Title: ''''creating independent learners
1Resource Based Learning
- ....creating independent learners
2Paradigm shifts
Teacher-centred ? Student-centred
Transmitter ? Facilitator RBT ?
RBL Content ? Competencies/Skills
Product ? Process
3Key Terms
- Constructivism
- Essential Learnings
- Resource Based Learning
- Information Literacy
- Learning is the process of constructing knowledge
- the learner selects, interprets and transforms
information constructs hypotheses and makes
decisions, relying on a cognitive structure to do
so - Learning is active
- Learning is not linear
- Learning occurs in a context
- Learning builds on prior knowledge
- Learning is developmental and progressive
6Essential Learnings (SA)
7ICTs as tools for learning
- Emphasis should be on meaningful, engaged
learning with technology - students are actively involved
- students are explorers producers
- teachers are facilitators guides
- collaborative learning
- develop critical thinking skills
- problem solving
- authentic tasks
8Teaching Information Skills
- not in isolation
- RBL not RBT
- process not just product
- use Blooms Taxonomy
- in collaboration with Teacher Librarian
9Thinking with ICTs
- Creating brochures
- or slide shows
- Select and synthesise a lot of info into a few
dot points - Storyboarding or sequencing of info
- Connecting info to visuals
- Critical awareness of purpose and audience
ICTs are not just presentation tools
10Resource Based Learning
- Students
- ..acquire knowledge and
- ...develop skills by
- ..interacting with
- a wide range of
have changed in quantity and nature
RBL revisited http//www.adelaidehs.sa.edu.au/rblw
11Information Skills
are Thinking Skills
12How can it be done?
Schools operating as strong learning communities
are characterised by distributed ICTs and are
underpinned by learning models that incorporate
information and ICT literacy. ASLA, ALIA 2001
Providing the scaffolds
Staff PD
13(No Transcript)
14ICTs RBL Scaffolds for Learning
Web quests
Online assignments
Information skills