Labor Statistics: Informal Employment

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Labor Statistics: Informal Employment


United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. Statistical Division ... Now, it is being used as a statistical concept for data collection purposes, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Labor Statistics: Informal Employment

Labor Statistics Informal Employment
  • UNECE Statistical Division

Informal Employment
  • Definitions
  • Initially, the concept of the informal sector was
    an analytical concept for research purposes.
  • Now, it is being used as a statistical concept
    for data collection purposes, referring to
    activities not covered or insufficiently
    covered, by the existing traditional sources of
    statistical data.

Informal Employment
  • What does informal mean?
  • The informal economy refers to all economic
    activities by workers and economic units that are
    not covered or insufficiently covered by formal
  • Informal sector enterprises
  • Unincorporated enterprises enterprises owned by
    individuals or households that are not
    constituted as separated legal entities
    independently of their owners, and for which no
    complete accounts are available that would
    permit a financial separation of the production
    activities of the enterprise from the other
    activities of its owner
  • Size is below a certain threshold (five
  • All or at least some of the goods or services
    produced are meant for sale or barter. Market
  • Defined by national circumstances
  • Lack of registration
  • Enterprises engaged in agriculture could be
    included but good to identified them separately
    from the non-agriculture enterprises

Informal Employment
  • Howinformal relate to employment?
  • There are two informal concepts that affect
  • Employment in the informal sector
  • Informal employment

Informal Employment
  • How doesinformal relate to employment?
  • Employment in the informal sector
  • all persons who, during a given reference
    period, were employed in at least one of the
    informal sector enterprise, irrespective of their
    status in employment and whether it was their
    main or a secondary job

Informal Employment
  • How doesinformal relate to employment?
  • Informal Employment
  • Persons employed in the informal sector persons
    employed in informal jobs.
  • Informal jobs
  • non-standard, atypical, irregular, precarious,
  • not covered by existing regulations (social
    protection, benefits
  • The first criterion is based on the production
    unit, the second criterion on the type of job

How doesinformal relate to employment?
Informal Employment
  • Employment in the informal sector and Informal
    employment are concepts, which refer to different
    aspects of the informalisation of employment
    and to different targets for policy-making. They
    are both useful for analytical purposes and,
    hence, complement each other. Statistics users
    and others often tend to confuse the two concepts
    because they are unaware of the different
    observation units involved enterprises on the
    one had, and jobs on the other.

Informal Employment
Total Employment
Informal employment
Informal jobs in formal enterprises and households
Employment in the informal sector
An example Moldova 2003
Informal Employment
Informal Employment
  • Status in employment and informal employment
  • Employees
  • Employers
  • Own-account workers
  • Contributing family workers
  • Members of producers cooperatives

Informal Employment
  • Informal Employment comprises
  • Own-account workers and employers employed in
    their own informal sector enterprises.
  • Contributing family workers, irrespective of
    whether they work in formal or informal sector
  • Employees holding informal jobs, whether employed
    by formal sector enterprises, informal sector
    enterprises, or as paid domestic workers by
  • Members of informal producers cooperatives.
  • Own-account workers engaged in the production of
    goods exclusively for own final use by their
    household (such as subsistence farming or
    do-it-yourself construction of own dwellings)

Informal employment and status in employment
Informal Employment
Informal Employment
  • Informal employment consists of a large and
    diverse category of workers which can be divided
    in to more homogenous categories according to the
    status of the employment.
  • Informal self employment
  • Informal wage employment

Informal employment and status in employment in
Moldova 2003
Informal Employment
Informal Employment
  • Gender and informal employment
  • Informal employment comprises one half to
    three-quarters of non-agricultural employment in
    developing countries.
  • Data disaggregated by informal and formal
    employment and employment status provide new
    information on the difference in the
    opportunities of women and men in the labor
  • Informal employment is generally a larger source
    of employment for women than formal employment
  • In most developing countries it is a larger
    source of employment for women than for men
  • Women are concentrated in the more precarious
    types of informal employment
  • Average earnings from these types of informal
    employment are low

Informal Employment
  • In developed countries, informal employment
    exists and is growing
  • Examples include
  • Own-account self employment,
  • part-time employment
  • temporary wage employment
  • including fixed term/contract, casual, seasonal
    and on-call work and work through a temporary

Informal Employment
Informal Employment
  • Increasing importance in countries in transition
  • Previously, informal activities were illegal and
    even forbidden.
  • Now these activities have an increasing role in
    creating jobs, providing income, and producing
    goods and services.

Informal Employment
Share of formal and informal employment by sex
and industry, Moldova 2003
Issues in data collection and dissemination
Informal Employment
  • Data collected through the Labor Force Surveys
    can be used to address informal sector and
    informal employment through a special module
  • If questions on the size of the enterprise and
    whether the enterprise is registered are asked,
    then statistics on employment in the informal
    sector can be prepared.
  • Additional questions on the nature of the job can
    identify informal jobs

  • Thank you !
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