Title: Energy Law
1Energy Law Bren School, UCSB January 2008 Day 2
Regulation of Leftover nuclear power
discussion Natural Gas / Oil Hydro Renewables Exer
2Nuclear Power
Spent Fuel
Plutonium, Uranium
Separate and Reformulate isotopes of plutonium
and uranium into fuel or bomb material
Thorium and other byproducts
- Complex expensive
- Env safety concerns
- American/Canadian proposals
- Existing reprocessing sites
- Waste reduction
- Shorten lives of radioactive elements
Need higher concentrations of key isotopes of U
and Pu for weapons grade, therefore more isotope
3- Oil Gas
- OG extraction and processing/externalities
- International geopolitics of oil
- Gas-fired power plants
- Price volatility
4(No Transcript)
5World Dry Natural Gas Consumption, 1980-2000 (in
Bcf), Source US EIA
1980 2000
6How is natural gas used by its retail purchasers?
World data, source, EIA
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10Production by National Oil Companies
11- Hydro
- Generates electricity how?
- Externalities?
- UN Commission on Dams
- Costs
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13- Renewables
- Wind
- Solar
- Biomass
- Geothermal
- Wave/Tidal
14Table 1-1 Classes of wind power density at 10 m
and 50 m(a). SOURCE NREL
15U.S. wind resources
16Texas Wind Resources
17TABLE 3. Potential Electricity Production on
Windy Lands in Texas SOURCE TX State Energy
Conservn Office
18UK wind farms, proposed (offshore) Danish wind
19Photoshop of projected visual impacts of
Nantucket offshore wind project Source Save
Our Sound
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21SOURCE TX State Energy Conservation Office
22- Biomass
- Basics
- Fuel?
- Externalities?
- Geothermal
- Basics
- Growth?
- State regulation
23- Wave / Tidal
- Capturing wave energy /cylindrical or piston
systems - Capturing tidal flows
- FERC jurisdiction
- Renewable Portfolio Standards
24Non-traditional energy sources
Generation Mix Exercise
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