Trading Agent Competition - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Trading Agent Competition


Customer collects all the bids and selects the bid with the lowest prices as the winning bid ... Pilow is the lowest transaction price of type i on the previous day ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Trading Agent Competition

Trading Agent Competition
Lecture Series 18th May 2005
Presenter Minghua He
How the game is played?
Trading Agents Competition Classic Game
  • Each game comprises 8 competing agents
  • Each agent
  • assembles travel packages
  • Round trip flight
  • Same hotel for all nights
  • Some entertainment
  • for 8 customers from 28 auctions
  • Each customer has preferences on various aspects
    of trip
  • score based on how well it satisfies requirements
  • Game lasts 12 minutes
  • auction server in (
  • agents run on own local machines

(No Transcript)
The Auctions
  • Flights
  • 8 auctions
  • (4 in, 4 out)
  • Unlimited tickets
  • Single seller auction
  • Prices update randomly
  • Clears continuously
  • Closes at end of game
  • Hotels
  • 8 auctions
  • (4 TT, 4 SS)
  • 16 rooms per hotel per night
  • 16th price multi-unit English auction
  • Ask price is 16th highest price
  • Updated immediately in response to new bids
  • One closes at end of every minute after 4th

Entertainment 12 auctions Per entertainment,
per night Continuous double auction 12
tickets per agent initially Closes at end of
SouthamptonTAC Design
Environment Sensor
  • Game features
  • Inter-related bidding
  • Uncertainty
  • Trade-off in bidding
  • Flight auctions
  • Hotel auctions
  • No optimal strategy for all situations

asks/ bids
Hotel price predictor
Bids preprocessor
Flight categoriser
Hotel bid adjustor
Entertainment bid processor
Classifying TAC Environments
  • Three environment types
  • Competitive High hotel prices 5 (6), 238
    (557), 155 (102), 40 (11)
  • Non-competitive Low prices 7 (12), 92 (27), 70
    (53) 62 (7)
  • Semi-competitive Medium prices 5(2), 128(71),
    128(60), 116(3)
  • Set strategy according to assessment of
  • Before game starts
  • During game

TAC Environment Recognition
Non-Competitive Semi-Competitive
Similarity degree
0 50 80 100
150 200 Price
  • Reference price
  • Before game Maximum of average price history of
    previous 10 games
  • During game Current maximum price

Setting the Bidding Strategy
  • Risk Seeking
  • Buy large number of flights
  • tickets at beginning
  • Seldom change customers
  • travel plans
  • Risk Averse
  • Buy some flight tickets
  • at beginning
  • Bidding based on
  • games progress

SouthamptonTAC varies according to its perception
of the environment
Strategy per Auction Flights
  • Risk seeking
  • buy all flights once game starts
  • Risk averse
  • buy some flights at start of game
  • buy remainder based on categorisation
  • Fast changing immediately
  • Slow changing in last minute

Strategy per Auction Entertainment
Strategy per Auction Hotels
  • Off-line reasoning about demand
  • Higher demand higher prices
  • TT2 and TT3 in most demand
  • Fuzzy reasoning to predict clearing prices
  • ask price rate of change of that hotel auction
  • counterpart hotel ask price rate of change of
  • Predicting clearing price of TT2 auction
  • IF current ask price of TT2 is low and current
    ask price of SS2 is high
  • THEN likely price increase is medium
  • IF current ask price of TT2 is high and ask price
    increase of TT2 in quick
  • THEN likely price increase is big

Evaluation By Competition
  • TAC-01 (27 entrants)
  • Third in final
  • Highest average score and lowest standard
  • TAC-02 (26 entrants)
  • Second in final (lt 0.8 difference with top
  • Both competitions (12 entrants)
  • Most successful among four agents that qualified
  • for final rounds of both tournaments

Evaluation By Controlled Experiments
  • Two competitor agents
  • Risk-seeking agent (RS-agent)
  • based on behaviour of livingagents, UMBCTAC, and
  • Risk-averse agent (RA-agent)
  • based on SouthamptonTAC-01, Retsina, and sics
  • Conjecture
  • More RS agents in a game, more competitive it
    will be
  • More RA agents in a game, less competitive it
    will be

Experiment Set-up
Number of RA-agents
Number of RS-agents
Non-Competitive (average clearing price 67)
Competitive (average clearing price 240)
Performance of SouthamptonTAC
OK in non-competitive games
Best in competitive games
Worst when many like itself
Performance of RS-agents
Best in non-competitive games
Poor in competitive games
Performance of RA-agents
Best in competitive games
OK in non-competitive games
Overall Findings
  • Profits for all agent types increase with more
  • Since hotel prices kept low
  • When few SouthamptonTAC agents (lt 4),
  • SouthamptonTAC always outperform both RS-agents
    and RA-agents
  • When more SouthamptonTAC agents,
  • market less efficient
  • Similar behaviour of switching between hotels
    cause moderate hotel prices and unused rooms

Value of Strategy Adaptation
  • Experimental set-up
  • One SouthamptonTAC
  • One non-adaptive SouthamptonTAC
  • cannot change its strategy once a game has
  • Remaining agents drawn randomly from pool of
    RS-agents and RA-agents
  • Average score after 164 games
  • SouthamptonTAC (3138)
  • Non-adaptive SouthamptonTAC (2937)
  • Being adaptive does improve performance!

Other Successful Agents
Rule changes from 2004
  • Games are 9 minutes instead of 12
  • First hotel auction close after 1 minute
  • Changed flight price perturbation

Trading Agent Competition Supply Chain
Management Game
  • Todays supply chains are mostly static, relying
    on fixed, long-term trading partners. Not optimal
  • Dynamic management allows for finding better
    matches between suppliers and customers as market
    conditions change
  • Planning and coordinating the activities of
    organisations across the supply chain
  • Procurement of raw materials to finished goods

(No Transcript)
Game overview
  • Six personal computer assembly agents compete for
    customer orders and for procurement various
    components of a period of several months.
  • At the end, the agent with the highest sum of
    money in the bank is the winner
  • Spending buying components paying storage,
    paying penalties, paying overdraft penalties if
    in debt to the bank
  • Earning selling PCs, receiving interest from
    bank if balance is positive

  • PCs are built from 4 component
  • CPUs, motherboards, memory, and hard disks

  • All agents begin with a zero bank balance
  • Money is added when an order is shipped to a
    customer and deducted when components are
    received from suppliers or a delivery penalty is
  • At the start of each game a fixed interest rate
    is chosen uniformly in the interval 10-20
  • Interest rate is per year (365 days) and is
    applied at the end of each game day

Supplier Model
  • Each supplier collects all RFQs from the agents
    and processes them at the end of the day
  • RFQ response comes in the form of an offer
  • ltOffer-id, RFQ-id, Quantity, DueDate, Pricegt
  • If the order cannot be filled in its entirety
    then two amended offers are sent partial offer
    and earliest complete order
  • The agent then decided which offer, if any, to
  • Price offered by a supplier is based on
  • Available production capacity
  • Quantity agents ask for

Price increases as capacity decreases or quantity
required increases
  • Request PCs of different types to be delivered on
    a certain due date, e.g., the following RFQ
  • ltPC, Quantity, ReservePrice, Penalty,
  • The quantity of each order is chosen uniformly
    between 1, 20
  • Agents must bid to satisfy the entire order (both
    quantity and due date) for the bid to be accepted
  • Customer collects all the bids and selects the
    bid with the lowest prices as the winning bid

  • What do agents do each day?
  • Negotiate supply contracts
  • Bid for customer orders
  • Menage daily assembly lines
  • Each agent get
  • RFQs and orders won from customers
  • Quotes / offers and delivery of parts from
    component suppliers
  • Bank account statement
  • PC and component inventory report from the factory

  • Each day (lasting 15 seconds) agent plans
  • Which customer RFQs to bid on
  • Which components to request
  • Which supplier offers to accept
  • What PCs to assemble in the factory (limited
    capacity of the assembly lines 2000 cycles per
  • Which assembled PCs to ship to which customers

(No Transcript)
SouthamptonSCM Overview
  • Component agent which RFQs and orders to send
    to which supplier
  • Customer agent receives RFQs from customers and
    decides what offers to respond with
  • Factory agent receives supplies delivered from
    the suppliers and schedules the production
    and delivery

Component Agent
  • Challenge buy what it needs in time at a low
  • Solution
  • Day-0 procurement all the suppliers have their
    full capacity available, thus at its lowest price
  • Make a tradeoff between placing a big order on
    Day 0 and buying gradually during the rest of the
  • The quantity of Day-0 procurement should be the
    quantity of components needed in a low demand
  • During the game, predict how many more components
    needed. If need buy more, keep checking component
    price and buy components if the price is low

Customer Agent
  • Challenge to determine which customer RFQs to
    bid for and at what price?
  • Our solution
  • Inventory driven methods to choose RFQs
  • Soft computing techniques to calculate the price
  • Heuristic method to adapt offer prices

Choosing RFQs and setting prices
Pricing strategy on day d
  • List RFQs in decreasing order of (pres-cpenalty
  • Update the production capacity Ck of day k
  • offeredCycles 0
  • reservedCyclesk 0
  • Calculate the reference price for each kind of PC
  • For each RFQ in the list
  • Poffer max piref ? (1f (ddue)), pibase
  • if PC inventory q then
  • offer q PCs at Poffer
  • decrease PC inventory by q
  • else if component inventory q and
  • reservedCyclesddue-2q? ci
    Cddue-2 ? ? then
  • offer q PCs at Poffer
  • increase offeredCycles by q ? ci
  • decrease reservedcyclesddue-2 by q ? ci
  • decrease component inventory accordingly
  • else do not offer PCs to this customer

Calculating Reference price
  • Reference price a reasonable current market
    price for PC type i
  • Piref Pilow (Pihigh - Pilow ) r
  • Pilow is the lowest transaction price of type i
    on the previous day
  • Pihigh is the highest transaction price of type i
    on the previous day
  • r ? 0.4, 1.2 is an adjustment factor which
    determines how far away the reference price is
    from the lowest price
  • r is set through the fuzzy mechanism and is
    adapted according to the quantity of orders
    received and expected

Fuzzy reasoning
  • Sugeno controller
  • Factors considered in the rules
  • Demand in the market
  • Component inventory level
  • How far into the game
  • Example
  • if demand is high and inventory is high and
    end-of-game is far then r is big

Adaptation of offer prices
  • Basic idea
  • Agent can only use 2000 production cycles each
  • To maximise throughput, the number of production
    cycles to produce the received customer orders
    should also be 2000
  • However, we cannot just base on 2000, some of
    the production cycles may be reserved by earlier
    customer orders

Price adaptation strategy
  • Calculate receivedCycles
  • expectedCycles min2000, offeredCycles ? ?
  • if receivedCycles lt expectedCycles then r r-?
  • else receivedCycles gt expectedCycles then r r?

Factory agent
  • Challenge scheduling what to produce and when to
    produce it?
  • Our solution
  • Manufacturing PCs according to customer orders
  • Satisfying orders with a earlier delivery date
  • Deliver customer order as soon as it is filled
  • If there is factory assembling cycles left and
    number of finished PCs is within a threshold,
    produce additional PC even without customer
  • (very useful at the end stage of the game)

Production schedule for day d
  • List the orders with due date d2 in list 1
  • List late orders (but still valid) in the
    decreasing order of the due date into list 2
  • List the future orders in the increasing order of
    the due date into list 3
  • Append list 2 to list 1 and list 3 to list 2
  • For each order in the combined list
  • If computers in the inventory can fill the order
    then deliver the computers
  • Else if components are available and factory
    capacity is not full then produce more PCs to
    fill the order
  • If there is extra factory capacity left and
    enough components, then check whether additional
    PCs should be produced

Evaluation By Competition
  • TAC / SCM -04 (29 entrants)
  • Seeding round third
  • Quarter-final second
  • Semi-final first
  • Final sixth (our agent was adversely affected by
    the fact that several agents sent RFQs on Day 0
    for huge quantities of components)

Evaluation by competition game analysis
  • Evaluate the pricing model
  • Compare the offering price for the RFQs that the
    agents respond to in a same game
  • Interested in the games with good agents (pick
    games from semi-finals)

Comparison of daily offer prices
Comparison of daily order quantity and revenue
Value of Pricing Strategy
  • SouthamptonSCM adaptively adjusts the price
    offered to the customers to ensure that the
    factory maintains as close to full production
  • SouthamptonSCM (76 5405)
  • FreeAgent (58 4011)
  • Mr.UMBC (61 4300)
  • More customer orders generally means more revenue

Evaluation by controlled experiments
  • Devise two competitor agents that adopt identical
    strategies to SouthamptonSCM except for the
    pricing strategy
  • Two competitor agents
  • Risk-seeking agent (RS-agent)
  • Bid aggressively at high offer prices to obtain a
    higher profit margin in selling the PCs
  • Risk-averse agent (RA-agent)
  • Bid cautiously and only seeks to attain a
    reasonable profit margin
  • Other agents in the game are dummy agents

Revenue of each kind of agent
Experiment A 1 SouthamptonSCM, 1 RS and 1
RA Experiment B 1 SouthamptonSCM, 2 RS and 1
RA Experiment C 1 SouthamptonSCM, 3 RS and 1
Comparison of daily offer prices in controlled
Comparison of daily order quantity and revenue in
controlled experiments
General Observations
  • Day-0 procurement strategy is more effective than
    the build-to-order procurement
  • As more agents use the same broad Day-0
    procurement, it is more likely that there will be
    a delivery date
  • As more agents use the risk-seeking strategy, the
    performance of the RS-agents is more negatively
    affected, while that of RA-agents is positively
  • The agent that can best adapt its offer price to
    the changing environment will thrive best in the

Changes from the 2004
  • Some changes are made
  • to reduce the lottery effect in supplier
  • to reduce the incentive for making large
    procurement commitments on day 0
  • To reduce the incentive to manipulate demand
    strategically (e.g., by placing large requests
    with suppliers without intending to order)

  • M. He and N. R. Jennings (2004) "Designing a
    successful trading agent using fuzzy techniques"
    IEEE Trans on Fuzzy Systems 12 (3) 389-410.
  • M. He and N. R. Jennings (2003) "SouthamptonTAC
    An adaptive autonomous trading agent" ACM Trans
    on Internet Technology 3 (3) 218-235.
  • M. He and N. R. Jennings (2002) "SouthamptonTAC
    Designing a successful trading agent" Proc 15th
    European Conf. on AI (ECAI-2002), Lyon, France,
  • M. He, A. Rogers, E. David and N. R. Jennings
    (2005) Designing and evaluating an adaptive
    trading agent for supply chain management
    applications Proc. IJCAI Workshop on Trading
    Agent Design and Analysis, Edinburgh, Scotland.
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