • 2) central potential is weaker (smaller black
    hole mass)
  • Option 1 over-ionization of BLR (Wandel et al.

  • Ionization state of the gas can be characterized
    via the dimensionless Ionization Parameter

The denominator is the luminosity of the source
in ionizing photons/sec If large, for given R2,
ne, the emission-line gas can be over-ionized
Gas in which the Balmer lines form must be at
large distances, hence lower orbital velocities.
  • Option2 the permitted lines are narrow because
    the black hole mass is relatively small.
  • Reverberation mapping studies (e.g. Peterson et
    al. 2004) have found low mass black holes in
    NLSy1s (Mbh lt 107 Msun).
  • The Black Hole is the engine of the AGN.
    Smaller engine should mean less power.
  • Luminosities of NLSy1s span similar range to

  • From Grupe Mathur (2005) NLSy1s show
    systematically smaller masses.

From Bian Zhao (2003) bulge masses derived
from OIII, as In Grupe Mathur
  • If Mbh is small, accretion rate, dM/dt, must be
  • NLSy1s must radiate at large fraction of their
    Eddington Luminosity
  • Radiation pressure balances gravity at higher
    luminosities, matter
  • can no longer accrete
  • BLSy1s radiate at smaller fraction of Ledd than

  • High dM/dt accretion disks expected to be
    hotter (than in BLSy1s)
  • Can be super-Eddington accretors due to advection
  • Wang Netzer (2003) high dM/dt results in thin
    disk emits double-peaked continuum
  • Peak in EUV-soft X-ray from disk
  • Peak at high energies from corona

NLSy1s and BLSy1s span same Range in X-ray and
NLSy1s show stronger OIII as function of BH Mass
  • Dust structure possibly indicative of fueling
  • Often show kpc-scale starburst rings
  • (Deo et al. 2006)

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  • To recap, NLSy1s
  • i. smaller BH mass
  • ii. higher accretion rates maybe seen
    as dust flows
  • iii. higher heavy element abundances
    (N/C, strong Fe II) associated with star
  • iv. Different accretion disk conditions
  • But, is this all certain? Can there be other
    explanations? More importantly, is there evidence
    to the contrary?

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  • Fe II emission I Zw 1 is used as a template for
    FeII and shows some of the strongest UV and
    optical FeII among NLSy1s
  • However, numerous FeII lines can resemble a
    continuum if broadened.

  • If the emission line region is flattened, and
    viewed face-on, the line profiles would be
    narrowed (Boller et al. 1996)
  • Can this be the case?
  • Radio maps NLSY1s appear compact (Ulvestad et.
    Al 1995)

Mrk 766 3.5 cm VLA
NGC 5548 6 cm
  • The low OIII/Hß ratios are likely due to
    improper deconvolution of broad and narrow
    components (Veron-Cetty et al. 2001 Dietrich et
    al. 2005)
  • No evidence for effect of soft Xray excess on
    emission-line fluxes, ratios (Dietrich et al.
    2005 Kraemer et al 2004)

  • If the BH masses are underestimated by factor of
    3 5
  • The are not high dM/dt
  • The BH to bulge mass discrepancy goes away
  • Reverberation mapping assumes virialized system.
    Flattened BLR means narrower lines, underestimate
    of BH masses
  • However.
  • X-ray properties still unusual
  • Dust structure/star formation atypical
  • They seem to be relatively weak in the very hard
    X-ray (14-195 keV Swift/Burst Alert Telescope
    survey detected only a few 5-s sources)
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