Title: CSE 501N Fall 06 17: Java GUI Swing
1CSE 501NFall 0617 Java GUI (Swing)
2Administrative Notes
- More TA Hours (Pick one)
- M 1030 - 1230
- M 1900 - 2100
- T 0800 - 0930
- Lab 5 description online
- Addition of requirement to Lab 4
- toString method
3Lecture Outline
- Lab 4 questions
- Java GUI basic concepts
- Basic classes
- Layout management
- Java widgets
- Labels
- Buttons
- Text boxes
- Text areas
- Others
4Java GUI
- Basic classes
- JFrame
- Represents a window with buttons to close,
minimize and maximize - Can put any content inside it
- JContainer
- Something that you can place other graphical
widgets on - As the name suggests, a container contains
additional widgets - JComponent
- A basic graphical widget, e.g., buttons, labels,
etc. - Note Containers are components but not vice
- To create a GUI which creates a window, simply
extend the JFrame class
public class MyFrame extends JFrame public
MyFrame() super(My First Frame) //Othe
r methods
- The most common container is the Jpanel
- Think of it as a flat tray on which you can lay
out other components (or containers) - You can add components by using the add method
- You may also remove components from the panel
public void addToPanel(Component c) JPanel
panel new JPanel() panel.add(c)
- There are many types of JComponent
- For example, a JButton is a JComponent
public void addButtonToPanel() JPanel panel
new JPanel() JButton button new
JButton(Click Me) panel.add(button)
- Code example
- Want to create a GUI that looks like the diagram
My First GUI
Use the online Javadocs to figure out what
resources Are available to you within Swing
9Layout Management
- Up to now, we have had limited control over
layout of components - When we used a panel, it arranged the components
from the left to the right
10Layout Management
- Each container has a layout manager that directs
the arrangement of its components - By default this is FlowLayout
- Three useful layout managers
- BorderLayout
- GridLayout
- GridBagLayout
- Layout managers are part of the java.awt package
11Layout Management
- By default, JPanel places components from left to
right and starts a new row when needed - Panel layout carried out by FlowLayout layout
manager - Can set other layout managers
panel.setLayout(new BorderLayout())
12Border Layout
- Border layout groups container into five areas
center, north, west, south and east
13Border Layout
- Default layout manager for a frame (technically,
the frame's content pane) - When adding a component, specify the position
like this - Expands each component to fill the entire
allotted area If that is not desirable, place
each component inside a panel
panel.add(component, BorderLayout.NORTH)
14Grid Layout
- Arranges components in a grid with a fixed number
of rows and columns - Resizes each component so that they all have same
size - Expands each component to fill the entire
allotted area
15Grid Layout
- Add the components, row by row, left to right
JPanel numberPanel new JPanel()
numberPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(4, 3))
numberPanel.add(button7) numberPanel.add(button
8) numberPanel.add(button9) numberPanel.add(bu
tton4) . . .
16Grid Layout
17Grid Bag Layout
- Tabular arrangement of components
- Columns can have different sizes
- Components can span multiple columns
- Quite complex to use
- Will not cover or assign in labs
18Grid Bag Layout
- Fortunately, you can create acceptable-looking
layouts by nesting panels - Give each panel an appropriate layout manager
- Panels dont have visible borders
- Use as many panels as needed to organize
- Radio buttons
- Check boxes
- Combo boxes
20Radio Buttons
- For a small set of mutually exclusive choices,
use radio buttons or a combo box -
- In a radio button set, only one button can be
selected at a time - When a button is selected, previously selected
button in set is automatically turned off
21Radio Buttons
- In previous figure, font sizes are mutually
JRadioButton smallButton new JRadioButton("Small
") JRadioButton mediumButton new
JRadioButton("Medium") JRadioButton largeButton
new JRadioButton("Large") // Add radio
buttons into a ButtonGroup so that // only one
button in group is on at any time ButtonGroup
group new ButtonGroup() group.add(smallButton)
group.add(mediumButton) group.add(largeButton
22Radio Buttons
- Button group does not place buttons close to each
other on container - It is your job to arrange buttons on screen
- isSelected called to find out if a button is
currently selected or not if - Call setSelected(true) on a radio button in group
before making the enclosing frame visible
(largeButton.isSelected()) size LARGE_SIZE
23Check Boxes
- Two states checked and unchecked
- Use one checkbox for a binary choice
- Use a group of check boxes when one selection
does not exclude another - Example "bold" and "italic" in previous figure
24Check Boxes
- Construct by giving the name in the
constructor - Don't place into a button group
JCheckBox italicCheckBox new JCheckBox("Italic")
25Combo Boxes
- For a large set of choices, use a combo box
- Uses less space than radio buttons
- "Combo" combination of a list and a text field
- The text field displays the name of the current
26Combo Boxes
Figure 4An Open Combo Box
27Combo Boxes
- If combo box is editable, user can type own
selection - Use setEditable method
- Add strings with addItem method
JComboBox facenameCombo new JComboBox()
facenameCombo.addItem("SansSerif") . . .
28Combo Boxes
- Get user selection with getSelectedItem (return
type is Object) - Select an item with setSelectedItem
String selectedString (String)
- Place a border around a panel to group its
contents visually - EtchedBorder theree-dimensional etched effect
- Can add a border to any component, but most
commonly to panels
Jpanel panel new JPanel ()panel.setBOrder(new
EtchedBorder ())
- TitledBorder a border with a title
Panel.setBorder(new TitledBorder(new
EtchedBorder(), Size))
- A frame contains a menu bar
- The menu bar contains menus
- A menu contains submenus and menu items
33Menu Items
- Add menu items and submenus with the add
method - A menu item has no further submenus
JMenuItem fileExitItem new JMenuItem("Exit")
34Text Areas
- Use a JTextArea to show multiple lines of text
- You can specify the number of rows and columns
- setText to set the text of a text field or text
area - append to add text to the end of a text area
final int ROWS 10 final int COLUMNS 30
JTextArea textArea new JTextArea(ROWS,
35Text Areas
- Use newline characters to separate lines
- To use for display purposes only
textArea.append(account.getBalance() "\n")
textArea.setEditable(false) // program can
call setText and append to change it
36Text Areas
- To add scroll bars to a text area
JTextArea textArea new JTextArea(ROWS,
COLUMNS) JScrollPane scrollPane new
37Text Areas
- Input a single line of text
- Can set it to be editable or not
- Can obtain the text using the getText() method
39What else?
- Swing offers many more classes and options to
tweak the look and feel - Explore using Javadocs
- Anything in the javax.swing package is fair game
- Expanding the simple GUI
- Next time How do we make the GUI come alive?
41Reading Text Input
- A graphical application can obtain input by
displaying a JOptionPane - The showInputDialog method displays a prompt and
waits for user input - The showInputDialog method returns the string
that the user typed
String input JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter
x")double x Double.parseDouble(input)
42Reading Text Input
- Standard colors Color.BLUE, Color.RED, Color.PINK
etc. - Specify red, green, blue between 0.0F and 1.0F
Color magenta new Color(1.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F) // F
float - Specify RGB values between 0 and 255 int
- Color c new Color(255, 0, 0)