Title: Introducing Analytics Mashboards
1Introducing Analytics Mashboards
Track Information Technology
- Darren Cunningham Director, Product Line
Manager - Glenn Braunstein Principal Sales Engineer
2Safe Harbor Statement
- Safe harbor statement under the Private
Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 This
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3The Analytics Challenge
- Most enterprises are experiencing a growing
proliferation of analytic tools in support of
their CRM strategies.
Barriers to enterprise-wide BI adoption
- Ease-of-use
- Integration with existing, multiple platforms
- Data quality
- Training time and cost
- No clear ROI
- Scalability
- No industry standard
- Cost of BI talent
- Lower than expected analytic value
- No future BPM alignment
Source Gartner, Inc., "Bringing Balance to the
Force of CRM Analytics", March 20, 2006
Source InformationWeek Research BI Survey of 300
Business Technology Professionals, Spring 2005
4The Analytics Challenge
- Business people want
- Simplicity and flexibility
- Zero-training interface
- Fast access to information
- Alignment with process
- Data-driven decisions
- IT spends most time on
- Data integration and quality
- Managing security and access
- Architectural design
- Reducing costs
- Managing expectations
5The Result?
A vast population exists whose business
intelligence requirements have not been met to
their full potential.
Source Worldwide BI Tools 2005 Vendor Shares,
Dan Vesset, Brian McDonough, IDC June 2006.
Source TDWI Report, Enterprise BI Strategies
and Technologies for Deploying BI on an
Enterprise Scale. August 2005
6The Salesforce Approach to Analytics Today
- Easy-to-use CRM reporting and dashboards
- Easy to integrate best-of-breed analytics
- Partnerships through
7The Dashboard Becomes a Platform
- Componentization of Salesforce dashboards
- Integrate, customize, personalize
Statistical Processing
Text Analytics
Web Analytics
Budgeting and Planning
Ad-Hoc Query Trend Analysis
Data Mining/ Predictive Analysis
Data Visualization
Production Reporting
GIS Mapping
Business Activity Monitoring
Business Performance Management
Analytics Mashboards
8The First Step Analytics MashboardsInsert any
application component into a dashboard
Any Analytic Component
Interactive Controls
On Demand Spreadsheets
9Easy Customization and Interactivity
Best-of-breed analytics completely replacing
Salesforce dashboards
Best-of-breed analytics within Salesforce.com
10Analytics Throughout the Enterprise
What If Scenarios
Supply Chain Analysis
Adjust Inputs
Order Forecasts
Inventory Levels
View Results
Profitability Analysis
Web Analytics
Product Profitability
Creative Clicks
Customer Profitability
Campaign ROI
11AppExchange Analytics Category TodayChoice of
best-in-class analytics applications
Analytics Partners Today
Many New Products and Partnerships in development
for Winter 07
12Whats Next?Pick and choose from a gallery of
trusted and relevant analytics
- Access industry and role-based best-practice
analytics - Deliver consumer-web simplicity and
personalization - Easily share insights with others
Add Analytics
13What Makes a Winter 07 Mashboard Possible?
- Edit a Dashboard
- Create a new Component
- Set the Component Type Custom S-Control
- Select a Custom S-Control and set the display
14Whats an S-Control?
- Any type of content that you can display or run
in a browser - S-Controls can be
- Custom HTML
- HTML/JavaScript
- ActiveX Controls
- Java Applets
- Link to an existing webpage
- Renders the page in Salesforce.com
- Snippet
- Reusable S-Control code
- Can be HTML/JavaScript, merge fields, formula
functions, etc. - Included in S-Controls at runtime
15Use Cases
- How have my historical sales been trending?
- Can I interactively analyze What-If Scenarios?
- What if I want to perform a Profitability
Analysis? - What are my Net Operating Sales?
- Can my Inventory levels meet my Forecast?
- ? Moving the BI Line Forward!
17Be Aware
- Users can select S-Controls that make no sense on
dashboards - E.g. they need context from being on a detail
page - Users can select S-Controls that make the page
immediately redirect on load - You have to design S-Controls that fit the width
in Salesforce dashboards today
18Commonly Asked Questions
- Whats not included in Winter 07 mashboards?
- API to access salesforce.com reports and/or
dashboards - S-Control typing
- So only some S-Controls can be used on
dashboards, others in detail pages, others as
pop-ups - How long does it take to add an S-Control to
dashboard? - Deployment time lt 1 minute per user
- What level of expertise or skill-set needed?
- Developer to build new S-Controls
- User to build dashboards and use the S-Controls
- What are some implementation best practices?
- Always use ltNOSCRIPTgt where JavaScript is used to
generate content - You can recover the Salesforce session to
implement single sign-on
19Next Steps
- Find out what other analytics tools youre using
and if theres a fit - Visit our demo center and ask to see more
mashboards - Visit our partner pavilion to see analytic
solutions - Visit the IdeasExchange and analytics blog
Dreamforce Sponsors
- What other analytical tools are you using today?
- Do you see opportunities with mashboards?
21Analytics Sessions
Also Visit the Partner Pavilion for Innovative
Analytics Solutions
- Session
- Meet the PM Roadmap Overview
- Mashboard Shootout
- Introducing Analytics Mashboards
- Information Peer Pressure
- Building Integrated Marketing Reports and
Dashboards - How to Create Top Sales Dashboards
- Best Practices for Competitive Pipeline Analysis
- Bulking Up Large Data Migration, Replication,
and Analytics - Instant Stardom How to Build Executive
Dashboards - Advanced Reporting and Dashboards for Executive
Visibility - The Path to Achieving 100 Adoption
- Manage What You Measure Lessons from Dashboard
Pros - Hands-On with Executive Reports and Dashboards
- Track
- General
- General
- IT
- Sales Execs
- Marketing Exec
- Sales Opps
- AppX Developers
- New Sys Admin
- EE Sys Admin
- PE Sys Admin
- Large Ent Dep
Darren Cunningham
Director, Product Management
Glenn Braunstein
Principal Sales Engineer
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