Title: Bild 1
1In the Baltic Maritime Outlook 2006 report a lot
of back- ground material was collected. Every
picture and map in this presentation except the
two last are taken from this report.
- Swedish Maritime Administration
- Ministry of Transport and Communications
- of Finland
- Tallinn Port Authorities
- Klaipeda State Seaport Authorities
- Ministry of Infrastructure of Poland
- Danish Maritime Authority
- Norwegian Coastal Administration
2I use the same geographical definition of the BSR
region as in the Baltic Maritime Outlook 2006
3Germany, Sweden and Finland utilize most of the
maritime transport intra BSR. Germany, Norway
(oil), Sweden and Russia utilize most of the
maritime transport Extra BSR.
4There are much more cargo flows inside the north
part of BSR then in the south.
There are much more cargo flows inside the east
part of BSR then in the west, and the growth is
much larger.
5There are much more cargo flows going from north
to south inside BSR then vice versa.
There are much more cargo flows going from east
to west inside BSR then vice versa, but the
growth is higher west to east.
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7Maritime transport in BSR, all kind of cargoes
8The largest road transport volumes in BSR are in
Germany and Poland.
The largest rail transport volumes in BSR are in
Germany, Poland, the Baltic states, Russia,
Finland and northern Sweden
9The existing roro and ropax lines in the Baltic
see are concentrated to mid-Sweden and the
Finnish Bay area and the south Baltic Sea area.
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11Localizations of forest industry in BSR.
Localizations of steel industry in BSR.
Area in BSR with high economical outputs