Title: Catia Grimani
1 Antimatter origin and average pulsar parameters
from e measurements
- Catia Grimani
- University of Urbino - INFN Florence
ECRS Lisbona September 5th - September 8th 2006
2Positron fraction observations before 1995
CG, AA, 418, 649, 2004
3Positron production models
- Primordial Black Hole Annihilation
- 56Co decay in Supernova Remnants
- Supersymmetric particle annihilation
- gg interaction
- Pulsar magnetosphere
- (Polar Cap - Outer Gap Models)
Goldreich Julian, 1969 Harding Ramaty, 1987
Strong electric fields are induced by the
rotating neutron star Electrons are extracted
from the star outer layer and accelerated
Open field lines originate at polar caps (rpc
8 x 102 m)
Figure from http//cossc.gsfc.nasa.gov/images/epo/
Cheng, Ho Ruderman, 1986
Electrons are accelerated in the outer
magnetosphere in vacuum gaps within a charge
separated plasma Electrons interact through
syncrotron radiation or inverse Compton
scattering ee- pairs are produced by gg
Figures from http//cossc.gsfc.nasa.gov/images/epo
6Positron Flux from Young Pulsar Polar Caps
Harding Ramaty, 1987
Maximum pulsar age for e production 104
years 1/PB30 years Crab and Vela pulsar
Rate of positron emission per pulsar
Le (E) ? B12 P-1.7 E-2.2 s-1 GeV-1
Measurements before 1995 1/PB60 years CG,
ApSS, 241, 295, 1996
7Positron observations after 1995
Average value above 7 GeV 0.064 0.003
CG et al., AA, 2002
Figure from CG, AA, 418, 649, 2004
8Positron observations compared to the secondary
AND polar cap components
Harding Ramaty, 1987
Top region corresponds to the secondary
component HR with a 1/PB of 30 yrs
Dashed region corresponds to the secondary
component HR with a 1/PB of 200 yrs
Bottom region corresponds to the secondary
component HR with a 1/PB of 250 yrs
CG, AA, 418, 649, 2004
9Solar polarity and low energy e measurements
Thick dot-dashed lines Protheroe, 1982 SLBM Clem
Evenson, 2004 Thin dot-dashed line Protheroe,
1982 Diff. Mod. Dashed line Stephens, 2001 Dotted
line MS, 1998
10LEE and AESOP data
Thick dot-dashed lines Protheroe, 1982 SLBM Clem
Evenson, 2004
11HEAT data
Open symbols Agt0 Solid simbols Alt0
Thick dot-dashed lines Protheroe, 1982
SLBM Beatty et al., astro-ph/0412230
Open symbols Agt0 Solid simbols Alt0
13Electron flux Measurements and calculations
14Upper limit (continuous thick line) to the
e flux excess with respect to the secondary
component (dot-dashed line -MoskalenkoStrong,
1998) same trend than HR87 with 1/PB35 years
(dotted line)
CG, ICRC2005
15CG, AA, 418, 649, 2004
LMT-1985 Lyne, Manchester Taylor, 1985 L-1993
Lorimer, 1993 H-1999 Hansen, 1999 R-2001
Regimbeau, 2001 CET-1999 Cappellaro, Evans
Turatto, 1999
35.7 years
Fucher-Giguère and Kaspi, astro-ph/0512585
17However middle aged pulsars are favoured over
young ones in producing positrons reaching the
interstellar medium as an increasing fraction of
them lies outside their host remnants as a
function of age.
0.0625 of pulsars have an age ranging between
0 and 104 years
Rate of positron emission per pulsar
Le (E) ? B12 P-1.7 E-2.2 s-1 GeV-1
Arzoumanian, astro-ph/0106159
18Observed gamma-ray pulsar characteristics
Pulsar Age (years) Magnetic Field B (1012 G) Period (ms)
Crab 1300 3.8 33
B1509-58 1500 15.4 150
Vela 11000 3.4 89
B1706-44 17000 1.165 102
B195132 110000 1.1 40
Geminga 340000 1.6 237
B1055-52 530000 0.97 197
193.8 ? 1012 G HR87
Radio pulsar observed magnetic field distribution
Observed gamma-ray pulsar magnetic field (3.92 ?
1.97) ? 1012 G
Figure from Gonthier et al., 2002
20Gamma-ray Pulsars from e measurements 200-300 ms
Radio pulsar observed period distribution
Average observed gamma-ray pulsar period 121 ? 29
Figure from Gonthier et al., 2002
Gamma-ray pulsars from HardingRamaty 33 ms
21PAMELA expected measurements (secondary e
Moskalenko Strongpolar cap Production)
22Different cut-off energies are predicted by polar
cap and outer gap models in the pulsed
gamma-ray spectra (GLAST)!
Figure from http//cossc.gsfc.nasa.gov/images/epo/
23 Fit function Fit result dof c2/dof
Constant Value (k) (6.23.2)10-2 18 0.74
Power-law (A E-g) 0.0796 E-0.112 17 0.76
Stephens calculations --- 19 0.70
Moskalenko Strong calculations --- 19 6.59
24(No Transcript)
- An upper limit to the cosmic-ray positron flux in
- excess with respect to the secondary component
has - been determined.
- This upper limit shows the same trend of the e
flux - generated at the polar cap of middle aged
pulsars with - 1/PB35 years when, on average, a pulsar period
- of 200-300 ms is considered.
- Future experiments such as PAMELA and GLAST
- will allow us to clarify the role of e and e-
- production in the pulsar magnetosphere.