Title: How to use the Kentucky Virtual Library
1How to use the Kentucky Virtual Library
2- Access KYVL _at_ www.kyvl.org
3Click on
- K12 Schools
- High School Students
4To find a periodical
- Choose
- Magazines and Articles
- All Topics EBSCO
- Then click on
- EBSCOhost
5Select the database(s) to search
- Scroll down the page to see the complete list of
available databases. - Check the box next to each database you want to
search. - Click Continue.
6Type your search term
Click Search
7Click on the title to view the articles citation.
8The text of the article is below the citation.
9Go to the bottom of the article for more options
- Formats
- Citation
- HTML Full Text
- PDF Full Text (240K)
- Print for a hard copy
- E-mail to access from another location
- Save to add to your personal files
10Congratulations! You have successfullylocated
an article by using the Kentucky Virtual
Library.If youd like to access KYVL at a
remote location, ask your librarian for the most
recent user name and password.
11(No Transcript)
13PowerPoint created by Sherry FisherGraves County
High SchoolSources Kentucky Virtual Library .
online image 13 March2003. ltwww.kyvl.orggt
.Easy Listening with the Duchess . Happy
Trails to You by Roy Rogers and Dale Evans.
online sound 13 March 2003.lthttp//www.duchessa
thome.com/music/happytrailstoyou.html gt.