Joint Honours Level 1 start of year meeting 20078 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Joint Honours Level 1 start of year meeting 20078


BA GEOG1200 Changing Worlds, Changing places (20 credits) ... Geopolitics: state, nation, territory. Development and globalisation ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Joint Honours Level 1 start of year meeting 20078

Joint Honours Level 1 start of year meeting 2007/8
School of Geography FACULTY OF EARTH AND
  • Diane Collett

  • Level 1 modules in Geography
  • BA GEOG1200 Changing Worlds, Changing places (20
  • GEOG1260 Geography of the UK (10 credits)
    (semester one)
  • GEOG 1270 GIS in human geography (10 credits)
    (sem. Two)
  • BSc GEOG1210 Environmental Systems and Processes
    (20 credits)
  • GEOG1230 Analytical skills in physical Geography
    (20 credits)
  • Recommended for both BA and BSc Joint Hons
  • GEOG1240 Scholarship Fieldwork (20 credits)
  • Also to consider as an option for both BA and BSc
  • GEOG1220 Geography, Environment Society (20

  • GEOG1200 Changing worlds, changing places
    (compulsory for BA students)
  • Key topics
  • Geopolitics state, nation, territory
  • Development and globalisation
  • Introduction to urban geography (Leeds)
  • Introduction to social geography class, race,

  • GEOG1210 Environmental systems and processes
    (compulsory for BSc students)
  • Key topics
  • Weather and global warming
  • Quaternary environmental change
  • River systems
  • Ecosystems and biosphere

  • GEOG1230 Analytical skills in physical geography
    (compulsory for BSc students)
  • Key themes
  • 1. Introduction to research design and field
    sampling methods
  • 2. Introduction to laboratory techniques and
    analysis for soil science
  • 3. Introduction to data entry and univariate
  • 4. Introduction to Geographical Information
  • This module includes a one day field class in
    November to Carlton-in-
  • Craven to collect soil samples for analysis. All
    the above are linked
  • together through the production of a final

  • GEOG1260 Geography of the UK (compulsory for BA
  • 1. Introduction geodemographics and income and
  • Population issues
  • 2. UK population dynamics
  • 3. Counter-urbanisation and regional migration
  • 4. International migration
  • Labour market issues
  • 5. The local impact of global change
  • 6. The 21st century workforce
  • 7. Reading week no lecture
  • Service provision
  • 8. UK Health inequalities
  • 9. UK education and inequalities
  • 10 Geography and UK retail growth
  • 11. Conclusions

  • GEOG1270 GIS for human geography (compulsory for
    BA students)
  • Key topics
  • GIS capturing spatial data
  • GIS mapping spatial data
  • GIS analysing spatial data
  • GIS modelling spatial data
  • Practical use of GIS in health, business,
    emergency services, education
  • Jobs and skills!

  • GEOG1240 Geographical scholarship fieldwork
    (optional for all, but strongly recommended)
  • Library skills
  • Presentation skills
  • Essay skills
  • Fieldwork skills
  • Team working
  • PDP and career planning
  • Extended induction
  • Lectures and tutorials

  • GEOG1220 Geography, environment and society
    (optional for all)
  • Key topics
  • Environmentalism risk
  • Managing the environment EIA, pressure groups
  • Legislation CAP
  • Forestry, fishing and water quality

  • Elective module choices for JH students
  • You should have looked through the electives
    handbook sent over the summer, and have a
    shortlist of elective modules you are interested
  • Attend electives fair complete OMR form and
    obtain departmental stamp from the teaching
    department concerned. Bring the form to the
    Centre for Joint Honours for approval.
  • Choose 40 credits of Level 1 electives check
    for timetable clashes. Try to balance timetable
    by choosing 20 credits per semester
  • Can choose additional Geography modules, or
    modules from your other named subject
  • No restrictions on what to choose, unless the
    modules have pre-requisites. Language modules are
  • Popular elective modules may be fully booked
    enrol as early as you can.
  • Try something new!

  • Timetable
  • Sign up for any lab classes in the Geography
  • Avoid clashes between modules may be difficult!
  • If you enrol for GEOG1240, you should fill in a
    personal timetable and hand it in to Reception
    for your new tutor, who will then find a suitable
    hour when your group can meet

  • Progression
  • Full workload is 120 credits
  • Level 1 is pass to progress - you must pass100
    credits including any pass to progress modules
    in your other subject, but level 1 does not
    contribute directly to your degree classification
  • Pass mark is 40
  • Allowed 2 resits first resit opportunity is
  • If you experience problems (illness, personal
    problems, technical problems), tell us Joint
    Honours can help.
  • Obtain a medical note to evidence illness.
  • Level 1 does not count towards your degree.

  • Geography assessment
  • Varies between modules
  • Essays
  • Reports
  • Worksheets
  • Presentations
  • Written exams
  • Individual/group work
  • Plagiarism
  • Dont do it!
  • You will be caught

  • Submitting work in the SoG
  • Most work handed in via reception
  • Complete Undergraduate assignment report form
  • Complete Declaration of academic integrity form
  • Staple to front of work
  • Hand in and retain receipt for your records
  • For Geog 1240 module tutorial work handed in via
  • Complete Undergraduate tutorial assignment
    report form
  • Deadlines
  • University penalties apply (5 deduction per
    working day late)

  • Feedback mechanisms
  • Informal via members of staff tutor, Student
    Support Manager
  • Formal mid-year and end-of-year feedback
    processes for modules, whole course and student
    satisfaction survey
  • Staff-Student Committee meets several times per
    year reps. from all levels, all programmes.
    Nominations needed for BA, BA with Transport
    Planning, BSc, BSc Geog-Geol level 1,
    JHArts/Langs, JHScience. Self nomination to Diane
    Collett by 28 September.
  • Training given. Good thing to have on your CV!

  • Requesting extensions for assessed coursework
  • Must see Student Support Manager as early as
    possible. Must have legitimate reason for
    requesting extension (mitigating circumstances
    medical problems, personal issues, theft, etc.).
    Provide evidence where possible.
  • Information disclosed remains confidential.
  • If medical reasons, provide medical note.
  • If theft, crime reference number required.
  • Work submitted late without authorised extension
    is penalised by 5 per calendar day of lateness.
  • If in doubt, ask anyway.

  • Postgraduate Study Assistants Scheme
  • Struggling? Get help for problems with
    geographical issues, concepts, skills
  • One-to-one matching with a postgraduate research
    student, via coordinator Eleanor Wilkinson
  • Complete the online form to submit your request
  • Generic skills training provided by Skills Centre
    avoid duplication

  • Dos and Donts
  • Dont panic ask for help, even if the problem
    seems trivial
  • Dont plagiarise serious penalties
  • Dont be too intolerant of different types of
    Geography be open-minded
  • Dont waste your first year, even though it
    doesnt directly count
  • Do attend all sessions lectures, tutorials,
  • Do read as widely as you can
  • Do check email regularly and use the online
    resources and systems
  • Do join GeogSoc and other societies and get
  • Do have fun and enjoy University life
  • Find these slides at http//
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