Title: Guide
(C) 2002 The Stewardship Development Association
2Scripture Theme.
What causes Christians to lack generosity in
their Giving? For where your treasure is, there
your heart will be also. Christians will be
generous givers when their hearts are encouraged
to grow in grace, love and commitment to Christ
and His church.
3Scripture Theme.
Characteristics of heart-felt giving - 2 Cor.
? They gave out of their own affliction and
poverty. (82) ? They gave of their own free
will. (83) ? They gave themselves, not just
their money. (95) ? They gave out of joy. (83)
4Scripture Theme.
Characteristics of heart-felt giving - 2 Cor.
? They gave according to their means. (83) ?
They gave because He first gave. (99)
5Mission of stewardship leaders
A vital mission is to encourage givers hearts.
? You encourage givers hearts by facilitating
growth in their Christian faith. ? You allow God
in worship and service to work in their hearts. ?
Allow believers to feel the meaning of generosity.
6Pauls Purpose
Paul was concerned about motives.
? He was inspired by the heart-felt sacrificial
giving of the Macedonians. ? He now wanted the
Corinthians to experience Gods grace working in
their hearts. (86) ? Paul was leading from his
heart as he encouraged the Corinthians.
7Contemporary Applications.
? God wants us to first give ourselves. (85) ?
Giving is a Christian grace. (81,7) ? If we
truly want to tithe/give, God will provide a way
(81,3) ? Giving is at the heart of the Christian
faith and churchs ministries today.
8Contemporary Applications.
? Giving lets you see and experience Gods
purposes and will for you. ? The mind grows by
what it takes in the heart grows by what it
gives out. Warren Wiersbe
10Scripture Theme.
And not only as we had hoped, but they first
gave themselves to the Lord, and then to us by
the will of God. 2 Cor. 85
11Advance Preparation
Three months ahead
? Enrichment idea! Conduct a family money
management conference for church families.
12Advance Preparation
One month ahead
? Order materials from your state stewardship
department or print them from CD.
? Select dates for Encouraging the Heart emphasis
13Advance Preparation
Three weeks ahead
? Plan sermons
? Enlist persons to share testimonies
? Choose a Bible Study teacher to present an
overview of the lesson to all youth/adult teachers
14Three Sunday Activities
Sunday 1 Encouraging Givers Hearts
? Distribute Sunday School lesson leaflets and
offering envelopes ? Announce plans for
Encouraging the Heart ? Hear testimonies ? Preach
sermon on 2 Cor. 81
15Three Sunday Activities
Sunday 1 Encouraging Givers Hearts
? Worship handouts ? Drama in worship service ?
Mail Giving from the Heart offering letters
16Three Sunday Activities
Sunday 2 Inspiring Christians to Give
? Teach the Sunday School lesson ? Hear
testimonies ? Preach sermon on 2 Cor. 83 ?
Receive the Giving from the Heart offering. ?
Mail letters about consecration service
17Three Sunday Activities
Sunday 3 Giving from the Heart
? Hear testimonies ? Preach sermon on 2 Cor.
85 ? Conduct a consecration service ? Receive
commitment cards ? Announce the results of the
Giving from the Heart offering.
18Worship Suggestions
? Find sermon suggestions in the Pastors
Leadership Resource Manual
? Find a drama in Pastors Leadership Resource
19Worship Suggestions
Share Blessings - Testimony suggestions
? How giving has changed my heart. ? Why I give
sacrificially to my church. ? Why I believe God
loves a cheerful giver.