Title: Access library resources through http:www.library.health.ufl.edu
1Access library resources through
2Activate Gator1 ID Cards Online
On Health Science Center Library homepage
Under Off-Campus Access tab, drag down to
Getting Started Find Activate your Gator 1
card near top of page Click on Go here
link Fill out form
UnderServices/Forms tab, drag down to Activate
Gator 1 Card Fill out form
3EZProxy for long-distance
access to databases, e-journals and e-books
4Useful RC PH Databases
Toxline Toxicology/toxic releases,
haz. chemicals, enviro health
GreenEBSCO databases Yellow
Cambridge Scientific databases
5Database universals
Most bibliographic databases share the same
functions, no matter how different they look.
Databasics, a 15-slide PowerPoint tutorial,
explains these universals. Moving between
databases--as people in your field need to
do--should be easier after youve learned to look
for and use these universals.
databases that identify articles on a topic or
by a certain author
6Here they are
7PsycINFO Start by searching your term in the
Change radio button to Relevancy Ranked.
Hit Browse.
Click on best term.
8Exploring Thesaurus terms
To simultaneously search both the general
specific terms, click checkbox under Explode
means more specific
terms exist.
9Your turn
Search on Dual Relationships or Public
Health. Which Related Terms could you Explode?
10Search 2 ideas simultaneously
In BROWSE FOR search box, type 2nd term. Hit
FIND search box contains 1st term
Click Add, then click Search
Pull down AND or OR
Click checkbox of 2nd term
11Full record
Major concepts indicated by
12Your turn
- Use Health Insurance as your 1st term.
- Browse for a term that indicates some sort of
health-related screening. - Check the pull-down for the appropriate
connecting term (AND or OR) - When the appropriate connector is highlighted,
click AND. - (Do NOT click on Search yet.)
Folder is the list of citations youve selected.
Click on Add (1 - ) if you want every citation
on the page selected for printing/saving/emailing.
Click on Add or the folder icon to select this
Click on title hyperlink to see abstract
14Click on Cited References link to see an
articles bibliography-- even if you cant get
full text of the rest of the article!
For additional articles on your topic . . .
15Sample Cited References page
Possible link to full-text online
16Linking through SFX
17Your turn
Run the search you have built (on Dual
Relationships and Professional Client Sexual
Relationships OR on Health Insurance and a health
screening term) Look through your results. How
many link directly to full text? Besides title,
author and journal issue/date, how do the
citations differ? Which link of which citation
would give you the greatest number of related
articles for further research?
18Working with Selected Records
Click on icon or words above
results list to get to your list of selected
19Advanced Search
3 search boxes!
Truncate add to at least 3 letters at
beginning of word to get all word variations that
start same way.
Here rehabilitat finds rehabilitate,
rehabilitates, rehabilitated, rehabilitatation
20More about Advanced Search
Use your 3 search boxes to specify which field
(part of the citation) each term must appear in.
21Click checkboxes to change or choose multiple
databases to search
If changing databases, unclick checkbox of old
database when you click checkbox of new
Click at top or bottom of page to
get to search page
22Searching multiple databases simultaneously?You
will not get a thesaurus of subject headings
because different databases use different
So you will have to search on keywords rather
than on subject headings when simultaneously
searching multiple databases.
almost identical to PsycINFO
24The active page is indicated by a GREEN tab,
inactive in BLUE.
If you are given a thesaurus in an EBSCO
database, you can reach it via the Suggest Terms
checkbox above the search boxes in
25Adding subheadings in CINAHL
Click on subject term to see which subheadings
are available for that term.
26Adding subheadings
- Click one or more subheading checkboxes.
- Make sure pull-down is at OR if including 2
subheadings. - Click Search .
27Refine Search
Type in or select limits to get fewer search
28Your Turn
Change databases to CINAHL. Search CINAHL for
ethical/legal issues in assisted suicide. How
many results do you get? REFINE that search to
peer-reviewed journal articles in English
published by American journals in or after the
year 2000. Now how many results do you have?
29Search for items in a journal
30Your turn
Search on Journal of Rehabilitation Counseling or
International Journal of Epidemiology (no need to
type the capitals.)
If CINAHL doesnt contain such a journal, which
others does the database suggest you try? (Hint
Relevancy Ranked radio button beneath Browse box)
31Quick search 1 search box
Truncate with to get records including these
terms disabled/disability/disabilities and
Databases being searched simultaneously
32Results page
33Advanced Search
1.Type synonyms 2. Change pull-down to or if
including 4 synonyms. 3.Type publication date
range 4. (Keep Show pull-down at default Short
format) 5.Click Search
35Mark, View Update Marked List of Citations
1. Click Search Tools tab 2. Click Thesaurus tab
4. Type term. Click Go.
3. Change to Rotated Index.
5. Click checkbox of best term.
6. To search only selected term, click Search
To search another subject heading
simultaneously, click appropriate radio button
but do NOT click Search.
37Thesaurus adding 2nd term
7. Type 2nd term and click Go.
6. Click best term
7. Click radio button for appropriate term.
8. Click Search .
38Search History Alerts
Click on to see details of how many
citations were retrieved from each database you
39PubMed 16 million records and growing!
Click here on any page to return to basic search
Useful functions circled or boxed in red
40PubMed 16 million records and growing!
Click here on any page to return to basic search
41Anatomy of a PubMed citation
Links to possible electronic full-text
Subject headings summarize topics discussed in
article in 1.
Major subject
Unique ID for this citation
42Your Turn
Search on disability and case law or legislation
or jurisprudence. Truncate to capture as many
related records as possible. Enclose groups of
synonyms in parentheses if you add them to
another concept.
computer AND (chimp OR monk OR simian)
43Simple, general search by Medical Subject Heading
44Your turn
Use MeSH Database to search on disabled people,
then on legislation.
Just subject headingsdont worry about MAJOR.
Clear your search box first, then
type the sign and set numbers combined with AND
or OR or NOT in the search box at the top of the
page or.
click on the set in the table under Search. Use
the resulting pull-downs to get the search in the
46Your turn
Combine your searches on disabled people and on
the legal/court terms.
47More specific subject heading search
Add a subheading to specify aspect of topic AND
/ ORlimit to articles focusing mainly on your
48Or simultaneously search on multiple aspects
Pull down the right connector (AND /OR/NOT)
49Your turn
Search on legislation and jurisprudence aspects
(subheading) of the subject heading you got for
disabled people.
- Click on the History tab.
- Which search gives you the largest number of
citations? - Open each by clicking on the number under Result
and scan the first page of citations. Which
search gives you the most pertinent results?
If you want to change your search after selecting
but before running it, you could delete, type or
retype before you click Search PubMed
51These results need limiting!
Lines here means PubMed has an abstract for this
52To set limits
Limits stay on for rest of search session but do
not apply to Related articles searches.
Reminder above results list of limits currently
53Your turn
Find articles in which either Ethics or
Legislation/Jurisprudence of Prenatal Testing are
the major topics. Limit to English Review
articles on humans published from 2000 on.
54Selecting Records
Orange free full-text thru PubMed ! Green
electronic available but not necessarily in
Check at least one citation before you click
Send to with Clip Remove or itll remove ALL!
56Emailing Records
57Emailing Page
Make sure this number is INCLUSIVE 50 if you
want to send 21 records, 100 if youre trying to
send 67
Will appear as email from nobody_at_ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
- dont delete unopened!!!
58Your turn
Select 2-4 citations from one of your searches
and email those in Abstract format, HMTL to
Write the author name, full journal title and
publication year of 1-2 articles that interest
you. We will soon use these to search another
59Correcting bad citations
Use Single Citation Matcher and whatever info you
have to complete an incomplete citation. If you
find a reference contains incorrect info, type in
the words and leave out one at a time. Most
referencing errors are in the volume, issue and
page numbers.
60Public Health Special Queries
61Journals Database
Translate full titles to title abbreviations if
required for publication or translate title
abbreviations to full titles to locate journals
on shelves at HSCL
Click on Links, then PubMed for all citations
from this journal in PubMed
62Web of Science
Contains 3 databases Science, Soc Sci and
Use this to investigate development of a citation
you chose from PubMed
63Cited Reference Search
Type in info. Click Search.
64Locate exact article you want
Click View Record for abstract and links.
65Cited References sources author used in writing
this article
Times Cited articles that have used this
article in subsequent development of the idea(s)
66JCR Web Journal Citation Reports online
67JCR all quality indicators for the journal
Health Affairs
68Ulrichs International Periodicals Directory
- Check if peer-reviewed -MAYbe full-text access
69Advanced search
70Full text available thru Ulrichs?
71Legend and icons show 2 of 4 titles with
rehabilitation counseling in the title are
72For Help with Databases
- Attend one of the librarys free classes on using
its databases. - Or use our class Handouts from the classes on
your own to figure out on your own how the
different databases work.
73Tutorials for databases
This PubMed tutorial lets you choose individual
database functions to learn about. Each is brief.
74Tutorials for other Databases
PsycINFO, PubMed help here
ERIC help here
75Ask a Librarian
Reference Desk 392-3585 2nd floor,
HSCL Mon-Thurs 9-530 Friday 9-5
- AskALibrarian Virtual Chat Reference (upper
left, library home page) - Email a Reference Question
76Ask Me!
Nancy Schaefer Phone 392-1306 NancyS_at_library.he
alth.ufl.edu Office Communicore Building C2-26E
77- Electronic ? full-text!
- Maybe only Table of Contents or Abstracts
- Dont expect full-text before 1995
- E-journals journals we get thru databases
Type (words of) title
Unsure of exact title?
79For journals NOT in E-Journals list
- On library homepage, click on Catalog
- Click on Journals/Serials
80Use Browse Organized Lists
- Use 2nd/bottom search box
- Default Title Begins With
- Type journal (NOT article) title
- Full generally not abbreviated title
- Ignore a, an, the when theyre first word of
title - Dont bother with capital letters
81Catalog Results
Youll see one title before your target title
should appear in the alphabetic results list and
several after it
Click on title link for more info
82More info
83Full Record Catalog Display
Holdings summarizes the run of the journal
(earliest to most recent issue held in library)
All items lists every issue held on library
shelves its circulation status
84Advanced Search
Use this to
- Search multiple terms
- Limit results by
- publication year
- language
- format
The catalog also gives access to E-books.
85Other free e-journal/ book sources
Strictly biomedical http//www.freemedicaljournals
.com/ http//www.biomedcentral.com/
http//www.bioone.org/ Multidisciplinary http//h
ighwire.stanford.edu/ http//www.doaj.org/ Multidi
sciplinary older issues http//www.jstor.org/
Electronic medical books http//www.freebooks4doc
86Other online library services
- Services/Forms tab
- at top of library homepage
- Or left sidebar button
87Wheres ERIC, etc.?
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
88If you want to simultaneously KEYWORD search in
multiple Cambridge Scientific databases, you must
first select the databases.