The Integrated ITS Philip Long, October, 2005 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Integrated ITS Philip Long, October, 2005


Largely completed and announced (Graphics and Photo IPT still underway) ... This presentation will go up on the Integration Web Site by Friday morning ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Integrated ITS Philip Long, October, 2005

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The Integrated ITS Philip Long, October, 2005
  • Reminders
  • Goals of Integration
  • Our Planning Process
  • Designing the Integrated Organization
  • An Overview of the Integrated ITS
  • Transition
  • ITS Mission, Vision and Goals for AY06
  • Your Questions

Integration GoalsImagine What We Can Do Together
  • Even with our current client satisfaction, we can
    improve existing services
  • Even with our current efficiency, we can further
    contain costs
  • We can add significant new value by expanding our
    program alignment

  • Still Client Focused
  • Medicine, Nursing, YMG, Hospital and many more
  • Arts and Sciences, Law, FES, the arts schools
    and many more
  • Med Institutional IT Committees
  • Our Services Improve
  • Our Alignment Expands
  • Our Opportunities Expand

Integrated Organization
We Can Do More, We Can Be More
And We Will
From July Integration Planning Overview
  • Phase I Develop an integration planning approach
  • Establish a governance and listening structure
  • Develop the overall planning approach
  • Develop IPT structure, leadership, membership and
  • Completed
  • Phase II Integration Planning Teams for affected
  • Planning teams begin to meet and work after July
  • Time lines vary by team according to complexity
    of area
  • Completed
  • Phase III Finalize integrated units
  • Management confirms the organizational structure
    and roles
  • Slots individuals into roles
  • Largely completed and announced (Graphics and
    Photo IPT still underway)
  • Launch the work of developing integrated services
  • Begins November 1st

Integration Planning is Essentially Complete
  • Seventeen Integration Planning Teams have met and
    completed their work
  • One Graphics and Photo was deliberately
    convened late and is still underway
  • All the completed ITP reports are posted
  • The work accomplished is immensely satisfying and
  • A summary of services with target service levels,
    cost drivers, funding models
  • Descriptions of staff roles
  • Organizational proposal or options
  • The IPTs
  • Developed a shared understanding of what we do
  • Generated significant and sometimes surprising
    new ideas
  • They are the foundation of the design of the
    integrated organization
  • And inform each integrated unit and its services
  • Profuse thanks to all of you who participated as
    interviewees and on the teams

Designing the Integrated OrganizationContinuous
  • The Integration Steering Committee has worked
  • The ISC discussed each IPT report in detail and
  • Worked to integrate the options into a
    coordinated organization
  • Donna Cable, Sue Plagenhoef and Sheila Sautter
    participated in all human resources aspects of
    this planning
  • Our organizational design consultants guided our
    first several sessions
  • Additional modest changes will occur
  • A few open positions invite applications from
    current staff or beyond
  • Several units have a transitional organization
  • We know we will not have gotten everything right
  • And ITS and staff roles will evolve continuously
    going forward
  • Driven by changing Yale needs and changes in our

Principles Guiding Integration Planning
  • Meet Yales needs
  • Design the most effective IT organization for
    current and future services
  • For example, most organizational failures occur
    at boundaries so manage those boundaries with
    formal mechanisms (e.g., stewardship) and
    effective teamwork
  • Use IT integration to advance ITS as a
    values-based organization
  • Listening through
  • The IPTs,
  • The listening group, and
  • Innumerable private conversations
  • Honesty
  • The IPT process proceeded with sometimes
    difficult but largely honest discussions
  • The ISC discussed and argued but with candor and
  • Transparency
  • The IPT process was as transparent as we could
    make it
  • Involving broad engagement of staff and posting
    of the IPT reports
  • Our consultants asked, should you post? we had
    already done so!
  • Respect for People

Respect for ITS Staff
  • Whether or not you agree with our decisions (mine
    as the court of last resort)Respect for and
    concern for ITS Staff was always a major
  • Concern for you as individuals, in your staff
    roles and for our organization
  • All said, ITS exists to serve Yale and we must
    choose accordingly
  • Several no win choices one individual or
    another will definitely be unhappy
  • These decisions were taken with full respect and
  • Wherever possible, we have chosen a structure
    that offers continuing opportunities for staff
    over a perfect fit model
  • Some staff are faced with a sideways or
    down-level move
  • I apologize if any are in error but assure you
    there is no malice intended
  • We have worked hard with Human Resources
  • To assess existing and new roles to provide
    equity in the integrated organization
  • All HR rankings have been of the job, not the

A Few Details
  • The integrated ITS consists of approximately 400
    staff members
  • Roughly 75 of us will work in a new
    organizational structure
  • And all of us will experience change in
    management and organizational culture
  • No doubt a set of us very much feel adversely
    affected by a change in role
  • A net of six positions are eliminated, five of
    them open slots, one via layoff
  • Five staff move up, seven move down,
    approximately 20 move laterally
  • Several generalists become more specialized
  • Several leaders of groups become sub-leaders in
    larger units
  • Several leaders move from line to staff or matrix
  • A couple of groups move to an interim state with
    more change likely
  • Four roles are created which will be available
    for bid
  • Three Desktop Support team managers in Client
    Support available to ITS staff
  • An Associate Director for Operations available
    only to staff within Security
  • Three open positions will be posted internally or
  • Reserved for ITS staff bid only until Nov 11th
    then opened see IT integration web site
  • Associate Director of Communications for ITS in
    Client Support
  • Director of Institution-specific Applications in
    Enterprise Systems
  • Lead Mac Analyst in Client Support Desktop
  • Things are well stirred up, I hope, in mostly
    positive ways

The Integrated ITS
  • High level organization charts follow to give you
    an overview
  • They will be impossible to study in detail on the
  • I wont attempt to identify the many changes
  • And specific questions will best be addressed to
    and answered by unit managers
  • This presentation will go up on the Integration
    Web Site by Friday morning
  • We are also working on comprehensive org charts
    which identify every individual and will post
    them on the integration web site by next Monday
  • Following the org chart slides, Ill offer
    comments on our new organization, goals and how
    we will work going forward

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  • These changes are effective Nov 1st
  • Our transition management and planning is
    disbanded, our former organizations are
    integrated though vestiges will last for a while
  • The Listening Group will remain available through
  • A set of staff and service transitions will
    require on-going consulting
  • No doubt this will be a bit of a mess please
    help out!
  • Space
  • Some staff will move their office locations to
    develop unit adjacencies
  • This will take one to several months to work out
  • Transition issues will be managed at the unit
    level on unit- and service-specific time lines
  • You are the first to receive these announcements
  • We plan to announce to the client community on
    Friday, October 28th.

Notes on the Organization
  • Each program unit is lead by a senior director
    (this is a new title)
  • The Senior Directors, the Director of Finance and
    Administration and I form our Senior Leadership
  • Note that we have three new unit names
  • Administrative Systems becomes Enterprise Systems
  • We have to remember ES doe medium and small
    systems too!
  • And these are administrative, not academic
  • A set of units are combined to form Client
  • A set of units are linked to create the
    Infrastructure Group

A New ITS Leadership and Service Model
  • It may not be obvious, but this is a major step
    in ITS organizational maturation
  • The SLT and ITS will work less as individual
    units and more as a team
  • Essential for the many ITS services which cross
    unit boundaries
  • Essential for the organization we aspire ITS to
  • To get started, the SLT is undergoing a
    professional developmental-360
  • Everyone in every unit must understand and look
    out for all ITS services
  • For example, the SLT has begun discussing senior
    staff as a team
  • The SLT and supervisors will give additional
    emphasis on managing talents and skills at least
    two levels down through more frequent interaction
    and the annual performance development process
  • Upper level management promotions will be
    reviewed by the entire SLT
  • Also, a set of services are understood to be
    owned by ITS though under the stewardship of
    individual units, including
  • ITS Communications reporting within Client
  • ITS Web Services reporting within Enterprise
  • Email reporting within Infrastructure and Client

What You Can Do
  • Each of you has the potential to affect your
    future by how you work going forward
  • We want an organization in which you help
    yourself by doing the right thing
  • Please take responsibility for your organization
    we need you to help shape it
  • Please dont just accept your new role, adapt to
    it, excel at it
  • That will be best for you and the organization
  • A test what do you do when you see a goof
  • Not my job or Im going to engage even though
    its not my job
  • Please make ITS your organization, lets see what
    we can do working together

ITS Mission, Vision and Goals for 2005-06
  • The ISC developed Mission, Vision and Goals for
    the Integrated ITS for 2005-06
  • Our mission identifies two key elements in our
    support for Yale
  • Client driven, reliable, campus-wide platform of
    IT services, and
  • Partnership with our clients to provides leading
    edge IT solutions to meet specific needs
  • Our vision covers four areas
  • Client Satisfaction
  • Service Value
  • Leadership Alignment and Planning, and
  • High Performance Organization
  • Our goals for 2005-06 set specific tasks we plan
    to accomplish this year
  • In the next slides Ill highlight three of these
    specific tasks
  • Our Mission, Vision and Goals have been shared
    with our management and our advisory committees
  • You will be able to see the entire statement on
    the Integration Web site
  • You will see our goals are directly responsive to
    our integration goals to
  • Improve services, control costs and increase
  • Supplemented with the critical goal of developing
    staff and ITS into a high performance
  • For today, Ill highlight three particularly
    relevant goals
  • The entire M/V/G document will be posted on the
    integration web site

Selected 2005-06 ITS Service Value Goal
  • What will you accomplish by year end?
  • Harmonize core ITS systems and services to
    improve service and reduce costs.
  • Develop a common email system and service across
    all ITS clients.
  • Develop a common client back-up system and
    service across all ITS clients.
  • How will you measure success?
  • Achievement of goals of merged email and back-up
    with no diminution of satisfaction, effectiveness
    and performance measures of those services.

Selected 2005-06 ITS Service Value Goal
  • What will you accomplish by year end?
  • Take a significant Phase I step to rationalize
    and equalize the IT infrastructure core service
    assessment (per-FTE assessment).
  • How will you measure success?
  • Implementation of a Phase I IT core service
    assessment reduction focused in the Medical

Selected High Performance Organization Goal
  • What will you accomplish by year end?
  • ITS management develops a budget and plan to
    maintain a strong emphasis on staff training and
    development while adding a sharpened focus on
    career development and progression as Yale
    pursues these same objectives.
  • How will you measure success?
  • ITS will establish a plan for all supervisory,
    management and director level staff to attend
    Pathways I or II training as appropriate.
  • ITS management will establish a
    training/development budget appropriate to each
    ITS role.

Im Really Excited
  • Sure, weve got our flaws and weve left a few
    parts of this reorg incomplete
  • But no organization has it all right
  • Every organization has to continuously evolve
  • The last two years have taught me much
  • One key learning is the best work comes from
    great organizations and great organizations beget
    great work
  • Also, being great isnt magic, its simply
    keeping after the right things, consistently,
    with drive, with urgency
  • Yale hasnt historically focused on these issues,
    but it is now and so are we
  • Weve got the potential to be a truly outstanding
  • Compared within Yale and with our peers beyond
  • And to have a corresponding outstanding impact on
  • I cant wait to get started on this work with you

Weve Hatched!(with great expectations for
further growth)
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