Title: New Orleans District
1New Orleans District
Morganza to the Gulf
2Mississippi River and Tributaries Morganza,
Louisiana to the Gulf of Mexico
Hurricane Protection Evaluation
- Morganza Feasibility Report 2002
- Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration
Evaluation (LACPR) (on-going) - Revised Cost Estimate Report
- Post Authorization Change (PAC) Report
32002 Feasibility Report
Summary Results
(2000 Price Level, 6 5/8 Interest Rate)
National Economic Development (NED) Plan
- Construction Costs 680 million
- Equivalent Annual Benefits 77.2
million - Equivalent Annual Costs 53.9 million
- B/C Ratio 1.43
- Net Benefits 23.3 million
4Morganza to the Gulf Alternative
54 Accounts
- National Economic Development (NED)
- Environmental Quality (EQ)
- Regional Economic Development (RED)
- Other Social Effects (OSE)
6NED Account
(Assets/Property at Risk)
- Damages to Residential and
Non-Residential Properties - Damages to Large Recreational and Commercial Boat
Fleets - Emergency Costs
- Losses to Agricultural Resources
- Damages to Infrastructure
- Reduction in Salt Water Intrusion
7Damages to Residential and Non-Residential
8NED Considerations
- Damages to Large Recreational and Commercial
Fleets - Fishing Vessels
- House Boats
- Losses to
Resources - Sugar Cane
- Soybeans
- Crawfish Farming
9NED Considerations
10Emergency Costs
- Government Emergency Response
- Evacuation and Subsistence
- Clean-up and Reoccupation Costs
- Debris Removal
11Projections of Future
Development and Land Use
- Future Development Scenarios
- Business-as-Usual
- High Employment
- Land Use Allocation Scenarios
- Compact
- Dispersed
12NED Analysis
- Develop Stage Damage Relationship for each Study
Area Reach - Incorporate Stage-Frequency Data for each Reach
- Calculate Frequency Damages for each Alternative
- Derive Expected Annual Damages for Existing and
Future Conditions - Use Federal Discount Rate to Derive Equivalent
Annual Damages
13Net Benefit Analysis
- Without Project Damages With Project
Damages Benefits - Compute Average Annual Life Cycle Cost for each
Alternative - Calculate Benefits-to-Cost Ratio (BCR)
- Benefits Cost Net Benefits for each
Alternative - Rank Alternatives (NED Plan)
14Regional Economic Development
Account (Economic Activity at Risk)
- Employment
- Income
- Gross Regional Product or Output
15Other Social Effects Account (People at Risk)
- Population
- Historical Districts
16Economic Analysis
must incorporate
- Nonstructural Measures
- System Analysis Approach
- Risk and Uncertainty
17Project Web Page
- http//www.mvn.usace.army.mil/prj/mtog/
Morganza to the Gulf