Title: Natural Solutions
1L. Randolph Lowry, President
2Mission To advance the practice of sustainable
living and business.
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8Author Paul Hawken
9What does it mean to be GREEN?
10Sustainability/Green Defined
- meeting the needs and joys of the present
without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs and joys.
GDG and Brundtland Commission Report
111To be GREEN means you are motivated by LOVE.
12William McDonoughsDesign Intent
- How do we love
- all children
- of all species
- for all time?
- Were all in the HOPE business.
13Love . . . always protects, always trusts, always
hopes, always perseveres.Love never fails.. . .
And now these three remain faith, hope and
love.But the greatest of these is love.
14Love DirectsIntent
152Being GREEN requires being intentional.
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173GREEN means SMALL great.
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19Creation teaches us how to serve.
204GREEN means coping what works forever.
21William McDonough
- "Consider the cherry tree. . . . Every last
particle contributes in some way to the health of
a thriving ecosystem. - "Waste equals food"the first principle of the
Next Industrial Revolution. - The waste from human industry is not 'food' at
all. In fact, it is often poison. - What kind of society allows this to happen?
22Sears and Roebuck Corporate Headquarters Prairie
Stone Business Park, Chicago, Illinois Natural
covers absorb water, minimize floods and filter
23 Embedded in a forest preserve, the 780 acre
Prairie Stone Business Park (www.prairiestone.com)
celebrates Midwestern native landscapes to blend
technology and tranquility for 30 tenants.
Tenants include the world headquarters for Sears
and Roebuck and facilities for Mary Kay
Cosmetics, Honda American Motors, Serta and
Northern Illinois University.
24Herman Miller Office Furniture
Ford saved 35 million in compliance costs
The Gap Headquarters, San Bruno, CA
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26Lawn Grass
Deep roots create deep water channels.
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35Nashville, TN
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42Which source of power is greater?
43We are making this investment now, while the
practice of sustainability is still in its
infancy, because our faith demands that we
address a world in need. President L.
Randolph Lowry