Title: Selling Contract Training
1A professional web-based sales and marketing tool
designed for colleges and universities to
optimize sales of contract training.
2The Best Kept Secret
- Time and time again we hear that colleges are the
best kept secret, we are the hidden gem in the
world of training.
3Contract Training Sales Challenges
- Our private industry competitors present
themselves professionally with glossy marketing
pieces and polished salespeople. - Customers complain about
- Difficulty in comprehending all of the college
resource offerings - The sales cycle taking too long
- A lack of a single point of contact
- Most college salespeople go to battle armed with
little more than their training, wits, and
promotional trinkets.
4Go To Marketing Partners suggests there are 3
types of sale tools.
- 1.Process tools define, measure and manage the
selling process. - 2.Content tools populate the sales process with
information the prospect needs to make a positive
buying decision. - 3.Skill tools - enables the relatively
inexperienced or untrained salesperson to
identify, process and communicate information
like a seasoned professional.
5- The BIG Question Is
- Have you equipped your sales people with the
proper tools?
Sales Cycle, 60
6The TrainingMatrix will make you look more
professional and do MORE with less!
7Your new sales marketing tool
- Think of your "presentation" as a two-way
dialogue. The TrainingMatrix allows you to
explore your customer needs first, and then
determine which of your products or services may
be able to meet those needs. - How? By organizing all of your training resources
in YOUR TrainingMatrix, so your customer can find
the training that fits.
8The TrainingMatrix
- Individually branded website
- One that showcases and organizes all of your
training resources. - Provide a professional sales presentation
- Your sales people will have an electronic tool to
manage and deliver a professional sales
presentation. - Focus on customer needs
- Increases sales and cuts sales cycle by focusing
on information your prospect needs to make a
decision to buy. - Search, Tell-a-Coworker
- Increase sales revenues
- Identifies key trends in training and anticipates
market needs resulting in increased revenue. - User Tracking, Most Viewed/Most Requested
- Expands your training resources at no cost
- Ability to market to customers whenever you have
new services and programs. - Ability to respond to customers needs
immediately. - Ability to showcase all of your resources.
10Real Costs Current Scenarios
- Direct mail piece to 300 of your Customers
- 300 x Postage _at_.37 111.00
- Paper/print/envelopes _at_1.00ea 300.00
- Shelf Life 1 to 2 days
- Total per mailing 411.00
- One ad in local paper
- ΒΌ page Black White
- shelf life 1 day
- Average cost for one ad 1,600
- 8 page glossy in color - 600 pieces
- Shelf life 1 to 2 days
- Limited Handouts 600 x 3 ea. 1,800.00
11Real Savings - using the TrainingMatrix
- Unlimited marketing and outreach to unlimited
customers. - Customized site for your complete program - from
795.00 to 995.00 to setup - All Inclusive - The cost 200.00 to 331.00 per
month. Never an additional charge for new
features and new resources. Includes hosting and
all reports.
12The TrainingMatrix
- Resulting in increased revenue and increased
13Using the TrainingMatrix to your Competitive
6 Tips to Success in Selling Contract Training
14Tip 1The Cold Call and Existing Customers
- Hi ______, I need 20 minutes to share with you
our colleges new electronic web-based training
resource tool. - What does it do? It consolidates all of our
resources, making it easier for you to search
when the need arises - Notes
- ___________________________________
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- ___________________________________
15Tip 2Preparing for the Presentation
- Get to the decision-maker the highest level
executive as possible - To enhance the presentation make sure the
customer will be able to provide you with - Do you have a training room with internet access?
- If possible an Infocus to project the
presentation - Notes
- ___________________________________
- ___________________________________
- ___________________________________
16Tip 3Starting the Presentation
- You not selling ? - you are educating the
customer in the use of the tool. - Start your presentation by asking the Big
Question - Is there any training that you are researching
now or have completed in the past several weeks? - Notes
- ___________________________________
- ___________________________________
- ___________________________________
17Tip 4Introducing the TrainingMatrix
- Using the information
- Go to the TrainingMatrix login page and have the
customer create their logon Why? - Go to the assessment tools make them very aware
that these are third party and quantifiable. They
can lead to finding gaps within the organization - Walk the customer through the resources you have
available meeting their needs - Notes
- ___________________________________
- ___________________________________
18Tip 5Find out more about what the customer needs
- Ask additional questions regarding his or her
needs - Show the customer how easy it will be to do their
own searches and the power of the search tool. - LERN states that the majority of training
purchases are impulse buys make the
TrainingMatrix the first source they think about
when searching for training - Complete a Request for Info letting them know
that request will now be in the college database
and you will have the opportunity to contact them - Notes
- ___________________________________
19Tip 6Leaving the TrainingMatrix with your
- Leave the TrainingMatrix on their desktop or in
the web browser favorites - Your goal is to make them a user of the
TrainingMatrix - Notes
- ___________________________________
- ___________________________________
- ___________________________________
20More Tips
- Make presentation to Chamber of Commerce and
other community groups (i.e. Rotary Club) - Try to get them to link from their website to
your TrainingMatrix - Dont forget to use your assessment tools and
resources (many of them are free) - When new resources are added review them for
potential clients and offerings - Frequently test your link to your TrainingMatrix
from the colleges main website - Handling phone calls requesting information
- Communicate with Learnpoints Let us know what is
working and what are some of the obstacles - Notes
- ___________________________________
21Lets Start Marketing
- You had them logon, now its time to keep them
updated. - There is no better way to reach your customers on
a monthly basis then with the TrainingMatrix. - Send them news articles, new programs,
testimonials and reviews. - Notes
- ___________________________________
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22Go Get Them!
- Rob Clancey
- Business Development Marketing
- Learnpoints
- Phone 425-466-5207
- Email robclancey_at_learnpoints.com