Title: Technical Topics
1 William Griever Sarit Kessel Debra Kuntz Will
iam Carlucci
William Hunter
May 1, 2002
2 Surveys of Foreign Portfolio Investment in the U
nited States
William Griever
3Survey Perspective
- Part of an integrated system
- Used in conjunction with monthly flow data
- Surveys are detailed, accurate, but not timely
- Monthly data very timely, but less accurate
- Used together to create ongoing estimates
4Survey History
- First survey in 1974
- Measured foreign investment in US securities
- Congressional concern over growing foreign
- Existing data lacked detail
5Survey History
- Liability surveys continued at 5-year intervals
- Last survey as of March 31, 2000
- This will be the 7th liabilities survey
- Have been large, benchmark surveys with hundreds
of reporters
- Also 3 asset surveys starting in 1994
6Survey Uses
- Correct geography
- Monthly reports measure versus location of
- Results in heavy bias towards financial centers
such as UK
7Survey Uses
- Correct amounts foreign held
- Security-level collection allows for greater data
- Last survey decreased estimated level of foreign
holdings by 300 billion
- Shows investment by Industry
8Data Users
- Financial industry analysts
- International organizations
- Academic research
9Data Uses
- USG - BoP, IIP, country exposure
- Reduced net debtor position
- Current account sustainability
- Help to explain US strength?
10Increasingly Important
- Foreign ownership increasing
- 1974 - 4.8
- 2000 - 10.2
- Securities flows now much greater than bank
11Increasingly Important
- Crisis of 1997-1998 caught most by surprise
- Lack of key data helped mask the problem
- Led to recognition that greater financial
transparency was required
- Implies better/faster data needed
12Changes Required
- Lack of detailed, timely data on Reserve Assets
and External Debt positions identified as major
- Improved Reserve Asset reporting operational
- External Debt reporting starts in 2003
- IMFs External Debt Reporting System (EDRS)
- Countries will expand collection and accelerate
publication of external debt data
- USG strongly supports the system
- Greater transparency required in an integrated
world financial system
- Hopefully an Early Warning system
- Requires many changes to the US reporting system
- Annual portfolio liabilities surveys with shorter
submission periods part of the changes
- Most surveys will include large reporters only
- Quarterly reporting of external debt with a one
quarter lag by sector (govt, bank, other) and
type debt (bond, loan, etc.) required
- Forward debt repayment schedules strongly
- Currency composition of debt also encouraged
- US will combine estimates with measurements
- Measurement would require quarterly surveys
- Survey results will be combined with monthly
transactions data
- Result credible estimates
17IIF Recommendations
- IIF strongly urged changes
- IIF recommended a more rigorous system than will
be implemented
- private sector participants in these markets
bear a responsibility for full and timely
disclosure of information on their activities.
- Changes will increase the burden on both
reporters and compilers
- By combining estimates with measurement were
attempting to minimize the work load
- Timely, accurate data from reporters is the key
19 Who Must Report?
Sarit Kessel
20Who Must Report
- Large U.S.- Resident Custodians
- Large U.S.- Resident Issuers
21U.S. Residency
- U.S. Resident
- Any individual, corporation or other organization
located in the United States.
- This includes branches, subsidiaries and
affiliates of foreign entities located in the
United States.
- Corporations located in the United States
- Exclude International and regional
organizations even if they are located in the
United States.
22U.S. Residency
- How to determine residency
- Tax forms
- W-9 forms are filed by U.S. residents
- W-8 forms are filed by non-U.S. residents
- If not available use the mailing address
23U.S. Residency
- Examples of U.S. residents
- Bayerische Landesbank NY Branch
- BP America Inc
- Examples of non-U.S. residents
- Bank of New York Tokyo Branch
- GMAC Canada
- International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development (IBRD)
24U.S.- Resident Custodian
- Organizations that manage the safekeeping of
- U.S. securities for
- The account of other entities located outside the
United States
25U.S.- Resident Custodians
- Each U.S. resident custodian should file one
consolidated report for
- The custody accounts for which safekeeping
services are provided
- Their own securities held directly by foreigners
26U.S.- Resident Custodians
- U.S.-resident custodians should exclude custody
accounts held by their foreign affiliates or
- U.S. affiliates or subsidiaries of foreign
custodians should exclude custody accounts held
by their foreign parents.
27U.S.-Resident Custodians
- Schedule 2 Reporting
- U.S.-resident custodians should report all U.S.
securities held in custody for foreign-residents.
- U.S.-resident custodians, that use foreign
subcustodians to directly manage their foreign
clients U.S. securities should report these U.S.
securities. - U.S.-resident custodians should report all U.S.
securities that are settled and cleared through
foreign securities depositories (e.g., Euroclear)
28U.S.-Resident Issuers
- Organizations whose securities are held directly
by foreign residents, with no U.S. - resident
custodian involved.
29U.S.-Resident Issuers
- Each U.S.-resident issuer should file one
consolidated report for
- Their custody holdings for foreign-residents
- Securities issued by the reporters subsidiaries,
branches, and affiliates in the United States
30U.S.-Resident Issuers
- U.S.-resident issuers should exclude securities
issued by foreign affiliates or subsidiaries.
- U.S. affiliates or subsidiaries of foreign
investors should exclude any direct investment
with their foreign parent.
31U.S.-Resident Issuers
- Schedule 2 reporting
- Report securities held directly by foreign
- Report securities settled and cleared through a
foreign central securities depository (Euroclear)
32Who Must Report
A U.S.-resident issuer clears and settles through
foreign depository
Foreign Depository
U.S.-resident issuer
Does not report
Files Schedules 1 and 2
33Who Must Report
A foreign investor employs a foreign custodian
U.S.-Resident Issuer
Foreign Custodian
Does not report
Files Schedules 1 and 2
34Who Must Report
A U.S.-resident custodian holding securities for
U.S.-resident custodian
Files Schedules 1 and 2
35Who Must Report
Flow Chart for Bearer Bonds
U.S.-resident custodian
U.S. resident Issuer
Files Schedules 1 and 2
Files Schedules 1 and 2
FRBNY will eliminate double reporting.
36 What Must Be Reported on the Annual Report of
Foreign Holdings of U.S. Securities, Including
Selected Money Market Instruments (SHLA)
Debra Kuntz
37U.S. Securities
- Securities issued by U.S. entities, including
- U.S.-resident organizations
- U.S. subsidiaries of foreign organizations
- U.S. branches of foreign banks
- Exclude securities issued by International and
Regional Organizations.
- Although located in the United States, these
organizations are considered foreign entities.
38U.S. Securities
- Information that does not contribute to
determining if a U.S. security
- nationality of parent organization
- nationality of guarantor
- place of issue or trading
- currency of issue
39U.S. SecurityExample 1
- Euro denominated 2-year note issued by a Daimler
Chrysler affiliate incorporated in the United
- Is this security reportable?
40U.S. SecuritiesExample 1 Answer
- Euro denominated 2-year note issued by a Daimler
Chrysler affiliate incorporated in the United
- Is this security reportable?
- Yes. The security was issued by a
U.S.-resident entity.
41U.S. SecuritiesExample 2
- U.S. dollar-denominated 30-year Yankee note
issued by the Inter-American Development Bank.
- Is this security reportable?
42U.S. SecuritiesExample 2 Answer
- U.S. dollar-denominated 30-year Yankee note
issued by the Inter-American Development Bank.
- Is this security reportable?
- No. This security was issued by a Regional
Organization. This entity is classified as
foreign, even though it is located in the United
43U.S. SecuritiesExample 3
- U.S. dollar-denominated asset-backed security
issued by Company B incorporated in the United
States and guaranteed by the parent, Company A,
incorporated in Hong Kong. - Is this security reportable?
44Foreign SecuritiesExample 3 Answer
- U.S. dollar-denominated asset-backed security
issued by Company B incorporated in the United
States and guaranteed by the parent, Company A,
incorporated in Hong Kong. - Is this security reportable?
- Yes. This security was issued by a U.S.-resident
entity. The location of the guarantor does not
factor into the decision of whether the security
is U.S. or not.
45Type of Reportable U.S. Securities
- Equity
- Short-Term Debt
- Long-Term Debt
- Asset-Backed Securities
- All instruments representing an ownership
interest in U.S.-resident organizations.
- However, ownership interests representing direct
investment are not reported.
47EquityDirect Investment
- Direct investment is defined as ownership or
control of 10 or more of an organizations
voting stock.
- Direct investment positions should be reported to
the Commerce Department and excluded from this
48EquityDirect Investment
- If one of the companies is a bank or bank holding
company, direct investment is limited to
permanent debt or equity.
- Positions with foreign affiliates that arise out
of normal banking business are not direct
investment and should be reported.
- Reportable equity securities include
- common stock
- restricted stock
- preferred stock
- shares/units in U.S. mutual funds
- shares/units in unincorporated business
enterprises, such as limited partnerships
- Exclude from equity
- convertible debt
- nonparticipating preference shares
- depositary receipts where the underlying security
is foreign
- Convertible debt and nonparticipating preference
shares are reported, but should be classified as
debt on this report.
51Type of Issuer
- United States Department of the Treasury
- Other Federal agencies or federally sponsored
- Appendix H of the instructions contains a list of
these institutions.
- State or local governments, including their
- Other
52Type of Issuer
- Classify as Federal agency those securities
guaranteed by the Government National Mortgage
Association (GNMA).
- Privately-issued mortgage-backed securities
should be classified as Other, even if the
underlying collateral is GNMA guaranteed.
- Determine term, (short-term or long-term), based
on the original maturity of the security.
- Original maturities of one year or less are
- Original maturities of greater than one year are
54Term of Callable Debt
- Debt with multiple call options (multiple
maturity dates) is long-term if any of the
maturity dates is greater than one year from the
date of issue.
55Term Examples
- A U.S. Treasury bill issued on June 13, 2002 that
matures on July 11, 2002 is short-term.
- A 30-year U.S.-issued bond that matures on
July 31, 2002 is long-term.
56Short-Term Debt
- Reportable short-term debt includes the following
instruments where the original maturity is one
year or less
- U.S. government securities (e.g., Treasury
- U.S. agency securities
- bankers and trade acceptances
- commercial paper
- negotiable certificates of deposit
57Short-Term DebtSTRIPs
- Reportable STRIPs are those where the issuer of
the STRIP is a U.S.-resident entity.
- Residency of the STRIP is not determined by the
issuer of the underlying security.
58Short-Term DebtSTRIPs
- U.S. securities that are the underlying
securities for STRIPs, should be reported by the
issuer or U.S.-resident custodian if the
beneficial owner is foreign. - STRIPs issued by a foreign-resident entity should
not be reported, even if the underlying security
is U.S.
59Short-Term DebtSTRIPs Example
- U.S. Company A owns 100 million of German bonds.
U.S. Company A issues 50 million of STRIPs
where these German bonds are the underlying
securities. A foreign company purchases these
STRIPs. - What should Company A report?
60Short-Term DebtSTRIPs Example Answer
- U.S. Company A owns 100 million of German bonds.
U.S. Company A issues 50 million of STRIPs
where these German bonds are the underlying
securities. A foreign company purchases these
STRIPs. - What should Company A report?
- Either Company A or the U.S.-resident custodian
(if one is used) reports the 50 million of
STRIPs. The German bonds are not reported.
61Long-Term Debt
- Reportable long-term debt includes the following
instruments where the original maturity is
greater than one year
- bonds
- notes
- debentures
- convertible debt
- nonparticipating preference shares
- negotiable certificates of deposit
62Debt Exclusions
- Exclude from short-term and long-term debt
- shares/units in U.S. mutual funds, even if the
U.S. fund invests in debt.
- Investments in U.S. mutual funds are reported,
but should be classified as equity on this report.
63Debt Exclusions
- Exclude from short-term and long-term debt
- loans
- trade credits
- accounts receivable
- derivatives
- non-negotiable certificates of deposit
64Embedded Derivatives
- If the embedded derivative is bifurcated from its
host contract, then only report the value of the
host contact. Exclude the derivative.
- If the embedded derivative is not bifurcated from
the host contract, then the security should be
reported without separating the embedded
65Debt Exclusions
- Exclude from short-term and long-term debt
- asset-backed securities
- These securities are reported, but should be
classified as asset-backed securities on this
66Asset-Backed Securities
- Securitized interest in a pool of assets, which
give the purchaser a claim against the cash flows
generated by the underlying assets.
67Asset-Backed Securities
- Reportable asset-backed securities (ABS) are
those where the issuer securitizing the assets is
a U.S. entity.
- The underlying asset is not a factor in
determining whether the ABS is a U.S. security.
68Asset-Backed Securities
- Reportable asset-backed securities include
- collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs)
- collateralized bond obligations (CBOs)
- collateralized loan obligations (CLOs)
- collateralized debt obligations (CDOs)
69Asset-Backed Securities
- Reportable asset-backed securities include
- other securities backed by
- mortgages
- credit card receivables
- automobile loans
- consumer and personal loans
- commercial and industrial loans
- commercial paper
- other assets
70Repurchase AgreementsSecurity Lending
- Repos and securities lending arrangements both
involve the temporary transfer of a security for
cash or another security. The transaction is
reversed on a specified future date. - Reverse repurchase agreements and securities
borrowing arrangements are the reverse.
71Repurchase AgreementsSecurity Lending
- The security lender should report the U.S.
security as if no repo or security lending
arrangement occurred.
- The security borrower should exclude the U.S.
72Accounting Rules
- Securities should be reported using settlement
date accounting.
- Report gross long positions.
- Do not net any short positions from long
- Round data to the nearest unit (e.g., dollar).
- Do not report decimals.
73Valuation of Securities
- Follow the definition of FAS 115.
- Fair (market) value is the amount at which an
asset could be bought or sold in a current
transaction between willing parties, other than
in a forced liquidation or sale. - For securities that do not regularly trade,
estimate the value based on information
74Valuation of Securities
- If the fair (market) value is zero, indicate the
- Firm that issued the security is in
- Stock impaired or security in default.
- Price unknown because security is thinly or never
75Valuation of Securities
- Report the fair (market) value for each security
as of the close of business on the last day of
76Foreign Currency Conversion
- Report the following information in the currency
of denomination
- Fair (market) value (line 16a)
- Face value for non-ABS debt (line 19)
- Original face value for ABS debt (line 22)
- Remaining face value for ABS debt (line 23)
77Foreign Currency Conversion
- Report the US converted market value (line 16)
using the spot exchange rate as of the last
business day of June.
- FRBNY will calculate the exchange rate used from
the US and foreign currency market values
- FRBNY will convert the face value, original face
value, and remaining face value based on the
currency code reported.
78Foreign Currency Conversion
- If exchange rate quoted in units of foreign
currency per US
- divide the foreign currency market value (line
16a) by the exchange rate to determine the US
market value (line 16).
79Foreign Currency Conversion
- If exchange rate quoted in units of US per
foreign currency
- multiply the foreign currency market value (line
16a) by the exchange rate to determine the US
market value (line 16).
81 Review of Schedules
William Carlucci
82Review of Schedules Schedule 1
- Schedule 1 Respondent Contact Identification
and Summary Financial Information
- Required to be filed by all organizations who
received the report
- Contains basic information about the institution
- Contains summary financial information reported
on Schedule 2
83Review of SchedulesSchedule 1
- Changes from 2000
- Identification Number changed from 7 digits to 10
- Industrial Classification Code was streamlined
- Financial Information streamlined. No longer
broken out between priced and unpriced totals.
84Review of SchedulesSchedule 1
- Respondent Identification Number
- 10 digit number issued by FRBNY.
- Contact FRBNY staff at 212-720-6300 if you do not
know your identification number.
85Review of SchedulesSchedule 1
- Industrial Classification Code
- Bank Depository Institution (i.e., an
institution that takes deposits) or a bank
holding company.
- Other Financial Firm Firm that acts as a
financial intermediary, such as a finance company
or broker/dealer, which is operated separately
from an organization in one of the other
categories listed. - Non-Financial Firm An organization that conducts
commercial, industrial or trade activities.
- Other Use this code if none of the categories
listed describe your firm.
86Review of SchedulesSchedule 1
- Name of Service Provider or Vendor Used
- Service Provider/Vendor Is an institution which
provides your data or prepared the electronic
submission of your report.
- Examples of service providers or vendors are
- DST Systems
- Beta Systems
87Review of SchedulesSchedule 1
- Technical Contact
- Provide the name of the person who can be
contacted for technical issues regarding the
electronic submission of your report.
- This person should be familiar with the file
formats used and how the data is extracted from
your databases or applications.
88Review of SchedulesSchedule 2
- Schedule 2 Details of Securities
- Filed by U.S.-Resident Custodians and Issuers of
U.S. Securities owned directly by foreigners.
- Provides details of the U.S. securities
- Total of all Schedule 2s should equal the summary
financial information reported on Schedule 1
89Review of SchedulesSchedule 2
- Changes from 2000
- First time collecting short-term securities.
- Changed overall layout of the forms
- New items introduced to collect information on
reporting units
- Introduced Type of Issuer Field
- Changed security type descriptions and codes
- Use of ISO standard codes for currency
information. Changed from a 5-digit numeric value
to a 3-digit alpha character. (Note, country
information continues to be 5-digit numeric
values.) - Introduced new item to explain zero fair market
- Some items are in US dollars and foreign currency
90Review of SchedulesSchedule 2
- Sequence Number
- Generally sequence numbers should be sequential
(i.e., 1,2,3) for each Schedule 2 record
- If multiple divisions of an organization are
preparing Schedule 2 records and it is a large
burden to create sequential sequence numbers for
the consolidated report then each reporting unit
should have unique sequence numbers.
91Review of Schedules Schedule 2
- Reporting Unit Code and Name
- If data is being collected from multiple
databases or reporting systems, report the
internal code used in your organization to
identify the database or system. - This will help identify if a particular database
or reporting system has generated invalid data.
- Enter a description or name of the reporting unit
or division that is reporting the information.
92Review of Schedules Schedule 2
- Type of Issuer
- United States Department of the Treasury
- Other federal agency or federally sponsored
- State or local government, including their
- Other
93Review of Schedules Schedule 2
- Type of Issuer
- Choose the Type of Issuer that coincides with the
name of issuer.
- If type of issuer cannot be clearly identified,
report as Other.
94Review of SchedulesSchedule 2
- Security Type
- Equity Securities are broken out into the
following categories
- Common Stock
- Preferred Stock
- All Mutual Funds (including shares or unit
- Other any other type of equity security not
listed above
95Review of Schedules Schedule 2
- Security Type
- Debt (excluding ABS) is broken out into seven
- Commercial Paper
- Negotiable CD
- Convertible Security
- Zero-Coupon
- Bond or Note, unstripped
- Bond or Note, stripped
- All Other Debt
96Review of SchedulesSchedule 2
- Security Type
- Asset-Backed Securities have been broken out into
their own separate code.
97Review of SchedulesSchedule 2
- Registered/Bearer Indicator
- If a security is a registered instrument, it
should be reported with a registered indicator
(code 1).
- If a security is a bearer instrument, (i.e.,
possession of the bond certificate is the only
proof of ownership), it should be reported with a
bearer indicator (code 2).
98Review of SchedulesSchedule 2
- Country of Foreign Holder
- Important field. Identifies the location of the
beneficial owner of the security.
- Type of Foreign Holder
- An abbreviate list of Foreign Official
Institutions can be found in Appendix D of the
instructions. A complete list can be found on
the Treasury website at - www.treas.gov/tic/forms.
99 Key Issues for Reporters
100Key Issues to Reporters
- Reporting Criteria
- A reporter that is both an issuer and custodian
should report in both of these capacities.
101Key Issues to Reporters
- Securities To Be Included
- Report all securities issued by U.S. residents
and held by foreign residents.
- Bearer Bonds - All bearer bonds are assumed to be
held by foreign residents and should be reported.
Both issuers and custodians of these securities
should report (FRBNY will eliminate double
counting). - Custodians must report all foreign-held
securities entrusted to central securities
depositories (DTC, FRBNY, Euroclear, Cedel,
102Key Issues to Reporters
- Securities to be Excluded
- All securities issued by foreign residents.
- Depositary Receipts
- Securities issued by U.S. -resident international
and regional organizations (e.g., World Bank,
Inter-American Development Bank, International
Monetary Fund). - Loans, non-negotiable CDs, and derivatives
103Key Issues to Reporters
- Identify Securities
- Whenever possible, report securities using the
- If unavailable, use appropriate ISIN, CINS,
Common or other exchange-assigned code.
- Use internal codes only id no other code exists
for the security.
104Key Issues to Reporters
- Distinguishing Long-Term Debt from Short-Term
- Original maturities of one year or less are
- Original maturities of one year or more are
- Perpetual debt is classified as long-term.
105Key Issues to Reporters
- Common Reporting Errors
- Excessive reporting of Country Unknown for
securities other than Bearer Bonds.
- Securities reported with a quantity held equal to
- Inaccurate security type codes reported (common
stock reported with a zero coupon bond security
type code).
- Reporting securities that represent direct
106Key Issues to Reporters
- Common Reporting Errors
- Use of prior codes from previous surveys.
- Failure to report remaining principal outstanding
for asset-backed securities.
- Failure to report holdings of Canadian
- Failure to report securities issued by
U.S.-resident subsidiaries or branches of foreign
107 Technical Topics Preparing a Computer File of
Your Data
William Hunter
108Technical TopicsHow To File
- On paper
- Electronically (Diskette or CD) - Mandatory if
submitting more than 200 records.
- On paper - An option only if submitting 200 or
109Technical TopicsAcceptable Media
- High Density IBM Compatible Diskette
- CD - Standard 650 MB
- Standard Windows PC ASCII Text Files
- Legibly Labeled With Respondent Name ID
110Technical TopicsUnacceptable Media
- No Compressed Files
- No Zip Files
- No IBM Mainframe Tapes/Cartridges - 3480/3490,
Round (Reel) Tapes
- No EBCDIC Files
111Technical TopicsFile Formats
- Use Either of Two File Formats
- Positional
- Semi-colon Delimited
112Technical TopicsPositional File Example
113Technical TopicsPositional File Example
114Technical TopicsSample Delimited File
115 Technical TopicsSample Delimited File
116Technical TopicsTips Traps
- New Report Form File Format This Year
- Files Must Be ASCII
- Diskette Or CD Only
- File Names Should
- Have .txt Suffix
- Be No Longer Than 25 Characters
- Not Include Any Spaces
- Use Underscore _ In Lieu Of Spaces
117Technical TopicsTips Traps (Contd)
Examples -
- No Good - Missing .txt Suffix
- BiggerBanks 2002 SHLA.txt
- No Good - Contains Blanks
- BigFirmWithLotsofSHLADataID0000567890.txt
- No Good - Too Long (More than 25
118Technical TopicsTips Traps (Contd)
- Files Must Be Plain Text - Uncompressed
- No .xls (Excel) Files
- No Zip Files
- No COBOL Packed Decimal Fields
- All Semi-colon Delimited File Records Must Have
28 Semi-colons
- Include Nulls For Items That Do Not Apply
119Technical TopicsTips Traps (Contd)
- All Records Must End With A Carriage Control/Line
- Your Respondent ID Number Must Be Exactly 10
Digits With Leading Zeros
- Dates Must Be 8 Digits (MMDDYYYY) Months and Days
Must Have Leading Zeros Where Appropriate (e.g.,
January 1, 2002 Entered as 01012002)
120Technical TopicsTips Traps (Contd)
- Fed Will Check Test Files For Format (Send To
SHLA.help_at_ ny.frb.org)
- Be Sure To Provide A Technical Contact
121Technical TopicsContacts
- Susan Ma - Team Leader
- Automation Support
- (212) 720-1989
- Bill Hunter - Staff Director
- Automation Support
- (212) 720-8250
122The End