Title: Phenomenology of supersymmetric TeV scale seesaw models
1Phenomenology of supersymmetric TeV scale see-saw
- Gi-Chol Cho
- (Ochanomizu Univ.)
- in collaboration with
- Satoru Kaneko and Aya omote
- Seminar at MSU, Oct. 27, 2005
- Ochanomizu University
- womens university in Tokyo
- Location of Ochanomizu (????) area center of
Tokyo - Ocha (??) Tea
- mizu (?) water
3Phenomenology of supersymmetric TeV scale see-saw
- Gi-Chol Cho
- (Ochanomizu Univ.)
- in collaboration with
- Satoru Kaneko and Aya omote
- Seminar at MSU, Oct. 27, 2005
41. Introduction
- Origin of neutrino mass?
- effective operators for the lepton masses under
the gauge group of SM - then, the electron and neutrino masses are given
L lepton doublet E right-handed electron H
51. Introduction
- a simple model which leads to a tiny neutrino
mass - mass matrix of neutrinos
- neutrino mass
N right-handed neutrino
see-saw mechanism Yanagida (79), Gell-Mann et
al (79)
61. Introduction
- the see-saw mechanism
- neutrino Yukawa coupling O(1)
- right-handed neutrino mass 108 GeV
- hopeless to test the see-saw mechanism directly
- Alternative? (testable model)
- possible to lower the see-saw scale?
7TeV scale see-saw mechanism associated with the
supersymmetry breaking
- Arkani-Hamed, Hall, Murayama, Smith, Weiner,
PRD64, 115011, 2001 - Borzumati, Nomura, PRD64, 053005, 2001
- March-Russell, West, PLB593, 181, 2004
- framework hidden sector SUSY breaking scenario
(SUGRA) - tool Giudice-Masiero mechanism for the
-problem - scale of the right-handed neutrino is given as a
result of SUSY breaking - the neutrino Yukawa is naturally suppressed
8 -problem and Giudice-Masiero mechanism
Giudice, Masiero, 1988
- -problem in the minimal SUSY-SM
- superpotential
- scalar potential
- its scale must be O(mw) for EWSB
- however, an operator is invariant
under the SM gauge group - natural scale of the -term Planck scale?
9 -problem and Giudice-Masiero mechanism
- introduce a global symmetry G
- Hu Hd massless via G
- superfield X singlet under GSM, but non-trivial
under G - v.e.v. of the F-comp. of X
- the following operator leads to small mu-term
after SUSY breaking
10in this talk
- gauge invariant mass (i.e. right-handed neutrino)
can be small owing to the Giudice-Masiero
mechanism - right-handed (s)neutrinos appear in the TeV (or
EW) scale - we discuss some phenomenological aspects of this
11Plan of this talk
- Introduction
- Model
- corrections to the lightest Higgs boson mass
- sneutrino production via charged Higgs decay
- Summary
Arkani-Hamed etal, (2001)
- Set-up
- a field X SM singlet, its v.e.v. breaks SUSY
- R-charges
- consider high. D operators in the leptonic sector
- If a field X develops both A- and F-component
Yukawa coupling 10-8
A-term 103 GeV
- right-handed neutrino mass
- then, neutrino mass matrix is given as
(v mSUSY )
- consequences of the model
- typical see-saw scale is O(TeV)
- neutrino Yukawa is naturally suppressed
- sneutrino A-term (SUSY breaking scalar trilinear
coupling) is unsuppressed by the Yukawa coupling
163. corrections to the lightest Higgs boson mass
- note that the lightest Higgs mass is determined
by the Higgs quartic coupling - since the scalar tri-linear coupling for
, it may affect the lightest Higgs mass via
1-loop correction
17destructively interferes with the corrections in
the MSSM (top quark, etc)
however, the correction is suppressed O(10-3) for
184. sneutrino production via charged Higgs decay
- a typical process by a large (unsuppressed)
A-term - MSSM suppressed by lepton Yukawa couplings
- if slepton is ligter than chargino, it decays
into charged lepton neutralino - excess of charged lepton via charged Higgs decay
can be expected as compared to MSSM/2HDM
- sources
- D-term int.
- scalar tri-linear int.
- in the MSSM, it is suppressed by charged lepton
Yukawa coupling
20Interaction of TeV sneutrino
- sneutrino A-term is not suppressed by the Yukawa
coupling - decay rate could be increased for large A?
21decay modes of charged Higgs
- possible decay modes in SUSY-SM
- top bottom
- tau neutrino
- slepton sneutrino
- chargino neutralino
- hadronic decay squark quark
- squarks are assumed to be heavier than charged
Higgs - decay into gauge bosons
is forbidden at the tree level because of the
custodial symmetry
22Numerical study
- charged Higgs mass 250 or 350 GeV
- chargino neutralino mass
- chargino mass matrix
- inputs
- neutralino mass GUT relation
- slepton mass input ? sneutrino in MSSM is fixed
through the SU(2) relation
23mH 250GeV
slepton mode in MSSM is kinematically forbidden
24mH 350GeV
slepton mode in MSSM is kinematically forbidden
25- therefore,
- is smaller than 56
- on the other hand,
- is 10
- therefore, excess of the number of charged lepton
in the final state is expected
- decay to sleptonsneutrino overwhelms or is
comparable with the tau mode because of large
A-term for small tanß(3) - when slepton is lighter than chargino, it
dominantly decays into leptonneutralino - chargino mode even if it has leptonic decay mode
only, BR is 30 per each lepton flavor.
26discussion detectability
- measurement of the charged Higgs pair production
- a linear collider can do it at its threshold
- one of them can be confirmed through tb decay
- then we know that there is another charged Higgs
- typical size of production cross section of
charged Higgs pair is O(fb)
27excess of charged leptons
- when the integrated luminocity is 100 fb-1,
100-1000 charged Higgs pair is produced - when tanß3, 1000 charged Higgs leads to
- 30 electrons (MSSM)
- 130 electrons (TeV seesaw)
- However we never see any excess if tanßgt10
- after discovery of charged Higgs, chargino,
slepton - in principle, MSSM prediction on of charged
lepton can be made as a function of tanbeta and
µ/M2 - determine tanbeta and µ/M2 from some hadronic
processes - if excess of leptons on (tanß,µ/M2) plan is
found, it gives constraint on (A?, MR)
- a possibility of TeV scale see-saw induced by
SUSY breaking - some phenomenological aspects have been discussed
- lightest Higgs boson mass is not affected (could
not be a source to rise it) - collider phenomenology charged Higgs decay
- signal could be an excess of charged leptons for
small tanß - how to test the model in the case of large tanß?
- flavor structure (neutrino mixing)?
- RGE with universal SUSY breaking terms?