Title: OpenSource Software
1Open-Source Software
It can help you Teach
It can help you Share
It wont
cost a Thing
2What IS Open-Source Software?
Open-source software is free and its source code
(the nuts and bolts of the program) is available.
This means that anyone can see the code, modify
it, or otherwise use it for free.
Mozillas Firefox A Web Browser
OpenOffice A Software Suite
3Mozillas FireFox Features
Bookmarks Save your favorite pages
Tabbed Browsing Multiple Pages in One Window
Built-In Searching Google, Wikipedia, and more
Many themes Change the look and feel of your
4OpenOffice A Software Suite
5- Operating Systems enable you to do everything
you do on a computer.
Windows XP can cost up to 100.
Mac OS X can cost up to 200.
Many distributions of Linux are free.
6How can it help me learn?
- You can do more, for less, on your computer.
- You can find software that works better for your
particular method of learning and study needs
- Flash Card systems to interactive development
- Mandarin Chinese to simple Mathetmatics
7How can it help me teach?
- Open-source applications are often more
tailored to a particular subject or goal. This
can help you use specific, simple, and free
software to aid your students.
8Why would I want to share?
- Programmers spend many hours making free to use
applications for educational purposes.
- You can contribute to any project with
commentary, suggestions, donations or even
programming code to make the application better.
- You can distribute, or share, the program with
your students, friends, or even teachers for
free this gives others more educational tools.
Education is Sharing.
Images and information obtained from Wikipedia,
OpenOffice.org, Mozilla, and Forbes Magazine.
http//en.wikipedia.org http//www.mozilla.org/f
irefox http//www.openoffice.org http//www.forbe
Educational Open-Source software resources used
in this presentation were http//www.sourceforg
e.net http//richtech.ca/seul/
http//www.schoolforge.org http//www.ticalc.org
10- This presentation was meant to inform you about
the basics of open-source software, give examples
of what that software is, point you to resources
that can be useful, and elaborate on how these
tools can help you learn, teach, and share. - Sharing is Education.
If you have questions or comments about this
presentation, or if you would like to request
more information please feel free to contact me.
Name Abi ONeal E-Mail address aoneal_at_uoreg